An application for Android that shows calendar with moon phase.
Android 3.0 and later
Verified on an Android 4.1.2 device and an Android 4.4 emulator
Version 8
- Improve support for Android N (7.0)
Version 6
- Support Android 5.0 library behavior (DatePickerDialog)
- The new Material theme on Android 5.0
Version 5
- Supported years extended to 1923-2037 on 32-bit platforms.
- Added a dialog to pick a month/year
- Labels for day of week are localized using system settings.
Version 4
- includes binary modules for arm64-v8a, x86_64, mips64, armeabi-v7a, armeabi, x86 and mips (NDK R10 in use)
- Removed next/prev month menu items. Use gestures instead.
- A week can start on either Sunday or Monday. Use Settings to switch this.
- Use best representation of Year/Month based on locale settings (only on API>=19).
Requires NDK R13
- compile using Android Studio. Works with built-in NDK support that uses CMake.