A nodeJS express service that handles:
- Creating and updating users
- Adding, and updating a user's favorite subreddits
- Sending out an email to each user at a choosen time (default daily at 8am), containing the top posts of each of their favorite subreddits
- Turning on and off the newsletter send out for a specific user
Rest API endpoints: Deployed base url
GET /api/v1/users/:id
Gets user with :id
POST /api/v1/users/
Creates a user with required params in body: id(string), name(string), email(string), favoriteSubreddits(Array of strings), sendNewsletter(boolean)
PUT /api/v1/users/
Updates user with id
PATCH /api/v1/users/favorite-subreddits/add
Adds favorite subreddits to user. Body params: id, favoriteSubreddits
PATCH /api/v1/users/favorite-subreddits/add
Removes favorite subreddits to user. Body params: id, favoriteSubreddits
PATCH /api/v1/set-send-newsletter
Sets users sendNewsletter flag. Body params: id, sendNewsletter
GET /api/v1/users/:id/newsletter
Gets a user reddit newsletter in json(default) or html. Query params: id, contentType=html (this one is optional to see it in html)
GET /api/v1/users/:id/send-newsletter
Send reddit neewsletter email to the user with :id
To run it locally:
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Set your env variables in the project root folder
MONGO_DB_CONNECT=Your_mongo_db_connect_URI # Example: mongodb://admin:admin@localhost:27017/reddit-notifier?authSource=admin SENDGRID_API_KEY=Your_sendgrid_API_KEY
- Run without watching
npm run start
- Run for dev (watches for any files changes)
npm run start:dev
To run tests
- After dependencies are installed
- Run test
npm run test
- Run test watching for changes
npm run test:watch