it is a download software.I try to coding it use java. now have finnish like below
- support divide download file to be many parts . muti-thread to download it.
- support pause download and recovery download
- support show download schedule,speed,and reconnect.
next step
add ui(maybe swing) to support.
welcome everyone to join developer is just one(me) ,haha
test project step
- create a folder "Download" under your disk D. D:\Download
- run org.he.bin.Download main method
if you have success to run this project .some log will be output in console like below.
org.he.util.ObjectFileDataUtil:the temp file is D://Download//10554229133200.mp3.temp
now have download 19%
Thread 1353253836132 complete
now have download 39%
Thread 1353253836132 complete
now have download 60%
Thread 1353253836132 complete
now have download 80%
Thread 1353253836132 complete
now have download 100%
Thread 1353253836132 complete
and in you D:\Download will have a MP3 file what name is10554229133200.mp3
I hope this program will be useful . so I will try to complete it step by step.
of course . welcome everyone to join code this program and push it.
if have any question. please connect to me .
thanks very much
benson he (何锦彬)
email, [email protected]
QQ, 277803242
skype, qing878