Team documents for HLP22 project work individual code assessment
Fork and clone this repo. Edit your single given Team document only (e.g.
Any member of Team can submit PRs to my repo for their team at any time, every commit should be agreed by team. Only one commit is required.
1st commit with initial (and probably final) allocations of code to Team members must be before Wednesday 23rd 16:00.
- Write down every top-level function, in its initial order in files, and who is responsible for it, on a single line (line numbers are unstable).
- Give team members as IC logins
- Add changes in section below
- delete this and replace by your team members*
Name | IC user | github login |
Tom Clarke | tomcl | tomcl |
A.N.Other | login2 | login2gh |
- keep this list uptodate *
afun - tomcl
bfun - tomcl
cfun - tomcl
dfun - login2
efun - login2
ffun - login2
20 Feb dfun --> tomcl
22 Feb bfun --> login2
listing changes here as they happen List anything special here about who did what if needed
as for symbol above, list initial names of functions in initial line order and who is responsible
- any changes made to other modules *
Sheet.interfacefun - tomcl