A module for turning Baseline thresholds into browserslist
You can install bl2bl
with npm
npm i bl2bl
To update your browserslist
config, run the following command:
npx bl2bl
uses @mdn/browser-compat-data
as a data source and will install the latest version of @mdn/browser-compat-data
on install. However, is strongly recommended that you update @mdn/browser-compat-data
regularly, or every time you run npx bl2bl
, especially if you are targeting Baseline Widely available. You can automate this by adding a command to your package.json
array which updates @mdn/browser-compat-data
before running npx bl2bl
"scripts": {
"refresh-bl2bl": "npm i @mdn/browser-compat-data@latest; npx bl2bl"
Make sure to configure bl2bl
before use.
If you don't add a bl2bl
property to your package.json
file, the following defaults will apply:
"bl2bl" : {
"baselineThreshold": "widely available",
"useBrowserslistrc": false,
"downstreamBrowsers": false,
"savePrevious": true
This property determines which browsers your target and can take two value types: a string reading widely available
or an integer representing the Baseline year required in the format YYYY
Using widely available
will select the last version of each of the Baseline core browser set released exactly 30 months before the time of execution.
Using a year in the format YYYY
will select the last version of each of the Baseline core browser set released in the specified year. This may change in future releases to select earlier version of browsers which support the full Baseline feature set that calendar year.
If you pass an invalid string, or an integer below 2016 or above the previous calendar year, bl2bl
will throw an error and not process any changes.
defaults to storing browserslist
configurations in the projects package.json
file. If you want to store your browserslist
configuration using the .browserslistrc
file format, set this property to true
There are many browsers that depend on another browser's engine and therefore support an identical feature set. For example, Opera 115 implements Blink 129 and therefore has the same web platform feature support as Chrome 129. Setting downstreamBrowsers
to true will select minimum browser versions from other vendors that correspond to the minimum versions of the core browser set browsers you have selected.
TODO: include an example here
By default, bl2bl
will save your previous browserlist
configuration in a file called .browserslistrc_backup
when you run npx bl2bl
, in case you need to roll back to a previous configuration. If you don't want to create this backup, set savePrevious
to false.