Mar 31, 2024 - Dockerfile
TeX is a typesetting system created by Donald Knuth at Stanford University in 1978. TeX works by reading a source file containing text and macro definitions which instruct the TeX engine how to typeset the document. It also reads TFM files containing character widths, ligatures, and other information relevant to a particular font. After processing the source document, TeX outputs a DVI file which is a device-independent binary file containing the positions of all characters in the document. The DVI file is then supposed to be processed by a device-specific program that combines the DVI file with the necessary fonts to create something that can be sent to a printer. Nowadays it is more common to use one of the extensions to TeX, e.g. pdfTeX which outputs a pdf file instead of a DVI file.
Contains TeXLive distributions with additional python-pygments library for source code highlighting and pandoc.
A thin texlive installation in docker.
Docker image for a minimal texlive setup
A docker container with texlive, pandoc, and calibre installed.
Dockerfiles for TeX Live https://hub.docker.com/r/camilstaps/texlive
Docker container with TeXCount
Docker image containing TeX Live with Japanese environment and helpful software for my personal use.
Docker | LaTeX
TeX in docker. Latest TeXLive built by cron - images tagged by date:
Docker image with full Tex Live
Created by Donald E. Knuth
Released 1978