Local graphical user interface (GUI) for the collaborative demo with Amazon and NXP to plug a Toradex Computer on Module using the embedded Linux Torizon platform to AWS services such as AWS IoT Greengrass and Amazon SageMaker Neo.
This software is part of the AWS AI at the Edge Pasta Detection Demo designed to run on the Apalis iMX8 Embedded Vision Kit with Allied Vision.
You can find additional information about this demonstration on the following resources of the Toradex developer website:
- How to use the demo and additional resources: AWS AI at the Edge Pasta Detection Demo
- Apalis iMX8 Embedded Vision Kit with Allied Vision
A Quasar Framework app
npm install
quasar dev
npm run lint
quasar build
quasar build -m electron
docker build -f Dockerfile . -t yourDockerHubUser/imageName