It's a common project in computer vision course, you can find it in stanford, washington and brown. I borrow skeleton code from washington cse576.
This project include three main parts:
- detect interest points
- match interst points
- RANSAC refine matches
- stitch two image together
What I did in this project:
- implement sift detector and sift descriptor(this is crazy part, lots detail)
- use SSD matching points
- RANSAC to refine mathes, iterate 500 times
- computer homography then stich two iamge together
- use dynamic programming to find optimum seam, blend along this seam.
Platform: Qt5 vs2013 c++11
Interest Points(can't show scale and orientation)
Match left
Match right
- It take a lot time to build dog pyramid, I known there is a fast way to instead one big gauss kernel with two seperate samll gauss kernel. But, unsucess, don't why.
- In the matching part, some method such as knn can be used to reduce time, I didn't do that either.
- Finally my sift detector doesn't work with big rotation, many reason could cause this.
Hoping somebody could join me to improve this useful project!!