- Download the files in docker_files folder
- Navigate to downloaded folder and run:
docker build -t [your image name]:[versionTag] . - Push this image to your docker registry:
docker push [your image name]:[versionTag]
//Optional Step:4 to test your docker container// - Docker run container:
docker run --cap-add AUDIT_WRITE -v [hostPath]:[mountPath] -p [exposedPort]:[containerPort] -d [dockerimage]:[versionTag] [SFTPuser]:[password]:[uid]:[guid]:[directory]
optional params: uid,guid
Steps to be followed:
- Ensure to have docker image ready as mentioned in SFTP Centos Image Creation
- Create namespace:
kubectl create namespace sftp
// Step 3: optional. Ignore if custom storage class is present and update this custom storage class name in the persistent_volume and pvolume_claim files //
- Create storage class:
oc apply -f storage_class.yaml
// Update the files according to your custom values if necessary before applying for the following steps //
Create persistent volume:
oc apply -f persistent_volume.yaml -
Create volume claim:
oc apply -f pvolume_claim.yaml -
For privileged access run the command:
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n sftp -
Create deployment and service:
oc apply -f deployment.yaml -
Configure loadbalancer :
Edit /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg to add the entries:
frontend fe_ssh bind *:2222 #exposed port mode tcp default_backend ssh-all backend ssh-all balance source mode tcp server master0 check #internal IP of nodes:port of loadbalancer server master1 check server master2 check server worker0 check server worker1 check server worker2 check
Create route:
oc expose service [service name]
Eg: oc expose service sftp -
Access sftp service through:
sftp -P [exposed port] [user]@[sftp-route]
Eg: sftp -P 2222 [email protected]