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How to run Slither

All the crytic-compile options are available through Slither.


To run Slither on a Truffle/Dapp/Etherlime directory:

slither .


To run Slither on a Embark directory, on the first run, use:

slither . --embark-overwrite-config

It will:

Following runs will not need the --embark-overwrite-config flag, you can run Slither with slither ..

Alternatively, you can do those two steps manually, and then directly run slither .

Ensure that you have embark-contract-info >= 1.1.0


To run Slither from a Solidity file:

slither file.sol


To run Slither from a contract hosted on Etherscan, run

slither 0x7F37f78cBD74481E593F9C737776F7113d76B315

We recommend installing solc-select so Slither can switch to the expected solc version automatically.

AST file

To run Slither on a AST file generated by solc, run:

slither file.ast.json


  • To disable the solc warnings: --solc-disable-warnings
  • To disable the output colorization: --disable-color
  • To export the result to a json file: --json file.json
    • To export to stdout instead of a file, simply replace the filename with -

Detector selection

Slither runs all its detectors by default.

To run only selected detectors, use --detect detector1,detector2. For example:

slither file.sol --detect arbitrary-send,pragma

To exclude detectors, use --exclude detector1,detector2. For example:

slither file.sol --exclude naming-convention,unused-state,suicidal

To exclude detectors with an informational or low severity, use --exclude-informational or --exclude-low.

--list-detectors lists available detectors.

Printer selection

By default, no printers are run.

To run selected printers, use --print printer1,printer2. For example:

slither file.sol --print inheritance-graph

--list-printers lists available printers.

Path filtering

--filter-paths path1 will exclude all the results that are only related to path1. The path specified can be a path directory or a filename. Direct string comparison and Python regular expression are used.


slither . --filter-paths "openzepellin"

Filter all the results only related to openzepellin.

slither . --filter-paths "Migrations.sol|ConvertLib.sol"

Filter all the results only related to the file SafeMath.sol or ConvertLib.sol.

Triage mode

Slither offers two ways to remove results:

  • By adding //slither-disable-next-line DETECTOR_NAME before the issue
  • By adding // slither-disable-start [detector] ... // slither-disable-end [detector] around the code to disable the detector on a large section
  • By adding @custom:security non-reentrant before the variable declaration will indicate to Slither that the external calls from this variable are non-reentrant
  • By running the triage mode (see below)

Triage mode

--triage-mode runs Slither in its triage mode. For every finding, Slither will ask if the result should be shown for the next run. Results are saved in slither.db.json.


slither . --triage-mode
0: C.destination (test.sol#3) is never initialized. It is used in:
	- f (test.sol#5-7)
Results to hide during next runs: "0,1,..." or "All" (enter to not hide results):  0

The second run of Slither will hide the above result.

To show the hidden results again, delete slither.db.json.

Configuration File

Some options can be set through a json configuration file. By default, slither.config.json is used if present (it can be changed through --config-file file.config.json).

Options passed via the CLI have priority over options set in the configuration file.

The following flags are supported:

    "detectors_to_run": "all",
    "printers_to_run": None,
    "detectors_to_exclude": None,
    "detectors_to_include": None,
    "exclude_dependencies": False,
    "exclude_informational": False,
    "exclude_optimization": False,
    "exclude_low": False,
    "exclude_medium": False,
    "exclude_high": False,
    "fail_on": FailOnLevel.PEDANTIC,
    "json": None,
    "sarif": None,
    "disable_color": False,
    "filter_paths": None,
    "include_paths": None,
    "generate_patches": False,
    "skip_assembly": False,
    "legacy_ast": False,
    "zip": None,
    "zip_type": "lzma",
    "show_ignored_findings": False,
    "sarif_input": "export.sarif",
    "sarif_triage": "export.sarif.sarifexplorer",
    "triage_database": "slither.db.json",
    # codex
    "codex": False,
    "codex_contracts": "all",
    "codex_model": "text-davinci-003",
    "codex_temperature": 0,
    "codex_max_tokens": 300,
    "codex_log": False,

For flags related to the compilation, see the crytic-compile configuration

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