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314 lines (234 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

314 lines (234 loc) · 12.1 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
deleteRecipient DELETE /recipients/{Recipient ID} Cancelling a recipient
getRecipients GET /recipients Getting a list of recipients with filtering
patchRecipient PATCH /recipients/{Recipient ID} Updating a recipient
proofOfPayments GET /recipients/{Recipient ID}/proof_of_payments Returns list of proof of payments


RecipientResponse deleteRecipient(recipientID)

Cancelling a recipient

Cancels the payment to the recipient specified in the URL path. Please note recipients where the `may_cancel` attribute is true will be cancelled immediately. If the `may_cancel` attribute is false you can still try to cancel the recipient, however it will only gets cancelled if we will receive a confirmation from our partner that the payment has failed


import { RecipientsApi } from 'transferzero-sdk';

// Configure API key authorization
const apiClient = new ApiClient();
apiClient.apiKey = '<key>';
apiClient.apiSecret = '<secret>';
apiClient.basePath = '';

let apiInstance = new RecipientsApi(apiClient);

apiInstance.deleteRecipient(recipientID).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, (error) => {
  if (error.isValidationError) {
    let result = error.getResponseObject();
    console.error("WARN: Validation error occurred when calling the endpoint");
  } else {
    console.error("Exception when calling RecipientsApi#deleteRecipient");
    throw error;


Name Type Description Notes
recipientID String ID of recipient to cancel. Example: `/v1/recipients/9d4d7b73-a94c-4979-ab57-09074fd55d33`

Return type



You can set the API Key and Secret by passing a config object when creating an ApiClient:

const apiClient = new ApiClient({
  apiKey: '<key>',
  apiSecret: '<secret>',
  basePath: ''

Or by setting the properties on an ApiClient instance:

const apiClient = new ApiClient();
apiClient.apiKey = '<key>';
apiClient.apiSecret = '<secret>';
apiClient.basePath = '';

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


RecipientListResponse getRecipients(opts)

Getting a list of recipients with filtering

Fetches details of all recipients.


import { RecipientsApi } from 'transferzero-sdk';

// Configure API key authorization
const apiClient = new ApiClient();
apiClient.apiKey = '<key>';
apiClient.apiSecret = '<secret>';
apiClient.basePath = '';

let apiInstance = new RecipientsApi(apiClient);

let opts = { 
  'page': 1 // Number | The page number to request (defaults to 1)
  'per': 10 // Number | The number of results to load per page (defaults to 10)
  'createdAtFrom': "createdAtFrom_example" // String | Start date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe.  Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08`
  'createdAtTo': "createdAtTo_example" // String | End date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe.  Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08`
  'amountFrom': "amountFrom_example" // String | Minimum amount to filter recipients by amount range.  Allows filtering results by the specified `amount` range. When using this filter, the `currency` should also be specified.  Example: `/v1/recipients?currency=NGN&amount_from=83.76672339&amount_to=83.76672339`
  'amountTo': "amountTo_example" // String | Max amount to filter recipients by amount range.  Allows filtering results by the specified `amount` range. When using this filter, the `currency` should also be specified.  Example: `/v1/recipients?currency=NGN&amount_from=83.76672339&amount_to=83.76672339`
  'state': ["null"] // [String] | Allows filtering results by `state` of recipient. See [API Documentation - Recipient state]( for possible states.  Example: `/v1/recipients?state[]=error&state[]=initial`
  'currency': ["null"] // [String] | Allows filtering results by `input_currency`.  Additionally required when filtering by an amount range Example: `/v1/recipients?currency[]=KES&currency[]=NGN`
apiInstance.getRecipients(opts).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, (error) => {
  if (error.isValidationError) {
    let result = error.getResponseObject();
    console.error("WARN: Validation error occurred when calling the endpoint");
  } else {
    console.error("Exception when calling RecipientsApi#getRecipients");
    throw error;


Name Type Description Notes
page Number The page number to request (defaults to 1) [optional]
per Number The number of results to load per page (defaults to 10) [optional]
createdAtFrom String Start date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe. Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08` [optional]
createdAtTo String End date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe. Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08` [optional]
amountFrom String Minimum amount to filter recipients by amount range. Allows filtering results by the specified `amount` range. When using this filter, the `currency` should also be specified. Example: `/v1/recipients?currency=NGN&amount_from=83.76672339&amount_to=83.76672339` [optional]
amountTo String Max amount to filter recipients by amount range. Allows filtering results by the specified `amount` range. When using this filter, the `currency` should also be specified. Example: `/v1/recipients?currency=NGN&amount_from=83.76672339&amount_to=83.76672339` [optional]
state [String] Allows filtering results by `state` of recipient. See API Documentation - Recipient state for possible states. Example: `/v1/recipients?state[]=error&state[]=initial` [optional]
currency [String] Allows filtering results by `input_currency`. Additionally required when filtering by an amount range Example: `/v1/recipients?currency[]=KES&currency[]=NGN` [optional]

Return type



You can set the API Key and Secret by passing a config object when creating an ApiClient:

const apiClient = new ApiClient({
  apiKey: '<key>',
  apiSecret: '<secret>',
  basePath: ''

Or by setting the properties on an ApiClient instance:

const apiClient = new ApiClient();
apiClient.apiKey = '<key>';
apiClient.apiSecret = '<secret>';
apiClient.basePath = '';

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


RecipientResponse patchRecipient(recipientIDrecipientRequest)

Updating a recipient

Updates the recipient specified in the URL path. Please note that only recipients where the `editable` field is true can be modified. Once the recipient is modified any subsequent payout tries will be sent to the updated details.


import { RecipientsApi } from 'transferzero-sdk';

// Configure API key authorization
const apiClient = new ApiClient();
apiClient.apiKey = '<key>';
apiClient.apiSecret = '<secret>';
apiClient.basePath = '';

let apiInstance = new RecipientsApi(apiClient);

apiInstance.patchRecipient(recipientIDrecipientRequest).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, (error) => {
  if (error.isValidationError) {
    let result = error.getResponseObject();
    console.error("WARN: Validation error occurred when calling the endpoint");
  } else {
    console.error("Exception when calling RecipientsApi#patchRecipient");
    throw error;


Name Type Description Notes
recipientID String ID of recipient to update. Example: `/v1/recipients/9d4d7b73-a94c-4979-ab57-09074fd55d33`
recipientRequest RecipientRequest

Return type



You can set the API Key and Secret by passing a config object when creating an ApiClient:

const apiClient = new ApiClient({
  apiKey: '<key>',
  apiSecret: '<secret>',
  basePath: ''

Or by setting the properties on an ApiClient instance:

const apiClient = new ApiClient();
apiClient.apiKey = '<key>';
apiClient.apiSecret = '<secret>';
apiClient.basePath = '';

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


ProofOfPaymentListResponse proofOfPayments(recipientID)

Returns list of proof of payments

Returns a list of uploaded proof of payment files for a transaction recipient


import { RecipientsApi } from 'transferzero-sdk';

// Configure API key authorization
const apiClient = new ApiClient();
apiClient.apiKey = '<key>';
apiClient.apiSecret = '<secret>';
apiClient.basePath = '';

let apiInstance = new RecipientsApi(apiClient);

apiInstance.proofOfPayments(recipientID).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, (error) => {
  if (error.isValidationError) {
    let result = error.getResponseObject();
    console.error("WARN: Validation error occurred when calling the endpoint");
  } else {
    console.error("Exception when calling RecipientsApi#proofOfPayments");
    throw error;


Name Type Description Notes
recipientID String ID of the recipient for whom the proof of payments will be returned. Example: `/v1/recipients/9d4d7b73-a94c-4979-ab57-09074fd55d33/proof_of_payments`

Return type



You can set the API Key and Secret by passing a config object when creating an ApiClient:

const apiClient = new ApiClient({
  apiKey: '<key>',
  apiSecret: '<secret>',
  basePath: ''

Or by setting the properties on an ApiClient instance:

const apiClient = new ApiClient();
apiClient.apiKey = '<key>';
apiClient.apiSecret = '<secret>';
apiClient.basePath = '';

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json