Payment screen consists of UI sections. Some of the sections can be replaced by merchant from already constructed parts and some can't.
Add following dependency in build.gradle
implementation ''
Add following code to your settings.gradle
file in repositories
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username "merchant_username"
password "merchant_password"
url ""
sdkEnvironment = SdkEnvironment.TEST / SdkEnvironment.PROD,
googlePayConfig = GooglePayConfig(...), // null by default
currency = "USD",
countryCode = "USA",
loggeerEnabled = true,
is null
by default. This config gives user the possibility to pay with
GooglePay. In case this config is null
user will not see any GooglePay button on UI.
merchantName = "your_merchant_name",
merchantId = "your_merchant_id",
environment = SdkEnvironment.TEST / SdkEnvironment.PROD
is displayed in the payment list.
is Google merchant identifier. Get it during the registration process in the Google
Pay Business Console. You can find more information about merchantName
and merchantId
Pass the SdkEnvironment.TEST
to the sdkEnvironment
and to GooglePayConfig.environment
if you
want to test your payments with test payment terminals, otherwise pass the SdkEnvironment.PROD
in GooglePayConfig.environment
set the merchantId = "01234567890123456789"
and join
the test group via link
with your application production account.
For more details about testing GooglePay visit this link.
private lateinit var paymentLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<PaymentContractInput>
override fun onCreate() {
paymentLauncher =
registerForActivityResult(PaymentContract()) { output: PaymentContractOutput ->
Log.i("TAG", "Got payment result: $output")
class that you will fill up with data for payment creation and processing. Object creation is described below from point 4) to point 5) in the list.
class that will provide you with an information about payment result.
will be one of following possible instances: Success
or Error
, or Cancel
occurs when user presses back button on payment screen.
is a sealed class
for error's representation. Below you can find a table of errors and their description:
Errors table
Error name | Description |
NoNetworkError | Error that occurs during payment, means that user doesn't have internet connection |
PaymentFailure | Error may happen while proceed payment |
NotFound3ds | Error may happen when payment requires 3ds url but not provide it. This error is rarely occurring but should be handled |
For sending data to the library you need to initialize the library provided data holder object PaymentContractInput
. The structure of PaymentContractInput
// library code
data class PaymentContractInput(
val keyConfig: KeyConfig,
val customerData: CustomerData,
val amountType: AmountType,
val additionalData: AdditionalData = AdditionalData(),
val cardModel: CardModel = CardModel(),
Follow me for PaymentContractInput
a) Create KeyConfig
val keyConfig = KeyConfig(
sessionToken = "your_session_token",
apiKey = "your_api_key",
posId = "your_pos_id",
Merchant (your) backend should provide this data to your app.
In general the scheme of obtaining KeyConfig
data looks like:
b) Create CustomerData
object that contains all your necessary data:
val customerData = CustomerData(
customerEmail = "[email protected]",
customerPhone = "+111111111111",
customerId = "customer_id", // optional, can be null
customerFirstName = "example_first_name", // optional, can be null
customerLastName = "example_last_name", // optional, can be null
customerLanguage = "customer_language", // optional, can be null
customerCountry = "customer_country", // optional, can be null
customerLanguage supported values: "EN", "RU", "ES", "PL", "AR", "AZ", "BG", "CS", "DA", "DE", "EL", "FA", "FI", "FR", "HE", "HI", "HR", "HU", "IT", "JA", "KO", "NL", "NO", "PT", "PT_BR", "RO", "SK", "SL", "SR", "Ї", "SV", "TH", "TR", "UK", "ZH", "ZH_HA"
c) Create AmountType
object that contains all necessary information about payment amount type.
In case user should have the fixed amount for payment you need to create the next object:
val amountType = AmountType.ConstantAmount( amount = 1.11, // Double description = "your_product_description", orderId = "your_order_id", tokens = listOf<CardToken>(), // optional, emptyList() by default googlePlayEnabled = true, // optional, true by default cardFormEnabled = true, // optional, true by default )
is the text will be displayed to user on the payment screen. Please, provide a readable product description.tokens
is the list ofCardToken
objects. Empty by default. Creation of this object and its impact on merchant screen is described in the end of this list point.The UI example with fixed amount and product description:
In case user can change the amount of payment by himself you need to create the next object:
val amountType = AmountType.FreeAmount( prefillAmount = listOf(100, 200, 300), // list of already predefined amount values. // Can be empty description = "your_product_description", orderId = "your_order_id", tokens = listOf<CardToken>(), // optional, emptyList() by default googlePlayEnabled = true, // optional, true by default cardFormEnabled = true, // optional, true by default )
is a list of already predefined amount values. Can be empty, but isn't empty by default.description
is the text will be displayed to user on the payment screen. Please, provide a readable product description.tokens
is the list ofCardToken
objects. Empty by default. Creation of this object and its impact on merchant screen is described in the end of this list point.The UI example with customizable amount,
and productdescription
:The UI example with customizable amount,
and emptyprefillAmount
. -
Payment card verification is a process that ensures the validity of the payer's card, confirms its absence in blacklists, and establishes the likelihood of its use by the rightful owner (cardholder) even before the primary financial transaction is initiated:
description = "Test description",
orderId = "your_order_id",
The UI example:
- resource ID for change button text
is a class that contains all required information for processing payments with tokenized cards, class has the following structure:
data class CardToken(
val ccMask: String,
val ccToken: String,
val isDefault: Boolean,
Passing the list<CardToken>
in the AmountType
will impact the user screen by adding the 2d section (section for tokenized cards).
When user clicks on this section library opens bottom sheet dialog with the list of all provided CardToken
Selecting some card will close the bottom sheet, update the 2d section (section for tokenized cards) and remove the 3d section(manual card input section).
d) Create AdditionalData
object that contains all additional information.
// not required
val additionalData = AdditionalData(
// required, default = PaymentMethod.PURCHASE
method = PaymentMethod.PURCHASE, // PaymentMethod.PURCHASE or PaymentMethod.AUTH
// not required, default = null
serverUrl = "", // String
// not required, default = null
products = emptyList(), // List<Product>
// not required, default = null
merchantMcc = "", // String
// not required, default = null
payload = "", // String
- payment method according with your business.
- use of the 3DS protocol(default - Supported).
- callback url on your server
- array of products that are being paid for.
- MCC for this transaction.
- custom string data. Max 4000 symbols.
e) OPTIONAL: pass the predefined fields for 3d section (manual card data input section):
// not required
val cardModel = CardModel(
cardInput = InputCardModel(
number = "4242424242424242",
expirationMonth = "11",
expirationYear = "24",
cvv = "123"
supportedPaymentSystems = listOf<PaymentSystemType>(...) // default = listOf(PaymentSystemType.VISA, PaymentSystemType.MASTERCARD)
keyConfig = keyConfig,
customerData = customerData,
amountType = amountType,
additionalData = additionalData,
cardModel = cardModel,
That's it. Wait for response(PaymentModel) in point #3 of this list.
enum class PaymentStatus {
This status indicates that the transaction has been processed successfully.
This status indicates that the transaction has been rejected. The reasons for this may include specific errors at any stage of the payment process, such as incorrect payment data, activation of limits and checks, insufficient funds, and so on.
This status is applicable to all types of transactions and indicates that the transaction is being processed by the bank or payment system. The SDK checks this status on its own and re-requests the status until it receives SUCCESS or FAILURE. But if the status does not change within 60 seconds, the client receives the PENDING status.
SDK has many colors, but almost all app appearance is based on main color - tranzzo_primary_color
This color builds SDK appearance by applying alpha color component.
For example, the Pay button has a tranzzo_primary_color
color, but in enabled state its alpha is 100%
and in disabled state is only about 30%. Background color is based on main color with 8% alpha.
To change the UI colors override the color resources in xml.
The colors table:
<color name="tranzzo_primary_color">#001ED4</color>
<!-- background -->
<color name="tranzzo_bg_100">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="tranzzo_bg_300">#F0F3FA</color>
<color name="tranzzo_bg_500">#CED4E1</color>
<color name="tranzzo_bg_700">#919AAB</color>
<!-- fonts -->
<color name="tranzzo_text_100">#919AAB</color>
<color name="tranzzo_text_200">#637181</color>
<color name="tranzzo_text_300">#454E5B</color>
<color name="tranzzo_text_400">#212A36</color>
<!-- errors -->
<color name="tranzzo_error_color">#FFA6A6</color>
Override text resources to change the text values.
<string name="tranzzo_ok">ОК</string>
<string name="tranzzo_cancel">Скасувати</string>
<string name="tranzzo_payment_3ds_title" translatable="false">Підтвердіть оплату</string>
<string name="tranzzo_payment_press_back_again" translatable="false">Для виходу з оплати натисніть Назад ще раз</string>
<string name="tranzzo_wrong_card_data">Невірні дані картки</string>
<string name="tranzzo_input_manually">Введіть текст вручну</string>
<string name="tranzzo_wait_for_card_nfc">Прикладіть картку до задньої сторони смартфона</string>
<string name="tranzzo_card_scan_nfc_error">Помилка сканування.\nСпробуйте повтороно або введіть реквізити вручну.</string>
<string name="tranzzo_to_settings">Перейти до налашутвань?</string>
<string name="tranzzo_camera_permission">Налаштування дозволів камери</string>
<string name="tranzzo_nfc_settings">Налаштування NFC</string>
<string name="tranzzo_go_to_nfc_settings">NFC вимкнено, перейти в налаштування?</string>
<string name="tranzzo_order_payment">Оплата замовлення</string>
<string name="tranzzo_no_internet_connection">Інтернет зʼєднання відсутнє</string>
<string name="tranzzo_message_google_pay_not_configured">GooglePay не налаштовано</string>
<string name="tranzzo_message_google_pay_service_not_available">Сервіс GooglePay недоступний</string>
<string name="tranzzo_message_google_pay_payment_error">Помилка при спробі оплати за допомогою GooglePay</string>
<string name="tranzzo_pay_button_text">Оплатити</string>
<string name="tranzzo_pay_gpay_title">Оплатити</string>
<string name="tranzzo_nfc_ready_for_scanning">Готово до сканування</string>
<string name="tranzzo_nfc_cancel">Скасувати</string>
<string name="tranzzo_pay_with_card">Оплата карткою</string>
<string name="tranzzo_hint_enter_amount">Введіть суму</string>
<string name="tranzzo_enter_or_scan_card">Введите или отсканируйте</string>
<string name="tranzzo_month">ММ</string>
<string name="tranzzo_year">РР</string>
<string name="tranzzo_cvv">CVV</string>
<string name="tranzzo_payment_processing">Обробка платежу</string>
<string name="tranzzo_saved_cards">Збережені картки</string>
<string name="tranzzo_non_tokenized_card">Інша картка</string>
<string name="tranzzo_choose_tokenized_card">Обрати збережену картку</string>
<string name="tranzzo_add_card">Додати картку</string>