An opinionated, yet extendable, set of redux action creators and reducers that simplify creating, reading, updating, and deleting remote resources. Redux Resources takes the boilerplate out of managing your api cache.
Redux Resources gives you a set of functions, (retrieveResource
, listResource
, createResource
, updateResource
, partialUpdateResource
, deleteResource
), that return action creators and their respective action type constants that can be used to interact with remote resources. These methods accept a configuration object that lets you define the name of the resource and how it should be interacted with (how to fetch, normalize, what to do with errors, etc).
All action creators use redux-thunk to trigger one to many actions, based on your state tree. In general, an initial action will be triggered to set your state tree to "isFetching" and a following action will be triggered that adds any changes to the targeted resources. Errors will also trigger an action to remove the isFetching state and add any formatted Errors to that resources state.
Before getting started, make sure you have redux-thunk added in your redux middleware:
import {configureStore} from 'redux'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
const middleware = [thunk]
const store = configureStore(middleware)
Then, in your root reducer file add:
import {resourcesReducer} from 'redux-resources'
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
//your other reducers...
resourcesReducer expects a reducer with a series of properties that represent the names of all the
resources you'll be interacting with. These reducers will generally just return state unless you'd
like to layer any additional business logic on to the reducer that should occur when actions are triggered
resources: resourcesReducer(
//make sure the initialState is set to getResourceInitialState()
exampleResource: (state = getResourceInitialState(), action) => state
In your actions file, call retrieveResource with some config to get back the retrieveExampleResource
action creator and it's action type constants:
import {retrieveResource} from 'redux-resources'
export const {
} = retrieveResource({
resource: 'exampleResource',
request: (id, options) => fetch(`/yourAPI/exampleResource/${id}`),
normalizer: normalizeExampleResource,
formatErrors: (response) => transformErrorResponse(response)
Now, call retrieveExampleResource
with an ID
import {retrieveExampleResource} from './path/to/actionCreator'
and after the request has complete, your state tree will look like:
//your existing state...
resources: {
exampleResource: {
selectedResource: 'aResourceId',
selectedResourceList: null,
resources: {
'aResourceId': {/* whatever was returned by the API */}
resourceLists: {},
resourcesBeingFetched: [],
resourceListsBeingFetched: [],
errors: [],
isFetching: false,
lastListedAt: null,
lastRetrievedAt: '2016-10-16T22:51:48.473Z',
lastDeletedAt: null,
lastCreatedAt: null,
lastUpdatedAt: null,
To use that returned resource, use one of the included selectors:
import {selectResource} from 'redux-resources'
import {connect} from 'redux-react'
const SomeComponent = ({exampleResource}) => (
//render JSX
const mapStateToProps = (state, {idPassedInProps}) => ({
exampleResource: selectResource(state, 'exampleResource', idPassedInProps)
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SomeComponent)
To install:
npm install --save redux-resources
This library uses a set of peer dependencies that have been widely adopted by the redux community:
Note: You can see snapshot examples of actions triggered by redux resource generated action creators and the resulting reducer states.
All redux-resources action functions accept a single config object as it's only param. The response will always be an action creator with the camelCased name, "action type" + "capitalized resource". Action type constants follow a similar uppercased naming schema:
//some examples of the returned action creator/constants
const {
} = retrieveResource({
resource: 'foobar',
const {
} = updateResource({
resource: 'someWeirdName',
There are also a set of common config properties that must be passed to all of Redux Resource's action functions:
the name of the resource your interacting with. Should match the names used
in other parts of the codebase (for example, the normalizr Schema key)
resource: 'exampleResource',
the normalizer function that will be used on this resource. It is suggested you use the excellent
normalizr library but as long as function returns an object with {entities, result}, it will work
normalizer: (response) => normalize(response, someNormalizrSchema),
request is a function that returns a Promise. The parameters passed to request vary between the
different actions, but the last param will always be an options object that includes any metadata
passed to the called action creator as well as dispatch and getState. This allows users to pass any
params needed by custom business logic that occurs in the request fn. The only requirement is the
promise resolve with the payload that should be passed in to the normalizer function
request: (payload, options) => fetch('yourAPI/exampleResource').then((response) => {
const {getState, dispatch, someMetadataPropertyPassed} = options;
if (someBusinessLogicFn(getState())) {
return response
} else if (someMetadataPropertyPassed) {
return transformResponse(response)
return dispatch(someOtherAction(response)).then(() => response)
The function that should be used to format any returned server errors. should return an array
formatErrors: (response) => myCustomErrorFormattingFn(response)
Returns an action creator used to create a new resource:
const {
} = createResource({
resource: 'exampleResource',
formatErrors: someFormattingFn,
normalizer: someNormalizerFn,
request: (payload, options) => somePOSTRequest(payload)
//action creator has one param before the options object, the payload of the create resource request
const payload = {newField: 'newField', anotherNewField: 'anotherNewField'}
retrieveExampleResource(payload, options)
Returns an action creator used to retrieves a single resource. This action creator will only fetch the resource if it doesn't already exist within the client cache (see isCachedFn below). If the resource does exist and is not the current selectedResource
, trigger the SELECT_RESOURCE
const {
} = createResource({
resource: 'exampleResource',
formatErrors: someFormattingFn,
normalizer: someNormalizerFn,
function used to determine if the resource being requested already exists. Defaults to the fn below
@param {previousResource} - the resource that current exists with that ID
@param {id} - the id of the requested resource
@param {options} - same options object passed to the request fn
isCachedFn: (previousResource, id, options) => !!previousResource
//request has one param before the options object, the id of the resource being requested
request: (id, options) => someGETRequest(id)
//action creator has one param before the options object, the id of the requested resource
retrieveResource action creators also accept a shouldIgnoreCache prop that can be passed in to options.
if passed, the resource will be fetched and updated even if it already exists in the redux state
retrieveExampleResource('aResourceId', {shouldIgnoreCache: true})
Returns an action creator used to retrieves a list of resources. This action creator accepts a query object as it's only param other than the options object and will only fetch the list of resources if the set matching the passed query params doesn't already exist within the client cache (see isCachedFn below). If the list does exist and is not the current selectedResourceList
, trigger the SELECT_RESOURCE
const {
} = listResource({
resource: 'exampleResource',
formatErrors: someFormattingFn,
normalizer: someNormalizerFn,
by default, redux-resources will stringify the passed query object and use that to represent the
primary key of the list. If you'd like to use a different function to handle that serialization, pass
the fn below in to the config
stringifyQueryFn: (query) => customeStringifyFn(query),
function used to determine if the list being requested already exists. Defaults to the fn below
@param {previousList} - the list that current exists with that ID
@param {query} - the query passed to the action creator
@param {options} - same options object passed to the request fn
isCachedFn: (previousList, query, options) => !!previousList
//request has one param before the options object, the id of the resource being requested
request: (query, options) => someGETRequest(querystring.stringify(query))
const exampleQuery = {limit: 30, offset: 0, status: 'active'}
//action creator has one param before the options object, the query of the requested list
similar to retrieveResource, you can pass a shouldIgnoreCache prop within the options object. if passed,
the list will be fetched and updated even if it already exists in the redux state
listExampleResource(exampleQuery, {shouldIgnoreCache: true})
Both return an action creator used to update a given resource. The difference is whether the payload includes only the updated fields or the entire new resource (PATCH vs. PUT in most RESTful APIs):
const {
} = updateResource({
resource: 'exampleResource',
formatErrors: someFormattingFn,
normalizer: someNormalizerFn,
//request has two params before the options object, the id of the resource being updated and the payload of the request
request: (id, payload, options) => somePUTRequest(id, payload)
const payload = {someField: 'field being updated'}
partialUpdateExampleResource('someId', payload)
both action creators also accept an option isOptimisticUpdate property in the options object. When
passed, the `PARTIAL_UPDATE_RESOURCE_REQUEST_SUCCESS` action triggers immediately with the new info and
if an error is returned, `PARTIAL_UPDATE_RESOURCE_REQUEST_ERROR` will revert the changes in addition to
setting any errors
partialUpdateExampleResource('someId', payload, {isOptimisticUpdate: true})
Returns an action creator used to deletes a resource. This action creator accepts id of the resource being deleted:
const {
} = deleteResource({
resource: 'exampleResource',
formatErrors: someFormattingFn,
//request has one param before the options object, the id of the resource being requested
request: (id, options) => someDELETERequest(id)
//action creator has one param before the options object, the query of the requested list
The library builds on top of redux but purposely plays nice with any other existing business logic you would like to add.
Reducers that you pass to resourcesReducer
must have all the fields in getResourceInitialState
, but you can layer on anything else you'd like:
const initialState = {
customReducerProperty: null
const exampleResourceReducer = (state = initialState, action) => state
And just like normal redux reducers, you can respond to any dispatched redux resource action
const exampleResourceReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
return {
default: return state