A Symfony2 implementation of the OpenStack Identity API v2.0, built on top of it's security component.
You can use this bundle to add a token-based authentication mechanism. The token is sent using an HTTP header.
More information about the protocol can be found here: http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-identity-v2.html
composer require treehouselabs/keystone-bundle:^2.0
This bundle does not cover the complete OpenStack Indentity API spec. While we are pretty confident about the quality of this implementation thus far, and use it in production ourselves, we are not experts in this field. Use at your own risk.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
Some parts are inspired by FOSUserBundle.
- [Peter Kruithof][link-pkruithof]
- All Contributors