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Releases: trln/trln_argon

Handle External Updates

29 Aug 21:04
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This release adds no new functionality, but addresses some failing tests due to changes in the UNC proxy prefix (argon_code_mappings) and view_components adding some sanity checks that our view components failed:

v2.1.4 - Fix for OpenSearch URL bug

01 Aug 17:25
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  • Fixes "opensearch.json" bug (TD-1222)

Bug fixes

29 Jul 18:14
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  • fixes 'show less' button behavior (TD-1220)
  • removes non-breaking spaces from summary (TD-1221)

TD-1219 - show keyword fields in advanced seach constraints

28 Jul 13:21
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Fixes TD-1219 -- show keyword advanced search constraints. Also addresses some duplication in display of constraints when using edit search.

Allow Component Overrides

26 Jul 19:10
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Blacklight 7.25.1 enables overriding components by supplying your own copy of the template, without having to subclass the original Blacklight::Component. However, this feature only searches for template files in the Rails application, not in any other gems your rails application may be using. This enables use of this feature within the engine by providing a rake task (trln_argon:copy_viewcomponent_templates and some features when running under development to copy such templates from the engine's directories into the Rails application directory (see config/initializes/view_component_templates.rb)

Adds processing to the default search builders that removes convenience values (e.g. last_week) from Solr queries.

Provides fixes for TD-1214, TD-1215, and TD-1216 but only in the facets, and not in the constraints header.

Accessibility improvements and bugfixes following "the Blacklight 7 Release": Argon v2.1.0

18 Jul 15:28
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This release addressed the following issues:

Sort and per_page dropdown elements must have sufficient color contrast TD-1205
Search field selector dropdown menu options not read by screen reader TD-1197
As a developer, I want the pagination to be included in the constraints on item pages TD-1175
Remove OLD_ versions of files replaced in the BL7 update TD-1183
As a developer, I want the pagination to be included in the constraints on item pages TD-1175
As a developer, I want to adjust spacing and layout across breakpoints to better suit changes from BS3 to BS4 TD-1170

Accessibility audit of Argon 2.0 TD-1192

Advanced Search Publication Year fields do not restrict input to numbers TD-1210
Show more truncator formatting on item show pages is broken TD-1184
Masthead toggle button is misaligned in mobile view TD-1174
Accessibility audit of Argon 2.0 TD-1192
"View List" bookmarks button missing from search widgets TD-1193
Keyboard navigation stuck in All Fields, Title, Author, Subject form for Advanced Search TD-1196
facet-location_hierarchy_f ARIA roles must contain particular children TD-1201
facet-location_hierarchy li elements must be contained in a ul or ol TD-1202
Sort By & Per Page dropdown focus styles need fixing TD-1195
Sort and per_page dropdown elements must have sufficient color contrast TD-1205
Page should contain a level-one heading TD-1204
documents-list as main landmark contained in another landmark TD-1207
main-container has more than one landmark TD-1208
Search field selector dropdown menu options not read by screen reader TD-1197
Bookmarks page tools missing RIS button TD-1188
Bookmarks page tools missing Refworks button TD-1189
Bookmarks page tools missing Cite button TD-1190
As a developer, I want the pagination to be included in the constraints on item pages TD-1175
Emailing bookmarks triggers 403 error TD-1179
Remove OLD_ versions of files replaced in the BL7 update TD-1183
Bookmarks page tools button markup is incorrect (nested double-button) TD-1187
Sidebar and facets don't collapse correctly at sm & md breakpoints TD-1172
Sort and Per Page dropdowns do not work correctly with up/down arrow or ESC keys TD-1211
Search widgets dropdowns not working TD-1194

"The Blacklight 7 Release"

27 May 14:26
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Upgrades dependencies and internals to be compatible (as far as we can tell!) with Blacklight 7.

No new features, other than those made available by BL7.

Upgrade guide:

Turn off autocomplete on the advanced search page

14 Mar 18:24
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This release turns off autocomplete for all fields, title, author and subject input fields on the advanced search page.
Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 11 16 42 AM

Edit: this specifically refers to the browser's built-in autocomplete which competes with the index-based autocomplete suggestions.

Add autosuggest to Advanced Search Fields: All Fields, Title, Author, Subject

11 Jan 00:28
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Adds ability to query WorldCat API and display count on "zero results" page.

01 Oct 17:31
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Adds ability to query WorldCat API and display count on "zero results" page.


Set WORLDCAT_URL, WORLDCAT_API_KEY, and WORLDCAT_API_URL environment variables in your application; the first two are institution-specific, the appropriate value for the last is commented in config/local_env.yml. The service will only work if all three values are set (they are not set by default).

Customize results display by editing* keys in locales/en.yml and app/views/_zero_results.html.erb template.