Sandbox contains the sample implementations of Issuer and Verifier/RP to demonstrate the following main features provided by the TrustBloc projects.
- W3C Verifiable Credential(VC)
- W3C Decentralized Identifier(DID)
- Hyperledger Fabric
- Hyperledger Aries
- DIF Sidetree
- TrustBloc DID Method
The sandbox example can be run with the following modes.
- Sidetree with mock ledger
- Sidetree with Hyperledger Fabric
Refer Build for more detailed information.
- TrustBloc VCS : CHAPI + VC Services
- TrustBloc Adapter : CHAPI + DIDComm
- TrustBloc Anonymous Comparator and Extractor(ACE)
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Apache License, Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0). See the LICENSE file.