======= trygo 是基于Golang的http、web服务框架。此框架的目标并不是想做一个大而全的web服务容器,它主要用于开发底层高性能高可靠性的http服务。支持如下特性:RESTful,MVC,类型内方法路由、正则路由,JSON/JSON(JQueryCallback)/XML结果响应支持,模板,静态文件输出,net.Listener过滤,http.Handler过滤。暂时不支持会话管理模块。
trygo HTTP and WEB services of framework for Golang. It is mainly used to develop the underlying HTTP service, Support feature:RESTful,MVC,Methods the routing and regular routing,JSON/JSON(JQueryCallback)/XML result response support,template,Static file output, net.Listener filter, http.Handler filter. Temporarily does not support session management module.
trygo is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html).
============ To install:
go get -u github.com/tryor/trygo
============ Here is the canonical "Hello, world" example app for trygo:
package main
import (
func main() {
trygo.Get("/", func(ctx *trygo.Context) {
ctx.Render("hello world")
fmt.Println("HTTP ListenAndServe AT ", trygo.DefaultApp.Config.HttpPort)
A better understanding of the trygo example:
@see (https://github.com/tryor/trygo/tree/master/examples)
trygo.Register(method string, path string, c IController, name string, params ...string)
trygo.RegisterHandler(pattern string, h http.Handler)
trygo.RegisterRESTful(pattern string, c IController)
trygo.RegisterFunc(methods, pattern string, f HandlerFunc)
trygo.Get(pattern string, f HandlerFunc)
trygo.Post(pattern string, f HandlerFunc)
trygo.Put(pattern string, f HandlerFunc)
for example: @see (https://github.com/tryor/trygo/tree/master/examples/router)
Http handler method parameter is struct, the struct field tag name is `param`,
tag attributes will have name,limit,scope,default,require,pattern,layout for example:
`param:"name,limit:20,scope:[1 2 3],default:1,require,pattern:xxxxx"`
scope: [1 2 3] or [1~100] or [0~] or [~0] or [100~] or [~100] or [~-100 -20~-10 -1 0 1 2 3 10~20 100~]
type UserForm struct {
Account string `param:"account,limit:20,require"`
Pwd string `param:"pwd,limit:10,require"`
Name string `param:"name,limit:20"`
Sex int `param:"sex,scope:[1 2 3],default:1"`
Age uint `param:"age,scope:[0~200]"`
Birthday time.Time `param:"birthday,layout:2006-01-02|2006-01-02 15:04:05"`
Email string `param:"email,limit:30,pattern:\\w+([-+.]\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\\.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*"`
Photo string
type MainController struct {
func (this *MainController) Create(userform UserForm) {
trygo.Logger.Info("user=%v", user)
user := service.UserService.Create(userform)
trygo.Register("POST", "/user/create", &MainController{}, "Create(userform UserForm)")
Http handler method parameter is base data type, support parameter tag.
const (
accountTag = `param:"account,limit:20,require"`
pwdTag = `param:"pwd,limit:20,require"`
var LoginTags = []string{accountTag, pwdTag}
func (this *MainController) Login(account, pwd string) {
fmt.Printf("account=%v\n", account)
fmt.Printf("pwd=%v\n", pwd)
trygo.Register("POST", "/user/login", &MainController{}, "Login(account, pwd string)", LoginTags...)
============ All the default render:
@see (https://github.com/tryor/trygo/tree/master/examples/render)
============ trygo.SetStaticPath("/", "static/webroot/")
template view path set
template names
trygo will find the template from cfg.TemplatePath. the file is set by user like:
c.TplNames = "admin/add.tpl"
then trygo will find the file in the path:static/templates/admin/add.tpl
if you don't set TplNames,sss will find like this:
c.TplNames = c.ChildName + "/" + c.ActionName + "." + c.TplExt
render template
c.TplNames = "admin/add.tpl"
c.Data["data"] = you data
type config struct {
Listen listenConfig
//生产或开发模式,值:PROD, DEV
RunMode int8
TemplatePath string
//请求主体数据量大小限制, 默认:defaultMaxRequestBodySize
MaxRequestBodySize int64
AutoParseRequest bool
//如果使用结构体来接收请求参数,可在此设置是否采用域模式传递参数, 默认:false
//如果值为true, 需要这样传递请求参数:user.account, user为方法参数名(为结构类型),account为user结构字段名
FormDomainModel bool
//指示绑定请求参数时发生错误是否抛出异常, 默认:true
//如果设置为false, 当绑定数据出错时,将采用相应类型的默认值填充数据,并返回error
ThrowBindParamPanic bool
RecoverFunc func(*Context)
//是否打印Panic详细信息, 开发模式肯定会打印, @see defaultRecoverFunc
PrintPanicDetail bool
Render renderConfig
type listenConfig struct {
//listen addr, format: "[ip]:<port>", ":7086", "", ""
Addr string
ReadTimeout time.Duration
WriteTimeout time.Duration
//并发连接的最大数目, 默认:defaultConcurrency
Concurrency int
type renderConfig struct {
AutoParseFormat bool
FormatParamName string
//默认: jsoncb
JsoncallbackParamName string
//默认是否使用Result结构对结果进行包装, @see result.go
Wrap bool
Gzip bool
func newConfig() *config {
cfg := &config{}
cfg.RunMode = PROD
cfg.TemplatePath = ""
cfg.MaxRequestBodySize = defaultMaxRequestBodySize
cfg.AutoParseRequest = true
cfg.FormDomainModel = false
cfg.ThrowBindParamPanic = true
cfg.RecoverFunc = defaultRecoverFunc
cfg.PrintPanicDetail = true
cfg.Listen.Addr = ""
cfg.Listen.ReadTimeout = 0
cfg.Listen.WriteTimeout = 0
cfg.Listen.Concurrency = defaultConcurrency
//cfg.Listen.MaxKeepaliveDuration = 0
cfg.Render.AutoParseFormat = false
cfg.Render.FormatParamName = "fmt"
cfg.Render.JsoncallbackParamName = "jsoncb"
cfg.Render.Wrap = false
cfg.Render.Gzip = false
return cfg
const (
PROD = iota
const (
FORMAT_JSON = "json"
FORMAT_XML = "xml"
FORMAT_TXT = "txt"
FORMAT_HTML = "html"
// other ...
const defaultMaxRequestBodySize = 4 * 1024 * 1024
const defaultConcurrency = 256 * 1024