Minimal lightweight simple logging for JavaScript. loglevel replaces console.log() and friends with level-based logging and filtering, with none of console's downsides.
This is a barebones reliable everyday logging library. It does not do fancy things, it does not let you reconfigure appenders or add complex log filtering rules or boil tea (more's the pity), but it does have the all core functionality that you actually use:
- Log things at a given level (trace/debug/info/warn/error) to the console object (as seen in all modern browsers & node.js)
- Filter logging by level (all the above or 'silent'), so you can disable all but error logging in production, and then run log.setLevel("trace") in your console to turn it all back on for a furious debugging session
- Single file, no dependencies, weighs in at <1KB minified and gzipped
- Log methods gracefully fall back to simpler console logging methods if more specific ones aren't available: so calls to log.debug() go to console.debug() if possible, or console.log() if not
- Logging calls still succeed even if there's no console object at all, so your site doesn't break when people visit with old browsers that don't support the console object (here's looking at you IE) and similar
- This then comes together giving a consistent reliable API that works in every JavaScript environment with a console available, and never breaks anything anywhere else
- Log output keeps line numbers: most JS logging frameworks call console.log methods through wrapper functions, clobbering your stacktrace and making the extra info many browsers provide useless. We'll have none of that thanks.
- It works with all the standard JavaScript loading systems out of the box (CommonJS, AMD, or just as a global)
- Logging is filtered to "warn" level by default, to keep your live site clean in normal usage (or you can trivially re-enable everything with an initial log.enableAll() call)
- Magically handles situations where console logging is not initially available (IE8/9), and automatically enables logging as soon as it does become available (when developer console is opened)
If you're using node, you can run npm install loglevel
loglevel is also available via Bower (bower install loglevel
) or JamJS (jam install loglevel
Alternatively if you just want to grab the file yourself, you can download either the current stable production version or the development version directly, or reference it remotely on CDNJS at //
Finally, if you want to tweak loglevel to your own needs or you immediately need the cutting-edge version, clone this repo and see Developing & Contributing below for build instructions.
loglevel supports AMD (e.g. RequireJS), CommonJS (e.g. Node.js) and direct usage (e.g. loading globally with a <script> tag) loading methods. You should be able to do nearly anything, and then skip to the next section anyway and have it work. Just in case though, here's some specific examples that definitely do the right thing:
var log = require('loglevel');"unreasonably simple");
define(['loglevel'], function(log) {
log.warn("dangerously convenient");
<script src="loglevel.min.js"></script>
log.error("too easy");
The loglevel API is extremely minimal. All methods are available on the root loglevel object, which it's suggested you name 'log' (this is the default if you import it in globally, and is what's set up in the above examples). The API consists of:
5 actual logging methods, ordered and available as:
Exact output formatting of these will depend on the console available in the current context of your application. Notably, many environments will include a full stack trace with all trace() calls, and icons or similar to highlight other calls.
These methods should never fail in any environment, even if no console object is currently available, and should always fall back to an available log method even if the specific method called (e.g. warn) isn't available.
method.This disables all logging below the given level, so that after a log.setLevel("warn) call log.warn("something") or log.error("something") will output messages, but"something") will not.
This can take either a log level name or 'silent' (which disables everything) in one of a few forms:
- As a log level from the internal levels list, e.g. log.levels.SILENT ← for type safety
- As a string, like 'error' (case-insensitive) ← for a reasonable practical balance
- As a numeric index from 0 (trace) to 5 (silent) ← deliciously terse, and more easily programmable (...although, why?)
Where possible the log level will be persisted. LocalStorage will be used if available, falling back to cookies if not. If neither is available in the current environment (i.e. in Node) persistence will be skipped.
If log.setLevel() is called when a console object is not available (in IE 8 or 9 before the developer tools have been opened, for example) logging will remain silent until the console becomes available, and then begin logging at the requested level.
methods.These enable or disable all log messages, and are equivalent to log.setLevel("trace") and log.setLevel("silent") respectively.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
Builds can be run with grunt: run grunt dist
to build a distributable version of the project (in /dist), or grunt test
to just run the tests and linting. During development you can run grunt watch
and it will monitor source files, and rerun the tests and linting as appropriate when they're changed.
Also, please don't manually edit files in the "dist" subdirectory as they are generated via Grunt. You'll find source code in the "lib" subdirectory!
To do a release of loglevel:
- Update the version number in package.json and bower.json
- Run
grunt dist
to build a distributable version in dist/ - Update the release history in this file (below)
- Commit the built code, tagging it with the version number and a brief message about the release
- Push to Github
- Run
npm publish .
to publish to NPM - Run
jam publish
to publish to JamJS - Autoupdate gh-pages docs
- Open a pull request to to put the new release on the CDN
v0.1.0 - First working release with apparent compatibility with everything tested
v0.2.0 - Updated release with various tweaks and polish and real proper documentation attached
v0.3.0 - Some bugfixes (#12, #14), cookie-based log level persistence, doc tweaks, support for Bower and JamJS
v0.3.1 - Fixed incorrect text in release build banner, various other minor tweaks
v0.4.0 - Use LocalStorage for level persistence if available, compatibility improvements for IE, improved error messages, multi-environment tests
v0.5.0 - Fix for Modernizr+IE8 issues, improved setLevel error handling, support for auto-activation of desired logging when console eventually turns up in IE8
Copyright (c) 2013 Tim Perry
Licensed under the MIT license.