This tool is a quick script written to export tagged items within a specific Carbon Black Response investigation into timelines. These timelines can be ingested by the SOC/IR team for further analysis.
Writeup on this tool can be foud here:
Outputs all tagged events into a timeline (two export methods):
- All events per your investigation
- Only events for the hostname specified
with your CBR URL, CBR API token and your investigation ID.
Hostname Specific _childproc.csv crossprocess.csv _filemod.csv _modload.csv _regmod.csv _timeline.csv -> All Events combined for a single host
All items in investigation all_items_childproc.csv all_items_crossprocess.csv all_items_filemod.csv all_items_modload.csv all_items_regmod.csv all_items_timeline.csv -> All Events combined for all tagged items in your investigation