This repository contains the code of the main experiments presented in the papers:
Complex Embeddings for Simple Link Prediction, Théo Trouillon, Johannes Welbl, Sebastian Riedel, Éric Gaussier and Guillaume Bouchard, ICML 2016.
Knowledge Graph Completion via Complex Tensor Factorization, Théo Trouillon, Christopher R. Dance, Éric Gaussier, Johannes Welbl, Sebastian Riedel and Guillaume Bouchard, JMLR 2017.
First clone the repository:
git clone
The code depends on downhill, a theano-based Stochastic Gradient Descent implementation.
Install it, along with other dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The code is compatible with Python 2 and 3.
To run the experiments, unpack the datasets first:
unzip datasets/ -d datasets/
unzip datasets/ -d datasets/
And run the corresponding python scripts, for Freebase (FB15K):
And for Wordnet (WN18):
By default, it runs the ComplEx (Complex Embeddings) model, edit the files and uncomment the corresponding lines to run DistMult, TransE, RESCAL or CP models. The given hyper-parameters for each model are the best validated ones by the grid-search described in the paper.
To run on GPU (approx 5x faster), simply add the following theano flag before the python call:
THEANO_FLAGS='device=gpu' python
Simply uncomment the last lines in
(and the import
line (requires scipy module)), this will save the embeddings of the ComplEx model in the common matlab .mat
If you want to save the embeddings of other models, just edit the embedding variable names corresponding to the desired model (see
Create a subfolder in the datasets
folder, and put your data in three files train.txt
, valid.txt
and test.txt
. Each line is a triple, in the format:
subject_entity_id relation_id object_entity_id
separated with tabs. Then modify
for example, by changing the name
argument in the build_data
function call to your data set folder name:
fb15kexp = build_data(name = 'your_dataset_folder_name',path = tools.cur_path + '/datasets/')
Models are defined as classes in
, that all inherit the class Abstract_Model
defined in the same file. The Abstract_Model
class handles all the common stuff (training functions, ...), and child classes (the actual models) just need to define their embeddings shape and initialization, and their scoring and loss function.
To properly understand the following, one must be comfortable with Theano basics.
The Abstract_Model
class contains the symbolic 1D tensor variables self.rows
, self.cols
, self.tubes
and self.ys
that will instantiate at runtime the corresponding: subject entity indexes, relation indexes, object entity indexes and truth values (1 or -1) respectively, of the triples of the current batch. It also contains the number of subject entities, relations and object entities of the dataset in self.n
, self.m
, self.l
respectively, as well as the current embedding size in self.k
Two functions must be overridden in the child classes to define a proper model: get_init_params(self)
and define_loss(self)
Let's have a look at the DistMult_Model
class and its get_init_params(self)
def get_init_params(self):
params = { 'e' : randn(max(self.n,self.l),self.k),
'r' : randn(self.m,self.k)}
return params
This function both defines the embedding-matrix shapes (number of entities * rank for e
, number of relations * rank for r
), and their initial value (randn
is numpy.random.randn
), by returning a dictionnary where the key names correspond to the class attribute names. From this dict the mother class will create shared tensor variables initialized with the given values, and assigned to the corresponding attribute names (self.e
and self.r
Now the define_loss(self)
function must define three Theano expressions: the scoring function, the loss, and the regularization.
Here is the DistMult_Model
def define_loss(self):
self.pred_func = TT.sum(self.e[self.rows,:] * self.r[self.cols,:] * self.e[self.tubes,:], 1)
self.loss = TT.sqr(self.ys - self.pred_func).mean()
self.regul_func = TT.sqr(self.e[self.rows,:]).mean() \
+ TT.sqr(self.r[self.cols,:]).mean() \
+ TT.sqr(self.e[self.tubes,:]).mean()
The corresponding expressions must be written in their batched form, i.e. to compute the scores of multiple triples at once. For a given batch, the corresponding embeddings are retrieved with self.e[self.rows,:]
, self.r[self.cols,:]
and self.e[self.tubes,:]
In the case of the DistMult model, the trilinear product between these embeddings is computed, here by doing first two element-wise multiplications and then a sum over the columns in the self.pred_func
expression. The self.pred_func
expression must yield a vector of the size of the batch (the size of self.rows
, self.cols
, ...).
The loss defined in self.loss
is the squared-loss here (see the DistMult_Logistic_Model
class for the logistic loss), and is averaged over the batch, as the self.loss
expression must yield a scalar value.
The regularization defined here is the L2 regularization over the corresponding embeddings of the batch, and must also yield a scalar value.
That's all you need to implement your own tensor factorization model! All gradient computation is handled by Theano auto-differentiation, and all the training functions by the downhill module and the Abstract_Model
If you use this package for published work, please cite either or both papers, here is the BibTeX:
title = {{Complex embeddings for simple link prediction}},
author = {Trouillon, Th\'eo and Welbl, Johannes and Riedel, Sebastian and Gaussier, \'Eric and Bouchard, Guillaume},
booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
year = {2016}
title={Knowledge graph completion via complex tensor factorization},
author={Trouillon, Th{\'e}o and Dance, Christopher R and Gaussier, {\'E}ric and Welbl, Johannes and Riedel, Sebastian and Bouchard, Guillaume},
journal={Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)},
This software comes under a non-commercial use license, please see the LICENSE file.