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Merge pull request #213 from ilyapuchka/add-file-helpers
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Helper methods required for adding build file to the target
  • Loading branch information
Pedro Piñera Buendía authored Jan 18, 2018
2 parents e7bda02 + ce3cfda commit 9668e27
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Showing 5 changed files with 395 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
- **Breaking:** `XCWorkspace.Data` renamed to `XCWorkspaceData` and removed `references`.
- Improved README examples. by @ilyapuchka
- Added methods to get paths to workspace, project and breakpoints and shemes files, added public methods to write them separatery. by @ilyapuchka
- Added helper methods for adding source file to the project. by @ilyapuchka

## 2.0.0

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Empty file added Fixtures/newfile.swift
Empty file.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Sources/xcproj/PBXProj+Helpers.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,28 @@
import Foundation
import PathKit

// MARK: - PBXProj Extension (Public)

public extension PBXProj {

/// Returns root project.
public var rootProject: PBXProject? {
return objects.projects[rootObject]

/// Returns root project's root group.
public var rootGroup: PBXGroup {
guard let rootProject = self.rootProject else {
fatalError("Missing root project")
guard let rootGroup = objects.groups[rootProject.mainGroup] else {
fatalError("Root project has no root group")
return rootGroup


// MARK: - PBXProj Extension (Getters)

extension PBXProj {
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225 changes: 224 additions & 1 deletion Sources/xcproj/PBXProjObjects+Helpers.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import Foundation
import PathKit

// MARK: - PBXProj.Objects Extension (Public)

Expand All @@ -15,7 +16,229 @@ public extension PBXProj.Objects {
targets.append(contentsOf: Array(aggregateTargets.values) as [PBXTarget])
return targets.filter { $ == name }

/// Retruns target's sources build phase.
/// - Parameter target: target object.
/// - Returns: target's sources build phase, if found.
public func sourcesBuildPhase(target: PBXTarget) -> PBXSourcesBuildPhase? {
return sourcesBuildPhases.first(where: { target.buildPhases.contains($0.key) })?.value

/// Returns all files in target's sources build phase.
/// - Parameter target: target object.
/// - Returns: all files in target's sources build phase, or empty array if sources build phase is not found.
public func sourceFiles(target: PBXTarget) -> [(reference: String, file: PBXFileElement)] {
return sourcesBuildPhase(target: target)?.files
.flatMap({ buildFiles[$0]?.fileRef })
.flatMap({ fileRef in getFileElement(reference: fileRef).map({ (fileRef, $0) })})
?? []

/// Returns group with the given name contained in the given parent group and its reference.
/// - Parameter groupName: group name.
/// - Parameter inGroup: parent group.
/// - Returns: group with the given name contained in the given parent group and its reference.
public func group(named groupName: String, inGroup: PBXGroup) -> (reference: String, group: PBXGroup)? {
let children = inGroup.children
return groups.first(where: {
children.contains($0.key) && ($ == groupName || $0.value.path == groupName)
}).map({ ($0.0, $0.1) })

/// Adds new group with the give name to the given parent group.
/// Group name can be a path with components separated by `/`.
/// Will create new groups for intermediate path components or use existing groups.
/// Returns all new or existing groups in the path and their references.
/// - Parameters:
/// - groupName: group name, can be a path with components separated by `/`
/// - toGroup: parent group
/// - options: additional options, default is empty set.
/// - Returns: all new or existing groups in the path and their references.
public func addGroup(named groupName: String, to toGroup: PBXGroup, options: GroupAddingOptions = []) -> [(reference: String, group: PBXGroup)] {
return addGroups(groupName.components(separatedBy: "/"), to: toGroup, options: options)

private func addGroups(_ groupNames: [String], to toGroup: PBXGroup, options: GroupAddingOptions) -> [(reference: String, group: PBXGroup)] {
guard !groupNames.isEmpty else { return [] }
let newGroup = createOrGetGroup(named: groupNames[0], in: toGroup, options: options)
return [newGroup] + addGroups(Array(groupNames.dropFirst()), to: newGroup.1, options: options)

private func createOrGetGroup(named groupName: String, in parentGroup: PBXGroup, options: GroupAddingOptions) -> (reference: String, group: PBXGroup) {
if let existingGroup = group(named: groupName, inGroup: parentGroup) {
return existingGroup

let newGroup = PBXGroup(
children: [],
sourceTree: .group,
name: groupName,
path: options.contains(.withoutFolder) ? nil : groupName
let reference = generateReference(newGroup, groupName)
addObject(newGroup, reference: reference)
return (reference, newGroup)

/// Adds file at the give path to the project and given group or returns existing file and its reference.
/// - Parameters:
/// - filePath: path to the file.
/// - toGroup: group to add file to.
/// - sourceTree: file sourceTree, default is `.group`
/// - sourceRoot: path to project's source root.
/// - Returns: new or existing file and its reference.
public func addFile(
at filePath: Path,
toGroup: PBXGroup,
sourceTree: PBXSourceTree = .group,
sourceRoot: Path) throws -> (reference: String, file: PBXFileReference) {

guard filePath.isFile else {
throw XCodeProjEditingError.notAFile(path: filePath)

guard let groupReference = groups.first(where: { $0.value == toGroup })?.key else {
throw XCodeProjEditingError.groupNotFound(group: toGroup)
let groupPath = fullPath(fileElement: toGroup, reference: groupReference, sourceRoot: sourceRoot)

if let existingFileReference = fileReferences.first(where: {
filePath == fullPath(fileElement: $0.value, reference: $0.key, sourceRoot: sourceRoot)
}) {
let file = (existingFileReference.key, existingFileReference.value)
if !toGroup.children.contains(file.0) {
file.1.path = groupPath.flatMap({ filePath.relativeTo($0) })?.string
return file

let path: Path?
switch sourceTree {
case .group:
path ={ filePath.relativeTo($0) })
case .sourceRoot:
path = filePath.relativeTo(sourceRoot)
case .absolute:
path = filePath.absolute()
path = nil

let fileReference = PBXFileReference(
sourceTree: sourceTree,
name: filePath.lastComponent,
explicitFileType: PBXFileReference.fileType(path: filePath),
lastKnownFileType: PBXFileReference.fileType(path: filePath),
path: path?.string
let reference = generateReference(fileReference, filePath.string)
addObject(fileReference, reference: reference)

if !toGroup.children.contains(reference) {

return (reference, fileReference)

/// Adds file to the given target's sources build phase or returns existing build file and its reference.
/// If target's sources build phase can't be found returns nil.
/// - Parameter target: target object
/// - Parameter reference: file reference
/// - Returns: new or existing build file and its reference
public func addBuildFile(toTarget target: PBXTarget, reference: String) -> (reference: String, file: PBXBuildFile)? {
guard let sourcesBuildPhase = sourcesBuildPhase(target: target) else { return nil }
if let existingBuildFile = buildFiles.first(where: { $0.value.fileRef == reference }) {
return (existingBuildFile.key, existingBuildFile.value)

let buildFile = PBXBuildFile(fileRef: reference)
let reference = generateReference(buildFile, reference)
addObject(buildFile, reference: reference)
return (reference, buildFile)

/// Returns full path of the file element.
/// - Parameters:
/// - fileElement: a file element
/// - reference: a reference to this file element
/// - sourceRoot: path to the project's sourceRoot
/// - Returns: fully qualified file element path
public func fullPath(fileElement: PBXFileElement, reference: String, sourceRoot: Path) -> Path? {
switch fileElement.sourceTree {
case .absolute?:
return fileElement.path.flatMap({ Path($0) })
case .sourceRoot?:
return fileElement.path.flatMap({ Path($0, relativeTo: sourceRoot) })
case .group?:
guard let group = groups.first(where: { $0.value.children.contains(reference) }) else { return sourceRoot }
guard let groupPath = fullPath(fileElement: group.value, reference: group.key, sourceRoot: sourceRoot) else { return nil }
return fileElement.path.flatMap({ Path($0, relativeTo: groupPath) })
return nil


public struct GroupAddingOptions: OptionSet {
public let rawValue: Int
public init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
/// Create group without reference to folder
static let withoutFolder = GroupAddingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0)

public enum XCodeProjEditingError: Error, CustomStringConvertible {
case notAFile(path: Path)
case groupNotFound(group: PBXGroup)

public var description: String {
switch self {
case .notAFile(let path):
return "\(path) is not a file path"
case .groupNotFound(let group):
return "Group not found in project: \(group)"

extension Path {
fileprivate init(_ string: String, relativeTo relativePath: Path) {
var path = Path(string)
if !path.isAbsolute {
path = (relativePath + path).absolute()

public func relativeTo(_ relativePath: Path) -> Path {
let components = self.absolute().components
let relativePathComponents = relativePath.absolute().components

var commonPathComponents = [String]()
for component in components {
guard relativePathComponents.count > commonPathComponents.count else { break }
guard relativePathComponents[commonPathComponents.count] == component else { break }

let relative = Array(repeating: "..", count: (relativePathComponents.count - commonPathComponents.count))
let suffix = components.suffix(components.count - commonPathComponents.count)
let path = Path(components: relative + suffix)
return path

// MARK: - PBXProj.Objects Extension (Internal)
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