Configuration of sway-wm with workspace and window management in awesome-wm style, while the use of shell fish is mandatory. Installation script for deb.-like systems.
git clone ~/.sway-wm-theme
cd ~/.sway-wm-theme
chomd +x
For notification, the utility on gtk3 mwg-wrapper is used, install this:
git clone
cd nwg-wrapper
sudo python3 install --optimize=1
On deb distributions, the go version does not allow you to build wallutils with a script therefore removed, replace with any other viewer, for example and change the lines in tag*.lua to this construction:
local funtion kil() os.execute("pkill -f mpvpaper")end
local function tag_1(sway) os.execute("sway workspace 1️⃣ fm && mpvpaper '*' /var/tmp/sway/pictures/tag1.jpg &")end
local function layout1() os.execute("fish -c layout_tabbed") end
local a = ("tag 1")
vol ="/var/tmp/sway/tag", "w")
Temporary sway files in the directory /var/tmp/sway give user rights:
sudo chown -R <username>:<usergroup> /var/tmp/sway
In the file ~/.config/sway/modules/alert/ we rewrite the city to our own. Please remove from the environment: sudo apt remove sway-notification-center HOTKEYS:
Binding Action
Ctrl + 0 tag0 ...ctrl + 9 tag0...tag9
Ctrl + Space panel change
Ctrl + f thunar
Ctrl + e geany
Ctrl + o libreoffice
Ctrl + w vivaldi
Ctrl + i iptv(mpv)
Ctrl + t telegram
Ctrl + s screenshot
Ctrl + Space Cycle to the next layout--------
CtrlShift + Space Cycle to the previous layout----
Ctrl + 1 to 5 Switch to tag 1 to 5
CtrlShift + 1 to 5 Toggle tag 1 to 5
Ctrl + Right workspace next
Ctrl + Left workspace prev
mod4 + Enter foot
mod4 + Right
mod4 + Space Cycle to the next layout
mod4 + f fullscreen
mod4 + q wofi
mod4 + Left focus window left
mod4 + Right focus window right
mod4 + F1 pavucontrol
mod4 + F2 sound volume -
mod4 + F3 sound volume +
mod4 + F4 mute
mod4 + F5 back play
mod4 + F6 next play
mod4 + F7 play
mod4 + F8 stop
mod4 + F9 Playlist all
mod4 + F10 Playlist thunar
alt + d Date and weather
alt + x Play,playlist
alt + r Reboot
alt + e Exit sway
alt + p Power off
alt + Space Alternating layout
For other hotkeys, see sway/config.
Built and running on Linux distribution based on Debian armv7 ARMBIAN Gentoo linux: I give an example of the configuration of my portage for raspberry pi5.