Tourist Guide into your React Components
โ ๏ธ Themaster
branch is currently in development. Please use the v1 branch to follow the current versions published.
npm i -S reactour
# or
yarn add reactour
From v1.9.1
styled-components it isn't bundled into the package and is required styled-components@^4
and react@^16.3
due to the use of createRef, so:
npm i -S styled-components@^4.0.0
# or
yarn add styled-components@^4.0.0
Add the Tour
Component in your Application, passing the steps
with the elements to highlight during the Tour.
import React from 'react'
import Tour from 'reactour'
class App extends Component {
// ...
render (
{ /* other stuff */}
onRequestClose={this.closeTour} />
const steps = [
selector: '.first-step',
content: 'This is my first Step',
// ...
(defaults to accentColor on IE) css custom prop to apply color in Helper, number, dots, etc
Type: string
Default: #007aff
Configure accessibility related accessibility options
Type: object
// attribute to associate the dialog with a title for screen readers
ariaLabelledBy: null,
// aria-label attribute for the close button
closeButtonAriaLabel: 'Close',
// Show/Hide Navigation Dots for screen reader software
showNavigationScreenReaders: true,
Customize Badge content using
steps values
Type: func
// example
<Tour badgeContent={(curr, tot) => `${curr} of ${tot}`} />
Content to be rendered inside the Helper
Type: node | elem
Custom class name to add to the Helper
Type: string
Close the Tour by clicking the Mask
Type: bool
Default: true
Disable interactivity with Dots navigation in Helper
Type: bool
Disable the ability to click or intercat in any way with the Highlighted element
Type: bool
Disable all keyboard navigation (next and prev step) when true, disable only selected keys when array
Type: bool | array(['esc', 'right', 'left'])
// example
<Tour disableKeyboardNavigation={['esc']} />
Function triggered each time current step change
Type: func
// example
<Tour getCurrentStep={curr => console.log(`The current step is ${curr + 1}`)} />
Programmatically change current step after the first render, when the value changes
Type: number
Custom class name to add to the element which is the overlay for the target element when
Type: string
Tolerance in pixels to add when calculating if an element is outside viewport to scroll into view
Type: number
You knowโฆ
Type: bool
Required: true
Change Next button in last step into a custom button to close the Tour
Type: node
// example
<Tour lastStepNextButton={<MyButton>Done! Let's start playing</MyButton>} />
Custom class name to add to the Mask
Type: string
Extra Space between in pixels between Highlighted element and Mask
Type: number
Default: 10
Renders as next button navigation
Type: node
Overrides default
internal function
Type: func
Do something after Tour is opened
Type: func
// example
<Tour onAfterOpen={target => ( = 'hidden')} />
Do something before Tour is closed
Type: func
// example
<Tour onBeforeClose={target => ( = 'auto')} />
Function to close the Tour
Type: func
Required: true
Renders as prev button navigation
Type: node
Overrides default
internal function
Type: func
Beautify Helper and Mask with
(in px)
Type: number
Default: 0
Smooth scroll duration when positioning the target element (in ms)
Type: number
Default: 1
Offset when positioning the target element after scroll to it
Type: number
Default: a calculation to the center of the viewport
Show/Hide Helper Navigation buttons
Type: bool
Default: true
Show/Hide Helper Close button
Type: bool
Default: true
Show/Hide Helper Navigation Dots
Type: bool
Default: true
Show/Hide number when hovers on each Navigation Dot
Type: bool
Default: true
Show/Hide Helper Number Badge
Type: bool
Default: true
Starting step when Tour is open the first time
Type: number
Default: 0
Array of elements to highlight with special info and props
Type: shape
Required: true
steps: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
'selector': PropTypes.string,
'content': PropTypes.oneOfType([
PropTypes.oneOf(['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left', 'center']),
'action': PropTypes.func,
'style': PropTypes.object,
'stepInteraction': PropTypes.bool,
'navDotAriaLabel': PropTypes.string,
const steps = [
selector: '[data-tour="my-first-step"]',
content: ({ goTo, inDOM }) => (
Lorem ipsum <button onClick={() => goTo(4)}>Go to Step 5</button>
<br />
{inDOM && '๐ Look at your step!'}
position: 'top',
// you could do something like:
// position: [160, 250],
action: node => {
// by using this, focus trap is temporary disabled
console.log('yup, the target element is also focused!')
style: {
backgroundColor: '#bada55',
// Disable interaction for this specific step.
// Could be enabled passing `true`
// when `disableInteraction` prop is present in Tour
stepInteraction: false,
// Text read to screen reader software for this step's navigation dot
navDotAriaLabel: 'Go to step 4',
// ...
Value to listen if a forced update is needed
Type: string
Delay time when forcing update. Useful when there are known animation/transitions
Type: number
Default: 1
How is implemented the scroll lock behaviour in the Demo?
To guarantee a cross browser behaviour we use body-scroll-lock.
Import the library
import { disableBodyScroll, enableBodyScroll } from 'body-scroll-lock'
Create the event handlers
disableBody = target => disableBodyScroll(target)
enableBody = target => enableBodyScroll(target)
Then assign them into the Tour props