This repository is a copy of a single checkout I once did of the subversion repository of SORAL, the Search Optimization and Resource Allocation Library.
SORAL was created as a project by Charles Twardy, from whose web site once hosted the SORAL source code. Unfortunately, Charles' hosting provider disappeared without warning, taking with it the entire subversion repository of SORAL. It is still possible to find a copy of SORAL via the "Wayback machine" but all of the project history is pretty much lost.
In order to make SORAL available in a maintained repository, I've simply taken an old copy (lacking all subversion history) and uploaded it to github. I claim no ownership of this code, and have contributed essentially nothing to it but one bug fix. I find it very useful, however, and don't want it lost for real.
Since I have created this archived repository, Charles Twardy has created an official repository for SORAL, which may be found on github at All future official development and maintenance of SORAL will occur in that repo.