This project creates wrappers for some of the boost::interprocess objects for shared memory. The wrappers are intended to be used in a client-server fashion, where the server creates the initial shared memory segment and any objects, then the client attaches. This is supported by having distinct constructors, one each for a client and server, or by passing an owner flag to the single constructor. A simple application can just inherit from the ipc::SharedMemory class and use the same two constructor pattern.
#include "ipc.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
struct employee
ipc::string _name;
int _empNum;
struct SC : public ipc::SharedMemory
// Server constructor
SC(unsigned int size) : ipc::SharedMemory("SEGMENT_NAME", size),
_vector(10, "VECTOR_NAME", _segment)
// Client constuctor
SC() : ipc::SharedMemory("SEGMENT_NAME"), _vector("VECTOR_NAME", _segment)
ipc::SharedVector<employee> _vector;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc == 1)
std::cout << "In parent" << std::endl;
SC sm(65536);
auto aa = sm.getAllocator<char>();
sm._vector->push_back({ipc::string("The Dude", aa), 42});
char c[32];
std::cin.getline(c, 32);
std::cout << "In child" << std::endl;
SC sm;
employee& e = sm._vector->back();
std::cout << "Found: " << e._name << "\n";
return 0;
This code was developed on Ubuntu 16.04 using the following:
- boost 1.58
- G++ 5.4.0
The code is header only, to build the example:
g++ example.cpp -o example -std=c++11 -lrt -lpthread
- Add support for condition variables
- Add support for boost multi-index