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txe committed Mar 30, 2016
1 parent 7b4fa53 commit 3fc6e3c
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Showing 27 changed files with 153 additions and 0 deletions.
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Mia was alone, homeless and sad. She'd lost her parents when she was young, run away and was living on the cold, unwelcoming streets. The people who passed her every day were cruel, she always *came under attack* from their comments, they all had the same *preconceptions* about homeless people. They said she was lazy, and should find a job. It was hard to *challenge the stereotypes* people had, when the city offered almost no opportunities to work for someone sleeping rough.

One day, an elderly man stopped and talked to her. He had a kind face, and gave her some food and money. He explained that he had once been homeless, cold and hungry, just like her, but he *took advantage of an opportunity * someone had given him. Now he was living a comfortable life and had his own house. His words *have a profound effect on* her, and she just wanted to know more.
He promised to show her his secret, but said she would need to listen carefully - she would be *on a steep learning curve*. They went back to his house, and he poured hot soup into a bowl for her. They talked about many things, then he described his experience to her. He described how he had worked selling newspapers on the street, but because of a secret he had been told, he *learned the ropes* quickly, and soon moved up to run his own newspaper. He then revealed the secret to her.
She listened while he explained the secret. At first it was so simple, she couldn't believe it and *have second thoughts* - maybe this old man was mad and she should leave.
But the old man insisted she keep *an open mind*, and so she went on listening. He made such *a convincing argument* that eventually she began to believe him.

She went back to the streets, but this time with hope burning in her heart. Her idea was to create jewellery and ornaments from the things she found on the street. She collected normal, everyday things which most people threw away, and turned them into objects of beauty. Soon, she began selling these in the local market. She remembered the man's secret and *never give up*.
Mia enjoyed the work, even though she didn't make much money. Eventually, she had enough to rent a small apartment and began to see life *from a new perspective*. One day, a woman who worked for a well-known design company visited the market, and noticed Mia's designs. She fell in love with Mia's unique style, and offered her a top design job. Mia proved to be an instant success, and the woman was glad she'd *trusted her instincts* by hiring Mia.

And so Mia became successful, and lived the life she'd always wanted. One day, she was walking along the dark, cold streets, when she saw a young, homeless man, looking lonely and tired. She sat down and said; 'Let me tell you a secret.' What was that secret? Always *believe in yourself*.

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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions topics/topic: age.txt
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+for her age+ For 60 years old she has such an inquisitive mind.
+in their prime+ I think, everyone must admit that their best time of life was at university
+act your age+ If you had been way too serious when you were a kid wouldn't you have lost you childgood?
+come of age+ So, what age is a milestone in United Kingdom?
+immatare+ Unfortunately, many adults in their 25s are still prone to unreasonable behavior.
+maturity+ it's time when the reality of life gets to your head.
+elderly+ Old people can let them be straight.
+age discrimination+ Silicon Valley does have a strange world view hiring young people only.

While I don't think we all should be "+grown up+" I think we all must reach +maturity+.
If you hear one person says "+act your age+" when you should hit him back.
Should I work hard or enjoy life +in my prime+?
What would you do if you faced +age discrimination+ at work.
The current generation has +come of age+ with a health dose of skepticism.
Alex was very mature +for his age+ and he was also very talented.
I have no words to express the +maturity+ you have shown in this comment.
It's unfortunate that the author's well-stated argument is weakened by his +immature+ generalization.
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(to be in charge)+supervise+ a team
r+epresent+ the company
in +all+ important decisions
to be +around+ the development
to be responsible +for+
affect +all+ parts of the company\organisation
to be involved +in+ every aspects of
deal +with+ my +routine+
+ease+ my workload \ t+ension+
get a very big project +on+
meet (end)+deadlines
meet (projections)+targets+
meet (wait)+expectations+
(start)+launch+ a product +on+ time
to be +in+ charge of
+organise+ her trips
+marketing+ consultant
job +with+ the company
working +within+ budget
m+onitor+ i+mprove+ i+ncrease+ per+formance+
budget +for+ smth
c+ut+ \ c+alculate+ \ s+upervise+ a budget
to be b+ehind+ \ p+ostpone+ deadline
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Empty file added topics/topic: secret.txt
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86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions topics/topic: unit1
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learn the ropes
the wise words of our mentors
watch out for advice
explicitly criticised the government
came under attack for my political sentiments
look good on your CV
Had I been more confident, I wouldn't have listened
trust my instincts
regret wasting my twenties
If only I'd known then what I know now
take advantage of opportunities
offered me the opportunity
the most profound effect Schumacher had on me
accompanied me / walk me / drive me
treat everybody with respect
words I still live by
believe in yourself
we were on a steep learning curve
caused some friction
I wish we hadn't listened to their advice

july 6 conditionals

aug 11
i trained as a lower

he always looked up to me
it was a total shock
he had an alibi
the evidence was fraudulent
was given a life sentence
his first appeal failed
I was angry with him
I never doubted his innocence
get out of prison
enrolled at the local college then went on to law school
my husband and I split up
I took it one hurdle at a time
he was convicted
the perpetrator had wiped their hands on
by this point, I
do a project on the Waters case
after his conviction, Kenny was released
was like being in therapy
grown in confidence
to be involved with the Innocence Project
I feel like to be a part of that
****** make vocabulary list ****

aug 13 прошедшее время
aug 18 As a listening task could you please complete ex. 5 a,b, ex.6a,b page 12 Advanced Speak out
jul 29 present time
aug 26 passive Cambridge Grammar for CAE and CPE p. 164 ex. 1a, p. 165 ex. 1b, 2, 3, p. 170 ex. Grammar focus task
aug 28
Everyone (имеет предвзятое мнение о)+has preconceptions about+ what a drug addict is.
They (бросают вызов) +challenge the stereotypes+ that people hold about immigrants.
I was beginning to (сомневаться)+have second thoughts about+ the whole idea.
It's important to (быть объективным)+keep an open mind+.
His attitude is very (быть узким, ограниченным)+narrow-minded+.
The experience was (поучительный, шокирующий)+eye-opening+ as we talked so directly.
I saw the situation (с совершенной новой точки зрения)+from a whole new perspective+.
I didn't (находить его аргумент очень убедительным)+find his argument very convincing+.

sep 3 journalism

sep 29

oct 19 places
our driver took us on a detour to wooden bridge for a closer look
they seize the moment to showcase
one after the other plunged into the water
this impromptu performance remains one of the highlights
this shot embodies the spontaneity of the country and its people's vibrancy
six-lane sea road
buildings in various state of disrepair
Habeneros hang out and party at the weekends
it's unique fingerprints of Havana
there was a warm breeze blowing
a strong sea swell
the sun barely peeping through the clouds
pontiac approaching in the distance
this photo captures the essence of Havana: a uniquely photogenic city
i'd wandered onto a film set
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