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txe committed Apr 14, 2016
1 parent 528322a commit 82bec66
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Showing 26 changed files with 691 additions and 0 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions topics/! pronunciation.txt
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dinning hall
trial,ignorant,route,unique,tiny - другое ударение
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions topics/preposition common.txt
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I am allergic +to+ cats.
We are looking for someone who is skilled +at+ giving presentations.
He is responsible +for+ our branch in China.
I have a question to ask related +to+ your education.
I have a view +of+ Prague Castle from my apartment.
The company president didn't want to comment +on+ the scandal.
You remind me +of+ my cousin.
After graduation, Joan will apply +to+ some local companies +for+ a job as a graphic designer.
There was much damage +to+ the car.
These boots were +on+ sale last week.
The United Nations has supplied the rebels +with+ weapons.
I have too many problems to deal +with+.
This product should appeal +to+ girls in their teens.
I've never heard +of+ Lyle Whitfield.
I was surprised +by+ the size of her nose.
Grace is +in+ her forties. She spends all her money +on+ luxury goods.
Greg is involved +in+ organized crime.
By the time the police found out +about+ the crime, the thief was already in Mexico

I get up +at+ seven +in+ the morning +on+ weekdays. I go to work +by+ tram.
I take care +of+ my son. My son is similar +to+ me. He's quite different +from+ my wife.
China has agreed +to+ participate +in+ the global economic forum.
There has been a slight decrease +in+ gas prices lately.
In the beginning, Lillian was not accustomed +to+ working in such a big company.
John's wife accused him +of+ cheating. She thinks he is bored +with+ her.
My boss told me to finish the report +by+ 5 pm. After that, I could go +on+ vacation.
Kate apologized +for+ her son's poor behavior.
If you've got a problem, then do something +about+ it.
Everyone +in+ the HR department was surprised +by+ the news.
Paul is very good +at+ telling jokes. He reminds me +of+ his father.
I'm not familiar +with+ this neighborhood.
If I had to choose +between+ going to heaven or hell, I'd choose heaven.

Hosni Mubarak was +in+ power in Egypt for 30 years.
Alan is a fan +of+ Manchester United.
NATO stands +for+ the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Roger's company specializes +in+ the management of youn musicians.
The cake was +in+ four pieces.
Bratislava is not +as+ big +as+ Budapest
Ken has to finsih the project +by+ 4 pm tonight.
The movie was inspired +by+ a book written 50 years ago.
I was able to return the product because it was still +in (under)+ warranty
The little boy hit his friend +with+ a stick
I plan to work +until+ I am 65 years old.
I wasn't able to focus +on+ my work because of the loud construction outside my window
This commercial was designed to appeal +to+ women in their twenties and thirties.
I don't know his reason +for+ ending the relationship.
Although Carol graduated +from+ Harvard with a degree in political science, nowadays she doesn't care +about+ politics.
I am very proud +of+ my son's accomplishments.
Laura can't concentrate +on+ her job because she is stressed out about her marriage.
I don't care +about+ baseball. I never watch it.

Villagers spent two days preparing their homes +for+ the heavy rains and the likelihood of more flooding
I'm afraid I'm going to find it very hard to choose +between+ the two candidates. They are both of a very high caliber.
Frequent use of computer games could be as high as eighty per cent +among+ sixteen to twenty-five-year-olds.
The school's computer system is highly vulnerable +to+ attack from people outside trying to gain access to sensitive data
I was very impressed with our telecom provider. They sent a long and detailed letter +in+ response to our recent complaints.
There have been improvements in exam results +across+ the board in all secondary schools throughout the country.
He studied at Harvard University for three years, gaining a qualification +in+ management and finance.
There should be major changes to the way passports are issued and checked +over+ the next three to four years.
It is now possible to obtain liquefied gas and various bio-fuels +as+ an alternative to conventional petrol and diesel at many UK petrol stations.
The demand +for+ people with manual trade skill such as carpentry and plumbing has recently risen greatly in the UK.
Even through reports of robberies have risen by thirty percent, police arrests of robbers are +at+ an all-time low.
Senior politicians in all parties are calling +for+ an end to the way many rich people can avoid paying taxes by spending part of the year out of the country.

I was thinking about something similar +to+ this idea recently, but replace "United States" +with+ a large corporation.
Mike is responsible +for+ designing the entire project.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions topics/preposition time.txt
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Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America +in+ 1492.
In Britain most people do not work (по воскр-ям) +on Sundays+
If the sky is clear, you can see the stars (ночью) +at night+.
After working hard during the day, I like to relax (вечером) +in the evening+
The first man walked on the moon +on+ 21 July 1969.
It's difficult to listen if everyone is speaking (в тот же момент) +at the same time+.
Jazz became popular in the United States (в двадцатые) +in the 1920's+.
I'm just going out to the shop. I'll be back (через примерно 20 мин.) +in about 20 minutes+
(on the phone) 'Can I speak to Clare?' 'I'm afraid she's not here (на текущий момент) +at the moment+.
In Britain people send each other cards (на рождество) +at Christmas+.
Many of Europe's greate cathedrals were built (в средние века) +in the Middle Ages+
Bob is a very fast runner. He can run 100 metres (за 11 сек.) +in 11 seconds+.

I'll see you (в пятницу) +on Friday+.
I'll see you (в следующую пятницу) +next Friday+.
What are you doing (в субботу) +on Saturday+?
What are you doing (в выходные) +at the weekend+?
They often go out +in+ the evenings.
They often go out +on+ Sunday evenings.
Do you work (по средам) +on Wednesdays+?
Do you work (каждую среду) +every Wednesday+?
We usually have a holiday (летом) +in the summer+.
We ofter have a short holiday +at+ Christmas
Pauline got married (в 1991) +in 1991+.
Pauline got married +on+ 18 May 1991.
Chris is getting married (в этом году) +this year+.

The price of electricity is going up +in+ October.
I've been invited to a weekend +on+ 14 February.
Hurry up! We've got to go (через пять минут) +in five minutes+.
I'm busy just now but I'll be with you (через мгновение) +in a moment+.
Jenny's brother is an engineer but he's out of work (на текущий момент) +at the moment+.
There are usually a lot of parties +on+ New Year's Eve.
I hope the weather will be nice (в выходные) +at the weekend+.
On Saturday night I went to bed +at+ 11 o'clock.
I don't like travelling +at+ night.
We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived (в 5 часов утром) +at 5 o'clock in the morning+.
The course begins +on+ 7 January and ends sometime (в апреле) +in April+.
It was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it (за день) +in a day+.
I might not be at home +on+ Tuesday morning but I'll probably be there (днем) +in the afternoon+.
My car is being repaired at the garage. It will be ready (через два часа) +in two hours+.
The telephone and the doorbell rang +at the+ same time.
Mary and Henry always go out for a meal +on+ their wedding anniversary.
He'll be retiring from his job +in+ two years' time.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions topics/text I trained as a lawyer to free my brother.txt
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My brother Kenny and I were +best friends growing up+. Although I was younger, he +always looked up to me+. When he was +arrested for murdering+ his +elderly neighbour+, it +was a total shock+. He +had an alibi+, so we thought he would be coming home. But, although +the evidence was fraudulent+, he was +given a life sentence+. He was twenty-nine.

Shortly after +his first appeal failed+, Kenny +tried to commit suicide+. I was +angry with+ him, but he said. 'I can't spend the rest of my life in prison for something I didn't do. I'm not going to make it.' I +never doubted+ his innocence. He didn't start trouble and would never have killed this woman. We had no more money for lawyers, so it was then he asked me to go to law school and become +his attorney+. I was +unemployed+; I didn't even have +a college degree+. But I promised him I'd make it happen as long as he promised to stay alive.

Getting Kenny out of prison became my life. I +enrolled at+ the local +community college+, then went on to +law school+. I was married with two sons, but home life became very difficult and, when the kids were four and six, my husband and I +split up+. It was hard, but I took it +one hurdle+ at a time.

After Kenny had been in prison for sixteen years, I heard about the +Innocence Project+, an organisation that works to free +innocent people+ using DNA testing - something that +wasn't available+ when he +was convicted+. One piece of evidence +at the trial+ was a bloodied curtain +the perpetrator+ had wiped their +hands on+. But it was so long since his trial, finding it wasn't easy. +By this point+, I didn't trust anyone. So, I asked other students from law school to tell the police they were +doing a project on+ the Waters case. Finally, a box with Kenny's name on it was found in one of the +archives+. My heart was pounding so hard as I opened it. As soon as I lifted the lid, I knew the curtain was in there.

Eighteen years after his conviction, Kenny was released. I remember taking him by the hand and walking out of the courtroom. The sense of freedom was amazing.

When I heard they were making a film of the story with Hilary Swank playing me and Sam Rockwell as Kenny, I was so excited. Watching the film and talking about it with the team was like being in therapy.

This experience has done a lot for me. I have grown in confidence and am proud to be involved with the Innocence Project. My brother was the eighty-third person to be released through DNA testing in the USA. Now there have been 259. I feel lucky to be a part of that.
File renamed without changes.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions topics/text The Name Game.txt
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We've all got one - the friend with the +impossibly glamorous+ name +that leaves+ the Peters, Katherines and Margarets +among us feeling+ somewhat, well, +frumpy+. Sometimes life (or in this case parents) +isn't fair+. But +it's not as if+ the first name you +get lumped with+ at birth actually +has an impact on your success+ in later life. Is it?

Albert Mehrabian, +professor emeritus of psychology at+ the University of California, certainly thinks so. 'Names generate +impressions+, just +like+ a +person's appearance+ can generate a +positive+ or +negative+ impression: he says. 'But names +also+ have an impact when +you're not+ physically present, +such as+ when you send in a CV.'

Mehrabian has +researched people's instinctive reactions+ to +hundreds of+ first names. It's striking how +many positive associations+ some names +carry+, and how negative +the connotations+ of others +turn out to be+ - +particularly+ when it comes to linking names with 'success', which Mehrabian takes to include ambition, intelligence, confidence and +other such valuable workplace attributes+.

So what kind of name does it +take to reach the top of the tree career-wise+? Based +on+ research in the US, Mehrabian +says that+ Alexander +scores+ 100 percent +for+ 'success'. WiIIiam +gets+ 99 percent and John 98 +percent+. For the girls, Jacqueline +rates very highly+, as do Diana, Danielle and Catherine. +Although+ Katherine, Mehrabian +points out+, does +slightly+ better +than+ Catherine.

But can the impact of a first name +really be that cut and dried+? Pamela Satran, +co-author+ of eight baby-naming books, is +less convinced+ that the power of a name can +be quantified+.

'There isn't +that much hard evidence+ that's +absolutely conclusive+: says Satran. She +recalls+ one American +study+ where researchers +submitted identical+ CVs +to+ a number of +employers+. The forename +on half+ of the CVs was Lashanda, '+seen as+ a +stereotypical+ African-American name: says Satran. The name on +the other half+ was Lauren - +seen as much more+ white and middle class. In +one study+, Lauren got +five times+ more +call-backs+ than Lashanda, says Satran, but in +another study+ the +rate+ was +similar for+ both names. 'I've seen +similarly conflicting+ studies: Satran adds.

Angela Baron, +an adviser at+ the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, +takes an understandably dim view of+ employers who make +decisions+ on +the basis of+ first names. 'People do make +emotive judgements+: she says, but 'we shouldn't be +recruiting+ people +on that basis+. Good +interviewers+ will +be aware+ that what they need to +look for+ are +skills+, +experience+ and +what+ [the interviewee] can do for the business.'

Celebrities are +leading the field+ in +the bizarre forename stakes+, with Jordan (+a British model+) +calling her daughter+ Princess Tiaamii and Jermaine Jackson (Michael Jackson's brother) +lumbering his son with+ ... +wait for it+ ... Jermajesty. But non-celebrity parents +aren't far behind+.

'My pupils have +increasingly outlandish names+: says one secondary school teacher +from north London+. She cites 'poorly spelt names' +such as+ Amba, Jordon, Charlee and Moniqua, and what she calls '+absurd names+' +like+ Shaliqua and Sharday. How will +such names affect her students+ when they +go out to get a job+? 'I think it's a +serious disadvantage+: she says.

Albert Mehrabian +agrees that+ '+deliberately misspelt names+ are +disastrous+'. But Pamela Satran +has a more relaxed take+: 'How these names +are perceived+ is something that's +changing very rapidly+: she says. '+Celebrity culture+ and +ethnic diversity+ have made people +much more eager+ to look for +a wide range of+ names of their own. The +thinking is if+ you have a special name, +that makes you+ a special person.'
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions topics/text Words from the wise.txt
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Everyone needs +words of wisdom+. When we're +learning the ropes+ or things +are going wrong+, we all need help. Sometimes it's +the wise words of our mentors+ that set us free. But we also +need to watch out for+ advice that sounds good, but doesn't work. The +trick is to know+ the difference between the two.

Rubem Alves, educator, writer. In the 1960s, I was in the United States doing +post-graduate work+. Although I never +explicitly criticised+ the +government+, I came +under attack for+ my +political sentiments+. My professor then gave me +the following advice+: 'Rubem,' he said, 'never explain yourself. For your friends, it's +unnecessary+. For your +enemies+, it's +pointless+.'

May Chen, web designer. When I was +starting out in+ my twenties, I did some +really boring jobs+ because people +kept telling me+, 'It'll +look good on+ your CV.' Had I been +more confident+, I wouldn't +have listened+. I could have done more interesting things if I'd +trusted my instincts+. So I got a nice CV, but now I +regret wasting+ my twenties. If only I'd known then +what I know now+.

Jane Goodall, primatologist and conservationist. When I was about ten years old and +dreaming of going to+ Africa, living with animals and +writing books about them+, everyone +laughed at+ me. Africa was far away and +full of dangerous+ animals, and only boys could +expect to do those+ kinds of things. But my mother said, 'If you really want something and you +work hard+ and you +take advantage of opportunities+ - and you never, ever give up - you will find a way.' The opportunity was +a letter from a friend+ inviting me to Kenya. The hard work was waitressing +at+ a hotel to earn money for the trip - and +spending hours reading+ books about Africa and animals, so I was ready when Dr Louis Leakey +offered me+ the opportunity to +study chimpanzees+.

Felipe Massa, Formula 1 driver. In 2006, I +became team-mates with+ Michael Schumacher. I knew Schumacher +as a legend+, the man who had broken +practically every record+ in Formula 1. But +the most profound effect+ Schumacher had on me was when the great champion said, 'People will speak badly about +you one day+ and well about +you the next+. Ignore them. The important thing +is to do+ your work as well as you can.'

David Satcher MD, US Surgeon General. When I left home +to attend+ Morehouse College, my father - who did not even have +the privilege of completing elementary+ school - +accompanied me to+ the bus stop and gave me +the most important advice+ I ever +received+: 'Son, when you get there, you're going to meet a lot of people that +have a whole lot+ more than you. You may even meet some that have less than you do. But +no matter+ who you meet, +treat everybody with+ respect.' Those are words I still live by.

Stefan Orogovitz, brain surgeon. A journalist once asked me, 'Why do brain surgeons have +such large egos+?' I told her, 'We need them. We lose ninety-five +percent of+ our +patients+.' If I'd known +that statistic+ when I was learning the ropes, I'd be +selling insurance+ today. How can you keep working with figures like that? There's only one way: do all you can, never +apologise+, +believe in+ yourself and always tell the truth.

Xhang Li, businesswoman. When my husband and I first began in the real +estate business+, we were +on a steep learning curve+ and it +caused some friction+. Everyone told us, '+Marriage+ and +business+ don't mix.' I wish we hadn't listened to their advice. They were +so wrong+! We're a great team because of our great marriage. But +for our trust+ in each other, we would never have become so successful.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions topics/text. Pete and the pet.txt
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Pete got on very well with his neighbour Lucy. In fact, they were also pleased to help one another out whenever possible.

One day when Lucy was going on vocation to her parents, Pete agreed to take care of her house. The day after Lucy left, Peter was horrified to see that his dog was dragging a rabbit from Lucy's garden in its mouth. Needless to say, this rabbit was Lucy's pet and very dead one.

Pete's vivid imagination immediately suggested that Lucy would never forgive him. The very first thought was to put the corpse back in the cage like the rabbit had just stopped living for natural causes, and probably Lucy would find it convincing. But he had second thoughts because it also would have meant he hadn't managed his responsibility. By the end of the day he had seen the situation from a whole new perspective, all he needed was a live rabbit which was similar to old. So, he found it, put the rabbit in the cage and kept his dog away from it for the rest of the week.

Pete was feeding his dog when the phone rang. It was Lucy returned from the parents and asking him what the rabbit was in the cage. But wasn't it yours, answered Pete trying to be surprised. No, mine had been with me.

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