An Eslint plugin for Metalsmith.
npm install --save metalsmith-eslint
If you haven't checked out Metalsmith before, head over to their website and check out the documentation.
var eslint = require("metalsmith-elint");
src: ["**/*.js", "!**/vendor/**/*.js"],
formatter: "unix",
eslintConfig: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ".eslintrc"), "utf8"))
You can check the tests out to see some usage examples.
A multimatch expression that can be used to limit the files that will be eslinted. Default is ["**/*.js"]
One of the formatter name that is integrated to eslint. See the list here. Default is stylish
A valid eslint config that will be passed to eslint. You can also read an .eslintrc
file and pass the contents to this key directly. Default none, a configuration is required
To read .eslintrc
you can use the following: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ".eslintrc"), "utf8"))
Just open an issue or prepare a pull request.