Library of generic CRUD operation for quill library. Only dynamic queries are supported.
Always when you start new project you must to write a lot of boilerplate code for handling simple CRUD operations. Purpose of this library is to support creating CRUD repository with Quill library.
Purpose of CRUD operations - Repository - where F is monad like scala.util.Try/monix.eval.Task/scala.concurrent.Future :
package pl.jozwik.quillgeneric.quillmacro
import scala.language.higherKinds
trait RepositoryWithGeneratedId[K, T <: WithId[K]] extends BaseRepository[K, T] {
def create(entity: T, generatedId: Boolean = true): F[K]
def createAndRead(entity: T, generatedId: Boolean = true): F[T]
def createOrUpdate(entity: T, generatedId: Boolean = true): F[K]
def createOrUpdateAndRead(entity: T, generatedId: Boolean = true): F[T]
trait RepositoryCompositeKey[K <: CompositeKey[_, _], T <: WithId[K]] extends Repository[K, T]
trait Repository[K, T <: WithId[K]] extends BaseRepository[K, T] {
def create(entity: T): F[K]
def createAndRead(entity: T): F[T]
def createOrUpdate(entity: T): F[K]
def createOrUpdateAndRead(entity: T): F[T]
trait BaseRepository[K, T <: WithId[K]] extends WithMonad {
def all: F[Seq[T]]
def read(id: K): F[Option[T]]
def readUnsafe(id: K): F[T]
def update(t: T): F[Long]
def updateAndRead(t: T): F[T]
def delete(id: K): F[Long]
trait WithMonad {
type F[_]
Because macro is created in compile time - we need to know primary key. Case class for database entity has to have field id - the primary key WithId If you have composite key - it has to extends io.getquill.Embedded and one of traits CompositeKey
General Repository and RepositoryCompositeKey is designed for manual handling of primary key. If database generate for you key - use RepositoryWithGeneratedId
Current we support Try:
- PersonRepository and MyPersonRepository (example of usage macro method like searchByFilter, count)
And monix Task:
Synchronized and monix repositories are generated automatically by sbt-quill-crud-generic, see build.sbt in quill-macro-example