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nathanielroth edited this page Sep 23, 2014 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the od_api wiki!

Purpose: get list of census block groups within X distance, or Y time of another block group (and eventually lat-lon).

Tech stuff:

  1. Using Vagrant, so you'll need to install that (and probably virtualbox), you'll also likely need to download the base box ubuntu/trusty64
  2. Postgresql9.3 with postgis2.1
  3. Django1.7 (and probably tasty pie later)

How to get started:

  1. Make sure you have the following installed: virtualbox, vagrant
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Use Vagrant up within the repository to start the vagrant machine
  4. Within Django execute syncdb to setup the database tables
  5. You can use the loading script in Utilities to load sample data into the database.
  6. If you want to fix things, ask for access to the repository
  7. Fix stuff, and let me know where I could do it better.

Sample Data: (87MB)

Current status: 2014-9-13

  • Have created a vagrant script for standing up a vagrant instance with: postgres 9.3, postgis 2.1, django 1.7, and a configured database.
  • Made a script to load a subset of data for testing.
  • Have created a django project with app that returns a list of block groups based on a mode and maximum time and/or maximum distance from an origin block group.

Still needs to be done:

  • use Tasty-pie to create an api to return JSON version of the block list.
  • allow submission of Lat-Lon rather than a blockgroupid.
  • Cleanup of code and exception handling.
  • Find live site for hosting
  • load the full dataset (big)
  • Performance testing with the full dataset and db tuning.

For the future:

  • give it a mapping front end
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