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Releases: ucdavis/erplab

ERPLAB 12.00: EStudio

10 Jun 22:44
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ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. We have two versions: ERPLAB Studio is a standalone package that provides an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical user interface. ERPLAB Classic is a plugin that runs inside the EEGLAB graphical user interface.

Click the Wiki icon at the top of the page for documentation, tutorials, and FAQs.

To ask questions, subscribe to the ERPLAB email list ( Bug reports can be submitted via GitHub or by sending an email to [email protected].

ERPLAB v12.00

This download contains both ERPLAB Studio (our standalone Matlab program) and ERPLAB Classic (an EEGLAB plugin). If you are new to ERPLAB, we strongly recommend that you go through the ERPLAB Studio Tutorial or ERPLAB Classic Tutorial before trying to analyze your own data.

Click here for installation instructions.

Click here for information about required Matlab toolboxes and compatibility with different versions of Matlab, EEGLAB, Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

Release Notes

ERPLAB v12.00 Release Notes

ERPLAB Studio now includes the Pattern Classification tab. This makes use of the same underlying Pattern Classification (decoding) tools as in ERPLAB Classic, but with a more user-friendly GUI. Changes also include:

The ability to create BESTsets in the EEG tab
The ability to plot multiple MVPC sets at the same time

ERPLAB 11.00: EStudio

19 Aug 16:24
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ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. We have two versions: ERPLAB Studio is a standalone package that provides an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical user interface. ERPLAB Classic is a plugin that runs inside the EEGLAB graphical user interface.

Click the Wiki icon at the top of the page for documentation, tutorials, and FAQs.

To ask questions, subscribe to the ERPLAB email list ( Bug reports can be submitted via GitHub or by sending an email to [email protected].

ERPLAB v11.03

This download contains both ERPLAB Studio (our standalone Matlab program) and ERPLAB Classic (an EEGLAB plugin). If you are new to ERPLAB, we strongly recommend that you go through the ERPLAB Studio Tutorial or ERPLAB Classic Tutorial before trying to analyze your own data.

Click here for installation instructions.

Click here for information about required Matlab toolboxes and compatibility with different versions of Matlab, EEGLAB, Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

Release Notes

ERPLAB v11.03 Release Notes

ERPLAB can now be accessed from two different user interfaces:

  • ERPLAB Classic (our original software, which operates as an EEGLAB plugin)
  • ERPLAB Studio (a standalone application that provides a more user-friendly GUI)

ERPLAB Studio makes use of the same underlying code as EEGLAB and ERPLAB Classic. It is essentially a different user interface for the same functions. You will therefore get identical results with ERPLAB Studio and ERPLAB Classic, and scripting is the same for both packages. But ERPLAB Studio is much easier to use.

Click here for a 2-minute video overview of ERPLAB Studio.

The most commonly used EEGLAB functions are available from within ERPLAB Studio. For example, you can import EEG data into ERPLAB Studio, filter the EEG, apply ICA for artifact correction, etc. If you need an EEGLAB function that is not implemented within ERPLAB Studio, you can apply that function using the EEGLAB GUI or a script.

If you are already familiar with ERPLAB, you can rapidly learn how to use ERPLAB Studio with our Transition Guide. If you are new to ERPLAB, please go through the ERPLAB Studio Tutorial before attempting to process your own data. Once you understand the basics of ERPLAB Studio, you can get detailed information about the individual processing steps in the ERPLAB Studio Manual.

ERPLAB 10.11: Decoding ERPs & ERP Wave Viewer

21 Jul 22:01
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ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users. Click the Wiki icon at the top of the page for documentation, tutorials, and FAQs.

To ask questions, subscribe to the ERPLAB email list ( Bug reports can be submitted via GitHub or by sending an email to [email protected].

ERPLAB v10.11

To install ERPLAB v10.11, download the zip file (linked above), unzip and place the folder in the 'plugins' folder of your existing EEGLAB installation (e.g. /Users/Steve/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab2023_1/plugins/erplab/). More installation help can be found here. If you are new to ERPLAB, we strongly recommend that you go through the ERPLAB Tutorial before trying to use ERPLAB with your own data.

To run ERPLAB, ensure that the correct EEGLAB folder is in your current Matlab path, and run eeglab as a command from the Matlab Command Window. Find our tutorial here.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

Compatibility and Required Toolboxes

We anticipate that ERPLAB will work with most recent OSs, Matlab versions and EEGLAB versions.

However, in order to use the latest MVPC routines (see here), Matlab versions and EEGLAB versions must be recent. In addition, some MATLAB toolboxes are required.

Find more ERPLAB installation help here.

ERPLAB compatibility table

Here is a list of some confirmed-working environments for ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v10.0+ works with...

OS Matlab EEGLAB Working?
Mac OS 11.7.6 'Big Sur' Matlab R 2020a EEGLAB v2023.0
Mac OS 10.15.7 'Catalina' Matlab R2020b EEGLAB v2023.0
Mac OS 10.15 'Catalina' Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v14.1.2
Windows 10 Matlab R2020b EEGLAB v2021.1
Windows 10 Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2020
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2019_1

ERPLAB should work with most modern OSs, Matlab versions, and EEGLAB releases. Let us know if you see any incompatibility.
Starting in ERPLAB v10.0, MATLAB'S "App Designer" was the default GUI system used for the MVPC routines and require at least MATLAB 2020a+ & EEGLAB 2023.1+ in order to work as expected.

Release Notes

Release Notes

ERPLAB v10.1 Release Notes

Now Includes:
Update to decoding toolbox. By default, beta weights will no longer be saved with MVPC files, dramatically reducing file size.

MVPCset and BESTset commands will now be saved into EEG working memory history (shown when using the function eegh).

Various quality of life changes and bug fixes across ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v10.04 Release Notes

Now Includes:

ERP Decoding routine: Users can now apply multivariate-pattern classification routines to binned and epoched ERP data. See here for more information.

  • NOTE: These routines require at least MATLAB 2020a+ & EEGLAB 2023.1+ in order to work as expected.
  • NOTE: These routines also require the following toolboxes: Matlab Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, Matlab Parallel Processing Toolbox (recommended)

ERP Wave Viewer: Plotting ERP waveforms are easier than ever using "ERP Wave Viewer". See: ERPLAB > Plot ERPs > Advanced ERP Waveform Viewer (Beta)

ERPLABv9.20 Release Notes

Now Includes:
Create Artificial Waveform Viewer routine: Users can simulate a variety of waveforms to be saved as ERP files (.erp). See documentation here.

New options for adding noise to data via EEG and ERP channel operations (see here).

Users may now shift string event codes in time in addtion to numeric event codes (see Preprocess EEG > Shift Event Codes (continuous EEG)).

Various bug fixes across ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v9.10 Release Notes

Now includes:
Updated Data Quality (DQ) metrics specifications on averaged ERP waveforms, including a new metric: SD across trials.

A new DQ metric for continuous EEG: Spectral Data Quality (continuous EEG)

Various bug fixes concerning bootstrapped SMEs, filtering, and EEG channel operations.

ERPLAB v9.00 Release Notes

Note: ERPLAB v9.00 is the recommended version for use with best practices in ERP data processing and analyses as outlined in Dr. Steven J Luck's new Applied Event-Related Potential Data Analysis e-book here.

Now includes:
Ability to low-pass filter prior to marking EEG segments with all artifact detection routines (data is not saved with the filter).

Ability to calculate Data Quality measures (e.g. analytic SME) on multiple binned and epoched EEGset files prior to creating ERPs.
-More information about the SME can be found here.
-See Applied Event-Related Potential Data Analysis e-book here for best-practices on this approach.

Various fixes to the GUI layouts for many routines (e.g. "Delete Time Segments" for EEG processing).


ERPLAB tutorial, manual, and other documentation can be found on the ERPLAB wiki, here.

ERPLAB 9.20: Create Artificial ERP waveform

25 May 18:01
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ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

ERPLAB v9.20

To install ERPLAB v9.20, download the zip file (linked above), unzip and place the folder in the 'plugins' folder of your existing EEGLAB installation (e.g. /Users/Steve/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab2023.0/plugins/erplab/). More installation help can be found here.

To run ERPLAB, ensure that the correct EEGLAB folder is in your current Matlab path, and run eeglab as a command from the Matlab Command Window. Find our tutorial here.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

Compatibility and Required Toolboxes

We anticipate that ERPLAB will work with most recent OSs, Matlab versions and EEGLAB versions.

Find more ERPLAB installation help here.

ERPLAB compatibility table

Here is a list of some confirmed-working environments for ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v9.0+ works with...

OS Matlab EEGLAB Working?
Mac OS 10.15.7 'Catalina' Matlab R2020b EEGLAB v2021.1
Mac OS 10.15 'Catalina' Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2018a EEGLAB v14.1.2 [✓ with Matlab update]
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v14.1.2
Windows 10 Matlab R2020b EEGLAB v2021.1
Windows 10 Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2020
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2019_1

ERPLAB should work with most modern OSs, Matlab versions, and EEGLAB releases. Let us know if you see any incompatibility.

Release Notes

ERPLABv9.20 Release Notes

Now Includes:
Create Artificial Waveform routine: Users can simulate a variety of waveforms to be saved as ERP files (.erp). See documentation here.

New options for adding noise to data via EEG and ERP channel operations (see here).

Users may now shift string event codes in time in addtion to numeric event codes (see Preprocess EEG > Shift Event Codes (continuous EEG)).

Various bug fixes across ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v9.10 Release Notes

Now includes:
Updated Data Quality (DQ) metrics specifications on averaged ERP waveforms, including a new metric: SD across trials.

A new DQ metric for continuous EEG: Spectral Data Quality (continuous EEG)

Various bug fixes concerning bootstrapped SMEs, filtering, and EEG channel operations.


ERPLAB tutorial, manual, and other documentation can be found on the ERPLAB wiki, here.

ERPLAB 9.10: Data Quality Revisions

15 Feb 02:04
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ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

ERPLAB v9.10

To install ERPLAB v9.10, download the zip file (linked above), unzip and place the folder in the 'plugins' folder of your existing EEGLAB installation (e.g. /Users/Steve/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab2019_1/plugins/erplab/). More installation help can be found here.

To run ERPLAB, ensure that the correct EEGLAB folder is in your current Matlab path, and run eeglab as a command from the Matlab Command Window. Find our tutorial here.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

Compatibility and Required Toolboxes

We anticipate that ERPLAB will work with most recent OSs, Matlab versions and EEGLAB versions.

Find more ERPLAB installation help here.

ERPLAB compatibility table

Here is a list of some confirmed-working environments for ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v9.0+ works with...

OS Matlab EEGLAB Working?
Mac OS 10.15.7 'Catalina' Matlab R2020b EEGLAB v2021.1
Mac OS 10.15 'Catalina' Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2018a EEGLAB v14.1.2 [✓ with Matlab update]
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v14.1.2
Windows 10 Matlab R2020b EEGLAB v2021.1
Windows 10 Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2020
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2019_1

ERPLAB should work with most modern OSs, Matlab versions, and EEGLAB releases. Let us know if you see any incompatibility.

Release Notes

ERPLAB v9.10 Release Notes

Now includes:
Updated Data Quality (DQ) metrics specifications on averaged ERP waveforms, including a new metric: SD across trials.

A new DQ metric for continuous EEG: Spectral Data Quality (continuous EEG)

Various bug fixes concerning bootstrapped SMEs, filtering, and EEG channel operations.


ERPLAB tutorial, manual, and other documentation can be found on the ERPLAB wiki, here.

ERPLAB v9.00: Major Release Update

30 Apr 01:59
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ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

ERPLAB v9.00

To install ERPLAB v9.00, download the zip file (linked above), unzip and place the folder in the 'plugins' folder of your existing EEGLAB installation (e.g. /Users/Steve/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab2019_1/plugins/erplab/). More installation help can be found here.

To run ERPLAB, ensure that the correct EEGLAB folder is in your current Matlab path, and run eeglab as a command from the Matlab Command Window. Find our tutorial here.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

ERPLAB compatibility

We anticipate that ERPLAB will work with most recent OSs, Matlab versions and EEGLAB versions.

Find more ERPLAB installation help here.

ERPLAB compatibility table

Here is a list of some confirmed-working environments for ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v9.0+ works with...

OS Matlab EEGLAB Working?
Mac OS 10.15.7 'Catalina' Matlab R2020b EEGLAB v2021.1
Mac OS 10.15 'Catalina' Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2018a EEGLAB v14.1.2 [✓ with Matlab update]
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v14.1.2
Windows 10 Matlab R2020b EEGLAB v2021.1
Windows 10 Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2020
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2019_1

ERPLAB should work with most modern OSs, Matlab versions, and EEGLAB releases. Let us know if you see any incompatibility.

Release Notes

ERPLAB v9.00 Release Notes

Note: ERPLAB v9.00 is the recommended version for use with best practices in ERP data processing and analyses as outlined in Dr. Steven J Luck's new Applied Event-Related Potential Data Analysis e-book here.

Now includes:
Ability to low-pass filter prior to marking EEG segments with all artifact detection routines (data is not saved with the filter).

Ability to calculate Data Quality measures (e.g. analytic SME) on multiple binned and epoched EEGset files prior to creating ERPs.
-More information about the SME can be found here.
-See Applied Event-Related Potential Data Analysis e-book here for best-practices on this approach.

Various fixes to the GUI layouts for many routines (e.g. "Delete Time Segments" for EEG processing).

ERPLAB v8.30 - data quality, epoch interpolation, and SME fixes

05 Nov 02:02
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ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

ERPLAB v8.30

To install ERPLAB v8.30, download the zip file (linked above), unzip and place the folder in the 'plugins' folder of your existing EEGLAB installation (e.g. /Users/Steve/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab2019_1/plugins/erplab/). More installation help can be found here.

To run ERPLAB, ensure that the correct EEGLAB folder is in your current Matlab path, and run eeglab as a command from the Matlab Command Window. Find our tutorial here.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

ERPLAB compatibility

We anticipate that ERPLAB will work with most recent OSs, Matlab versions and EEGLAB versions.

Find more ERPLAB installation help here.

ERPLAB compatibility table

Here is a list of some confirmed-working environments for ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v8.0+ works with...

OS Matlab EEGLAB Working?
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v14.1.2
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2018a EEGLAB v14.1.2 ✓ with Matlab update
Mac OS 10.15 'Catalina' Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Windows 7 Matlab R2014a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Matlab R2014a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2019_1

ERPLAB should work with most modern OSs, Matlab versions, and EEGLAB releases. Let us know if you see any incompatibility.

Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.30 Release Notes

Now includes:
The ability to operate multiple Data Quality windows (See "Data Quality" introduced in v8.20).

Data quality windows have newly added features (e.g. outliers in each channel and time window).

Updated "Delete Time Segments" pre-processing tool to include the option to ignore boundary events.

Post-Artifact Detection Epoch Interpolation feature. See here.

Standard Measurement Error (SME) bootstrapping functions updated for use in custom scripts.
-More information about the SME can be found here .

Various bug fixes with ERP plotting and measurements.

ERPLAB v8.02 Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.02 adds a colormap to help visualize the Data Quality Table info

ERPLAB v8.01 Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.01 adds binorgEEG functions to v8.0

ERPLAB v8.0 Release Notes

With ERPLAB v8.0, we include new tools for assessing measures of Data Quality Metrics in EEG ERP data.

  • Data Quality Metrics
    • The ERP Averager will calculate these Data Quality Metrics by default
    • A new submenu in the ERPLAB menu ('Data Quality options') allows access from the EEGLAB-ERPLAB GUI.
    • A new table interface to show all the data quality information from an ERP set with DQ_Table_GUI(ERP) or through the above GUI menu option.
    • These data quality metrics can be summarized on the Command Window, saved to Mat structure or exported to Excel, or plotted in the above interactive table.
    • The data quality information and metadata is stored in a new structure, ERP.dataquality

  • New options for calculating, viewing, and saving, frequency spectra, in the compute_fourier(EEG) function


ERPLAB tutorial, manual, and other documentation can be found on the ERPLAB wiki, here.

ERPLAB v8.20 - Software Fixes May 2021

04 May 18:17
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ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

ERPLAB v8.20

To install ERPLAB v8.20, download the zip file (linked above), unzip and place the folder in the 'plugins' folder of your existing EEGLAB installation (e.g. /Users/Steve/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab2019_1/plugins/erplab/). More installation help can be found here.

To run ERPLAB, ensure that the correct EEGLAB folder is in your current Matlab path, and run eeglab as a command from the Matlab Command Window. Find our tutorial here.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

ERPLAB compatibility

We anticipate that ERPLAB will work with most recent OSs, Matlab versions and EEGLAB versions.

Find more ERPLAB installation help here.

ERPLAB compatibility table

Here is a list of some confirmed-working environments for ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v8.0 works with...

OS Matlab EEGLAB Working?
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v14.1.2
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2018a EEGLAB v14.1.2 ✓ with Matlab update
Mac OS 10.15 'Catalina' Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Windows 7 Matlab R2014a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Matlab R2014a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2019_1

ERPLAB should work with most modern OSs, Matlab versions, and EEGLAB releases. Let us know if you see any incompatibility.

Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.20 Release Notes

Now includes:
Fixed bug in continuous data artifact rejection when user wants to join segments of EEG that are close together.

Fixed universal text import to ERPset files for data with low samples (rounding error fix).

Fractional area latency measurement bug fixed.

Updated statistical jackknifing routine to pass data quality options parameter. Updated for ERPlab v8.X+.

Fixed current source density transformation GUI.

Fixed bug that prevented preservation of electrode channel location information in EEG and ERP Channel Operations (and respective GUIs).

Fixed order of electrode channel output to user's specifications (columns of exported measurement file), and fixed column offset bug of ERPset name in exported measurement files.

ERPLAB v8.02 Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.02 adds a colormap to help visualize the Data Quality Table info

ERPLAB v8.01 Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.01 adds binorgEEG functions to v8.0

ERPLAB v8.0 Release Notes

With ERPLAB v8.0, we include new tools for assessing measures of Data Quality Metrics in EEG ERP data.

  • Data Quality Metrics
    • The ERP Averager will calculate these Data Quality Metrics by default
    • A new submenu in the ERPLAB menu ('Data Quality options') allows access from the EEGLAB-ERPLAB GUI.
    • A new table interface to show all the data quality information from an ERP set with DQ_Table_GUI(ERP) or through the above GUI menu option.
    • These data quality metrics can be summarized on the Command Window, saved to Mat structure or exported to Excel, or plotted in the above interactive table.
    • The data quality information and metadata is stored in a new structure, ERP.dataquality

  • New options for calculating, viewing, and saving, frequency spectra, in the compute_fourier(EEG) function


ERPLAB tutorial, manual, and other documentation can be found on the ERPLAB wiki, here.

ERPLAB v8.10 - standard error fix

03 Dec 19:31
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ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

ERPLAB v8.10

To install ERPLAB v8.10, download the zip file (linked above), unzip and place the folder in the 'plugins' folder of your existing EEGLAB installation (e.g. /Users/Steve/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab2019_1/plugins/erplab/). More installation help can be found here.

To run ERPLAB, ensure that the correct EEGLAB folder is in your current Matlab path, and run eeglab as a command from the Matlab Command Window. Find our tutorial here.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

ERPLAB compatibility

We anticipate that ERPLAB will work with most recent OSs, Matlab versions and EEGLAB versions.

Find more ERPLAB installation help here.

ERPLAB compatibility table

Here is a list of some confirmed-working environments for ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v8.0 works with...

OS Matlab EEGLAB Working?
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v14.1.2
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2018a EEGLAB v14.1.2 ✓ with Matlab update
Mac OS 10.15 'Catalina' Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Windows 7 Matlab R2014a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Matlab R2014a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2019_1

ERPLAB should work with most modern OSs, Matlab versions, and EEGLAB releases. Let us know if you see any incompatibility.

Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.10 Release Notes

Now includes:
Matlab R2020a compatible - minor EEGLAB menu display bug fixed

Standard Error bug fixed.

Warns if old standard error is used.

Default SEM transparency on ERP plots is 0.7, rather than 0

The Advanced EventList GUI is now viewable on more screens.

We warn and offer help if Signal Processing Toolbox is missing.

ERPLAB v8.02 Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.02 adds a colormap to help visualize the Data Quality Table info

ERPLAB v8.01 Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.01 adds binorgEEG functions to v8.0

ERPLAB v8.0 Release Notes

With ERPLAB v8.0, we include new tools for assessing measures of Data Quality Metrics in EEG ERP data.

  • Data Quality Metrics
    • The ERP Averager will calculate these Data Quality Metrics by default
    • A new submenu in the ERPLAB menu ('Data Quality options') allows access from the EEGLAB-ERPLAB GUI.
    • A new table interface to show all the data quality information from an ERP set with DQ_Table_GUI(ERP) or through the above GUI menu option.
    • These data quality metrics can be summarized on the Command Window, saved to Mat structure or exported to Excel, or plotted in the above interactive table.
    • The data quality information and metadata is stored in a new structure, ERP.dataquality

  • New options for calculating, viewing, and saving, frequency spectra, in the compute_fourier(EEG) function


ERPLAB tutorial, manual, and other documentation can be found on the ERPLAB wiki, here.

ERPLAB v8.02 - Data Quality Table colormap

05 Aug 12:28
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ERPLAB v8.02 adds a colormap to help visualize the Data Quality Table info
ERPLAB v8.01 adds binorgEEG functions to v8.0

ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

ERPLAB v8.02

To install ERPLAB v8.01, download the zip file (linked above), unzip and place the folder in the 'plugins' folder of your existing EEGLAB installation (e.g. /Users/Steve/Documents/MATLAB/eeglab2019_1/plugins/erplab/). More installation help can be found here.

To run ERPLAB, ensure that the correct EEGLAB folder is in your current Matlab path, and run eeglab as a command from the Matlab Command Window. Find our tutorial here.

We encourage most users to use this latest major version.

ERPLAB compatibility

We anticipate that ERPLAB will work with most recent OSs, Matlab versions and EEGLAB versions.

  • The Matlab Signal Processing Toolbox is required
    • Entering in the command ver in the Command Window will produce a list of installed toolboxes. Check this list to see whether the Signal Processing Toolbox is installed
  • EEGLAB v12 or later is recommended.

Find more ERPLAB installation help here.

ERPLAB compatibility table

Here is a list of some confirmed-working environments for ERPLAB.

ERPLAB v8.0 works with...

OS Matlab EEGLAB Working?
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v14.1.2
Mac OS 10.13.5 'High Sierra' Matlab R2018a EEGLAB v14.1.2 ✓ with Matlab update
Mac OS 10.15 'Catalina' Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Windows 7 Matlab R2014a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2015a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Windows 10 Matlab R2016a EEGLAB v2019_1
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Matlab R2014a EEGLAB v13.5.4b
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Matlab R2019a EEGLAB v2019_1

ERPLAB should work with most modern OSs, Matlab versions, and EEGLAB releases. Let us know if you see any incompatibility.

Release Notes

ERPLAB v8.01 adds binorgEEG functions to v8.0

ERPLAB v8.0 Release Notes

With ERPLAB v8.0, we include new tools for assessing measures of Data Quality Metrics in EEG ERP data.

  • Data Quality Metrics
    • The ERP Averager will calculate these Data Quality Metrics by default
    • A new submenu in the ERPLAB menu ('Data Quality options') allows access from the EEGLAB-ERPLAB GUI.
    • A new table interface to show all the data quality information from an ERP set with DQ_Table_GUI(ERP) or through the above GUI menu option.
    • These data quality metrics can be summarized on the Command Window, saved to Mat structure or exported to Excel, or plotted in the above interactive table.
    • The data quality information and metadata is stored in a new structure, ERP.dataquality

  • New options for calculating, viewing, and saving, frequency spectra, in the compute_fourier(EEG) function


ERPLAB tutorial, manual, and other documentation can be found on the ERPLAB wiki, here.