gwob - Pure Go Golang parser for Wavefront .OBJ 3D geometry file format
git clone
cd gwob
go install
go get
cd ~/go/src/
go install
Import the package in your Go program:
import ""
// Error handling omitted for simplicity.
import ""
options := &gwob.ObjParserOptions{} // parser options
o, errObj := gwob.NewObjFromFile("gopher.obj", options) // parse/load OBJ
// Scan OBJ groups
for _, g := range o.Groups {
// ...
Run the example:
cd example
go run main.go
You can supply a custom input OBJ by setting the env var INPUT:
INPUT=gopher.obj go run main.go
If you specify any command line argument, the OBJ will be dumped to stdout:
go run main.go d
See directory example.
See the GoDoc documentation.