Plugins repository for @TheUltroid.
If you want to contribute to this repository (adding your plugins/porting from other bots), use the format given below and create a pull request.
# Credits @username (creator of plugin and who ported)
# Ported from (if ported else skip)
# Ported for Ultroid < >
Kindly do not steal others works without credits.
Required Import are Automatically Done.
This Example Works Everywhere. (e.g. Groups, Personal Chats ...)
async def hello_world_example(event):
# As telethon is an asyncio based lib, you will have to use `async`/`await` Syntax.
await event.reply("Hello **World**.")
This Example Works Only In Groups.
@ultroid_cmd(pattern="hoi", groups_only=True,)
async def hello_world_example(event):
await event.reply("Hello **World**.")
If Your plugin need any additional requirements, it can be added to addons.txt
For More Information See The Pypi Page.
Made with 💕 by @TeamUltroid.