Collections originally created in this repository have been migrated to our new templates. Please see for current work.
A highly customized version of CollectionBuilder-CSV used to generate University of Idaho Library Digital Collections.
The main branch represents our base collection template. Additional branches contain a variety of individual collections with customized metadata and features. Updates to the main branch can be merged into the collection branches to maintain the centralized template.
This repository is specifically for building U of I Library projects and trails behind development of the general CollectionBuilder-CSV template. If you are interested in this approach, please visit CollectionBuilder to learn more!
CollectionBuilder is a project of University of Idaho Library's Digital Initiatives and the Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning (CDIL) following the Lib-Static methodology. Powered by the open source static site generator Jekyll and a modern static web stack, it puts collection metadata to work building beautiful sites.
The basic theme is created using Bootstrap. Metadata visualizations are built using open source libraries such as DataTables, Leafletjs, Spotlight gallery, lazysizes, and Lunr.js. Object metadata is exposed using and Open Graph protocol standards.
This license does NOT include any objects or images used in digital collections, which may have individually applied licenses described by a "rights" field.
CollectionBuilder code is licensed MIT.
This license does not include external dependencies included in the assets/lib
directory, which are covered by their individual licenses.