All contents in this document are tentative.
Alice Oh (Professor), Haneul Yoo (TA), Jiho Jin (TA)
When you send emails, please email to all TAs and prof. Oh. [Click me to see our emails.]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
And put "CS475" to the title. (e.g., [CS475] Do we have a class on thanksgiving day?)
This course will cover advanced and state-of-the-art machine learning for text data. ML methods covered will include graphical models, Bayesian inference, nonparametric models, and deep learning. By the end of the course, students will be able to
- Understand important concepts in NLP
- Read current research papers in NLP
- Implement some of the basic ML models for NLP
- Conduct replication studies based on a recent NLP+ML paper
- Communicate in written and spoken English about NLP+ML research
- E3-1 2443 (some classes may be held virtually)
- Tue/Thurs 10:30 - 11:45
- We decided not to approve requests for course addition. We ask for your kind understanding regarding this matter.
- You need to have good programming skills in Python for replication/modification of recent NLP research.
- You need to have a basic understanding of ML concepts. You do not need to have taken CS376 or any other undergraduate ML course, but you need to know concepts such as supervised vs unsupervised learning, train vs test data, clustering vs classification, accuracy/precision/recall, overfitting, and basic classification models such as SVM, random forest, etc. You can learn these concepts as we go along, but you may find some lectures and papers difficult to understand if you do not put in extra time to learn these concepts.
- We will use well-known frameworks for machine learning. You may start with little prior experience and learn these libraries during this semester, but that will require extra time and effort. Note that we do not provide any lectures about learning them.
- The topic of the course includes Korean NLP. You do not need to be fluent in Korean, but you need to know what the Korean alphabet (Hangeul) is and how they combine to form syllables and words.
- Recent NLP papers (especially from ACL, EMNLP, NAACL)
- Recent ML papers (AAAI, ICML, IJCAI, NeurIPS, etc)
- Dan Jurafsky & James H. Martin, Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft)
All deadlines are 23:59:59 unless specified.
Week | Date | Topic | Notes | Homework |
1 | 2023.08.29 | Introduction to CS475 | ||
1 | 2023.08.31 | Introduction to NLP | ||
2 | 2023.09.05 | Language Models | Ch 3 of SLP book | |
2 | 2023.09.07 | Language Models & Word Vectors | Ch 6 of SLP book | |
3 | 2023.09.12 | Word Vectors | ||
3 | 2023.09.14 | Text Classification | Deadline to Submit Teams | |
4 | 2023.09.19 | Neural Networks | Recorded Video | |
4 | 2023.09.21 | Wrap-up NN and RNN | Recorded Video | HW 1 Out |
5 | 2023.09.26 | Transformers and BERT, GPT | Recorded Video | |
5 | 2023.09.28 | Holiday | No Class | |
6 | 2023.10.03 | Holiday | No Class | |
6 | 2023.10.05 | Datasets and Evaluation | HW 1 Due | |
7 | 2023.10.10 | Project Proposal | ||
7 | 2023.10.12 | Project Proposal | ||
8 | 2023.10.17 | Midterm | No Class | |
8 | 2023.10.19 | Midterm | No Class | |
9 | 2023.10.24 | Question Answering | HW 2 Out | |
9 | 2023.10.26 | Sentiment & Emotions | ||
10 | 2023.10.31 | Machine Translation & Multilinguality | ||
10 | 2023.11.02 | Ethics and Social Impact of NLP | ||
11 | 2023.11.07 | Guest Lecture | Dr. Jung-Woo Ha | |
11 | 2023.11.09 | Project Progress | Upload recorded video | |
12 | 2023.11.14 | Generative Models | ||
12 | 2023.11.16 | Generative Models & Applications | HW 2 Due | |
13 | 2023.11.21 | Generative Models & Society | ||
13 | 2023.11.23 | Wrap-up | ||
14 | 2023.11.28 | Wrap-up | ||
14 | 2023.11.30 | Undergraduate Admissions | No Class | |
15 | 2023.12.05 | Final Presentation | ||
15 | 2023.12.07 | Final Presentation | ||
16 | 2023.12.12 | Final Exam | No Class | |
16 | 2023.12.14 | Final Exam | No Class | |
16 | 2023.12.17 | Project Final Report |
- RNN Family / BERT
- Benchmark and Evaluation
- Sometimes (expect about 10 times during the semester), we will have a "quiz" in class. The grade will be 0 or 1, so if you turn in an answer, you will get credit. The format will be different for each class. If you miss up to 2 classes, there will be no penalty. After 2, points will be taken off. Because you can miss up to 2 for free, we will not take any excuses for missing the class (unless you have a special case, such as prolonged sickness, in which case you should email the teaching staff).
- You will form teams of three or four, and as a team, pick one paper from the given paper list and replicate it. You will be required to change at least one thing -- dataset, model, or research question. More details will be given out during the first week of class.
- Please refer to this link for the details.
Your grade will be a combination of the following:
- Homework 30%
- HW 1 15%
- HW 2 15%
- Attendance/Quiz 20%
- Team Project 50%
- Proposal 5%
- Progress presentation 10%
- Final presentation 10%
- Written report 10%
- Teamwork 5% (Note that any team may get up to -25% if there is a serious problem with teamwork)
- Peer Review Participation 10%
- Extra Credit
- Recent Issues in AI (TBA)
- We allow and encourage students to use AI-based tools, including large language models, but we require that students list the tools used and describe in detail how the tools are used. A more specific explanation of the policy will be given in class. Anyone not following this policy will be penalized, up to and including an F in the class.
- Unless otherwise specified, we will not accept late homework assignments, quizzes, peer evaluations, or project submissions. For exceptional individual circumstances, please contact the teaching staff.