- Week 2 (3/9): Team matching, Topic exploration
- Week 4 (3/23): Project proposal, Peer grading
- Slides submission deadline: 23:59, March 22, 2023
- Peer grading: Real-time
- Week 8 (4/20): Progress Update, Peer grading
- Presentation Video submission deadline: 23:59, April 19, 2023
- Peer grading deadline: 23:59, April 21, 2023
- Week 15 (6/8): Final presentation, Peer grading
- Slides submission deadline: 23:59, June 7, 2023
- Peer grading: Real-time
- Week 16 (6/15): Final report, Teamwork report
- Slides submission deadline: 23:59, June 14, 2023
- Teamwork report: Google form
The goal of the team project is to research a case different from the four cases we are studying in class. The case should be based on AI technology; and the project should discuss the technology, social impact, and legal aspects of the technology, similar to how the lecturers present the cases.
The project should include one or more interviews with the technology/social/legal experts who are knowledgeable about the case. The interviews can be conducted orally (phone interviews are okay) or by email.
This is a team-based project. Please form teams of 3 students by March 9. If you need help forming teams, advertise yourself and find your teammate in class.
- Proposal presentation: 10%
- Progress presentation: 10%
- Final presentation: 15%
- Final report: 10%
- Peer grading: 10%
- Teamwork report: 5%
Note that any team may get up to -25%p for project scores if there is a serious problem with teamwork. That means, the project grade could be 35/60, even if all presentation and report scores are perfect. This can apply to an individual student, or to the entire team.
All project team members should present an important part in the presentation (speak for at least one minute each). You should present your work in the presentation session.
- Proposal presentation: 5-8 minute presentation
- Progress presentation video: 7-10 minute presentation video (recorded)
- Final presentation: 10-15 minute presentation
- Final report: 4-6 pages report (+ unlimited references) and slides used for final presentation
- Peer grading: 4 peer gradings for proposal, progress, final presentation, and final report
- Teamwork report: (individually written/submitted) description of what each team member did
Choose topic(s) and conduct interview(s).
- Topics have to be related to AI and its social impact
- Specific case has to be proposed and researched on
- Contact interviewees who are knowledgeable about the case and can have an interview regarding the issue
- The topics should be about a case different from the four cases we are studying in class
Based on the interview(s), prepare your final presentation and report.
- They should discuss the technology, social impact, and legal aspects of the technology, including case studies that your team worked on.
Give a 5-8 minute proposal presentation that includes the following:
- Problem: What is the topic of your paper? What is the specific case being tackled? Why is it important to consider this case?
- Related work: What kind of social issues have been proposed regarding this problem? What kind of solutions or considerations were proposed?
- Technology: What kind of technology was used in this case?
- Social Impact: What/How was this technology’s social impact?
- Legal Aspects: What does the current law lack regarding this issue? What kind of legislation is needed for this technology?
- Interview: Who do you wish to interview (It is suggested to have multiple candidates since all of the interviewees may not be able to be interviewed)? Why did you pick those people?
- Plan: Explain a week-by-week plan for completing this project, clearly indicating which tasks will be done by which team member, and which tasks will be done together.
Record a 7-10 minute progress presentation video that includes the following:
- Introduction: Please briefly explain your topic, case, and societal issue.
- Interview:
- Who did your team interview? Why were those people chosen? Which part (technology/social impact/legal aspects) did the interviewee most talk about?
- What kind of questions were asked?
- What did you learn from the interview(s)? Do you wish to conduct more interviews?
- Plan:
- Again, how will you improve or modify your research? Please have a more concrete plan for this based on the interviews and research conducted.
Give a 10-15 minute final presentation and submit a 4-6 page (+ unlimited references) report. Below is the structure of the final report. The final presentation should contain the same content but in a presentation style.
- Abstract: Summary of your work
- Introduction:
- Brief overview of the case research and its importance
- Purpose of the report
- Outline of the report
- Related Works:
- Brief history of AI and its social impact
- Types of AI technology and their applications
- Technology:
- Explanation of the AI technology the case is based on
- Social Impact:
- Positive and negative impacts of the AI technology
- Ethical considerations
- Legal Aspects:
- Legal issues related to AI technology
- Current laws and regulations related to AI technology
- Future legal implications of AI technology
- Case Study:
- Detailed analysis of a case study related to AI technology
- Discussion of the technology, social impact, and legal aspects of the case study
- Summary of the interviews conducted
- Discussion of the insights gained from the interviews
- Conclusion:
- Summary of the key findings from the report
- Recommendations for future research and policy development
- References (unlimited pages)
- We will use Google form (TBD) and it will be done in the lecture.
- Everyone (individually) should grade and comment on
- Proposal presentations
- Progress presentation videos
- Final presentations & reports
- We will use Google form
- Everyone should contribute, and everyone should learn something new
- Everyone (individually) should write
- Who did what for each task (proposal presentation, progress presentation, project presentation, final report) in detail
- Any grievances
- Any praises and special recognition
- Due date: same as the final report evaluation