Please send email to [email protected] regarding any class-related issues with "[CoE491A]" to the title.
All contents in this document are subject to change.
- Lecture videos or interview videos that have to be watched before class will be uploaded on KLMS.
- [2023/03/06] Notice about team construction and discussion prompt has been uploaded on KLMS
- [2023/03/19] Class schedule has been updated.
Most classes will be in-person but will be recorded for those who are not able to attend. This course follows regulations regarding KAIST and South Korea government.
- Alice Oh, School of Computing
- Moon Choi, Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy
- Byungpil Kim, Innovation and Technology Management
- Haneul Yoo (School of Computing)
- Nayeon Lee (School of Computing)
- Chani Jung (School of Computing)
- Contact: [email protected]
Please send emails to [email protected]. We will not consider any class-related email arriving in our personal accounts. Please put "[CoE491A] to the title when you email. (e.g., [CoE491A] De we have a class on MM/DD?)
- THU 13:00 PM - 16:00 PM (Can be changed due to supplementary videos provided)
- Rm. 114, N1 (Kim Beang-Ho KIM Sam-Youl ITC B/D)
week | Day & Time | Type | Topic | Lectures | Project |
1 | 03/02 13:00 |
Introduction, Discussion |
Introduction / Chatbots: Technology | 1 Lecture Video during class & 1 after class | |
2 | 03/09 14:00 |
Discussion | Chatbots: Social Impact | 1 Lecture Video before class | Choose Teams |
3 | 03/16 14:00 |
Discussion | Chatbots: Legal Aspects | 1 Interview & 1 Lecture Video before class | |
4 | 03/23 13:00 |
Project Proposals | Proposal, Peer-review | ||
5 | 03/30 13:00 |
Discussion | Algorithmic Hiring: Technology | In-class Lecture | |
6 | 04/06 14:00 |
Discussion | Algorithmic Hiring: Impact to Society | 2 Interview Videos before class | |
7 | 04/13 14:00 |
Discussion | Algorithmic Hiring: Policies and Legal Aspects | 1 Lecture Video before class | |
8 | 04/20 | No Class (Midterm Exam) | Project Progress Presentations (Upload Video), Peer-review | ||
9 | 04/27 14:00 |
Discussion | Generative AI and IP: Legal Aspects | 1 Lecture Video before class | |
10 | 05/04 14:00 |
Discussion | AI-assisted Social Services: Technology & Social Impact | 2 Interview Videos before class | |
11 | 05/11 14:00 |
Discussion | AI-assisted Social Services: Policies and Legal Aspects | 1 Lecture Video before class | |
12 | 05/18 13:00 |
Discussion | Self-driving: Social Impact | In-class Lecture | |
13 | 05/25 14:00 |
Discussion | Self-driving: Legal Aspects | 1 Interview Video before class | |
14 | 06/01 14:00 |
Discussion | Self-driving: Technology | 1 Lecture Video & 1 Interview Video before class | |
15 | 06/08 13:00 |
Project Presentations | Final Presentation, Peer-review | ||
16 | 06/15 | No Class (Final Exam) | Final Report |
This course consists of lectures, readings, discussions, quizzes, and team projects. Students will be asked to do the following things.
- Group discussion write-up, one per week
- Individual discussion prompt, one per week
- Team project proposal presentation, progress presentation, final presentation, final report
- Peer review of team project presentations
The students will be asked to watch one or two videos before each class, and some classes will also include in-class lectures.
Students will discuss with their groups the topics based on the lectures/interviews they watched with thought-provoking questions. You will analyze deeply how artificial intelligence affects various aspects of our society, including but not limited to policy, ethics, education, and social services. You will present and discuss ideas for further consideration in AI and its social impact.
- 12 in-class discussions (see schedule).
- Organize a group of 3 people, and have time to present what you think and discuss
- All groups should submit their result at the end of class.
- See the details on this page.
The goal of the team project is to research a case different from the four cases we are studying in class. The case should be based on AI technology; and the project should discuss the technology, social impact, and legal aspects of the technology, similar to how the lecturers present the cases. The project should include one or more interviews with the technology/social/legal experts who are knowledgeable about the case. The interviews can be conducted orally (phone interviews are okay) or by email. See the details on this page.
Recent progress in large-scale language models (LLM), such as ChatGPT, motivates explicit policies.
- The entire course policy is LLM-agnostic: no grader will ever evaluate your submission differently because they suspect it was generated by an LLM.
- You are free to use an LLM as long as you acknowledge it.
- You are ultimately responsible for whatever you submit like with any other online tool.
- You will be asked to state how you are assisted by LLM at the end of the semester to evolve in future courses.
The final grade of this course is provided as S/U, and the cut-off point of S grade will be announced soon.
- Attendance and participation 10%
- Group discussion write-ups 20%
- Peer reviews 10%
- Team project 60%