- Skåne, Sweden
- @ulsa
Utils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, gzip, bz2...)
Fork of Flask-RESTPlus: Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
An excerpt from our financial valuation model of Tesla
This repository is used as source code for the medium post about implementing a Twitter recommender system using GCP.
Elm 0.19.1, Webpack 5 & Tailwind
A local version of sqsd, the daemon in Elastic Beanstalk's Worker Environments.
A guide to building web applications using Elm 0.18
Restarts an app when the filesystem changes. Uses growl and FSEventStream if on OS X.
A ClojureScript framework for building user interfaces, leveraging React
Demo of localisation with Om Next and DataScript
Authentication and Authorization facilities for ring and ring based web applications.
Fast and powerful CSV (delimited text) parser that gracefully handles large files and malformed input
"every time I watch one of his talks I feel like someone has gone in and organized my brain"
A Clojure[Script] library for word case conversions
lab: serverless rps with AWS Lambda, API Gateway
DEPRECATED: Javascript libraries packaged up with Google Closure externs
The J-Bob proof assistant from The Little Prover in Clojure
The game rock-paper-scissors implemented using CQRS & Event Sourcing in Clojure.
A Clojure library for parsing, downloading and reading email from IMAP servers.
Control the throughput of function calls and core.async channels
Needs Maintainer: python daemon that munches on logs and sends their contents to logstash