An exercise in implementing the Timesheet tracker ( using Netflix DGS framework and Kotlin.
Graphiql: http://localhost:8080/graphiql
See re graphql testing and security
- reuse docker daemon from minikube
eval $(minikube docker-env)
- build docker image
- tag with latest
docker tag jikan-ga-aru-server:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT jikan-ga-aru-server
- generate kube deployment
Note: i modified the tag to include :0.0.1-SNAPSHOT but i did not tag latest either Note: i modified the deployment.yaml to set imagePullPolicy: Never
kubectl create deployment jikan-ga-aru-server --image=jikan-ga-aru-server --dry-run -o=yaml > deployment.yaml echo --- >> deployment.yaml kubectl create service clusterip jikan-ga-aru-server --tcp=8080:8080 --dry-run -o=yaml >> deployment.yaml
- deploy to kubernetes
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
- port forward
kubectl port-forward svc/jikan-ga-aru-server 8080:8080
- unset docker daeomon
eval $(minikube docker-env -u)
A custom context is passed from parent to child(s) which contains a mutable list of Entities that are loaded within a request. These are in-turn used to pull relationship information for Many-to-One DataLoaders, so we can perform a relatively easy query against the DB. Each dataLoader that pulls new data from the DB for the single request will keep adding Entities loaded into this Custom Context for the next child. (This may assume the child queries are not loaded in parallel...)
Not sure if this code will survive a refactor to a federated graphQL service in the future though.
Adding truststore/key to VM options:<password>