Stellarium Mobile v1.30.2
New feature:
- Online update comets (in Advance Panel)
- Checkbox for telrad circle
- Checkbox for toast layout
- Checkbox for flip view
- Select observing list include DSO ID, show filter for observing session
- Add some UI panels
- update DSO catalog v3.x
how to use observing function
Add multi lines of DSO-id in observingList.txt and copy it to sdcard. Select observing list *.txt file and apply filter, only set observing in catalog filter.
Build me:
Source of fork:
Archive Version of v1.29.6:
This also can be compiled to Windows Version, see release. (add LIBS += -lWinmm -LG:\Qt\5.15.2\mingw81_32\bin -lGLESv2 -lEGL
into .pro)
IOS build Kits: macOS 10.13.6 + XCode 10.1 + 5.12.3, please use original 1.29.6 code but not newest.
If build error, remove AndroidManifest.xml and change sdk version in project.