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Repository files navigation


This plug-in depends on jQuery and Handlebars libraries. It works with the UNBXD Autosuggest APIs to provide a flexible and configurable auto-suggest for an e-commerce site. It provides features, especially required by e-commerce sites like


in fields








Step 1 - Include scripts

Please include Jquery(> 1.7), Handlebars and unbxdAutosuggest.js in order.
Default css can be applied by including unbxdAutosuggest.css in your html.

Include unbxdAutosuggest.js and unbxdAutosuggest.css after downloading this repo by including this in head of your html page
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
PS - please include these script tags before the ending </head> tag in your html page.

Step 2 - Configuration

Configure our autosuggest plugin by modifying below snippet according to your parameters and include that in your html page. Each of the options used is explained in-detail after the following snippet.
// initialize unbxdautocomplete by invoking the unbxdAutoSuggestFunction
// with jquery & handlebars as its parameters. you will need to do this only once.
unbxdAutoSuggestFunction(jQuery, Handlebars);

		//on dom load set autocomplete options
		//Usage: $(<element>).unbxdautocomplete(options);
			siteName : 'demosite-u1407617955968' //your site key which can be found on dashboard
			,APIKey : '64a4a2592a648ac8415e13c561e44991' //your api key which is mailed to during account creation or can be found on account section on the dashboard
			,minChars : 2
			,maxSuggestions: 10
			,delay : 100
			,loadingClass : 'unbxd-as-loading'
			,mainWidth : 0
			,sideWidth : 180
			,zIndex : 0
			,position : 'absolute'
			,template : "1column"
			,mainTpl: ['inFields', 'keywordSuggestions', 'topQueries', 'popularProducts']
			,sideTpl: []
			,sideContentOn : "right"
			,showCarts : false
			,cartType : "separate"
			,onSimpleEnter : function(){
			    console.log("Simple enter :: do a form submit")
			,onItemSelect : function(data,original){
			,onCartClick : function(data,original){
				console.log("addtocart", arguments);
				return true;
				count: 2
				,header: ''
				,tpl: ''
				count: 2
				,header: ''
				,tpl: ''
				count: 2
				,header: ''
				,tpl: ''
			,suggestionsHeader: ''
				count: 2
				,price: true
				,priceFunctionOrKey : "price"
				,image: true
				,imageUrlOrFunction: "imageUrl"
				,currency : "$"
				,header: ''
				,tpl: ''
			,filtered : false

Configuration Options

  • siteName : This value can be found in UNBXD dashboard. It is unique for every search site created on the dashboard.
  • APIKey : Use the API key which was mailed during account creation. It can also be found on the account section of the dashboard.
  • minChars : Minimum number of characters required to start showing suggestions. The value should be 0 or > 0 (greater than zero)
  • maxSuggestions : Total number of suggestions to show.In the ratio 2:4:4 for infields, keywordsuggestions and topQueries respectively.
  • suggestionsHeader : Header for Suggestions in the main template.
  • delay : Number of milliseconds to wait before fetching results from server. This is helpful in waiting till user stops typing.
  • loadingClass : This class name will be added to input during data fetching process, so that user can see some loader animation or state change.
  • mainWidth : if set any value (only integer), then it will be used to set the width of suggestions else defaults to input sideWidth.
  • sideWidth : if set any value (only integer), then it will be used to set the width of suggestions else defaults to input mainWidth.
  • position : either absolute or fixed
  • template : either 1column or 2column. On mobile browsers, this value is set to 1column by default and the features in the mainTpl value will be displayed in the autocomplete.
  • mainTpl: array of features to be present in the main template in the order in which they need to appear. values can be inFields, topQueries, keywordSuggestions, popularProducts
  • sideTpl: array of features to be present in the side template in the order in which they need to appear. Values are same as the previous option.
  • sideContentOn : either left or right. Used only when template is set to 2column
  • showCarts : either true or false. To show Add-to-cart button and quantity input.
  • cartType : either inline or separate. Used only when showCarts is set to true
  • noResultTpl : either function() or Template to show on No results.
  • inFields : configure the IN-FIELDS feature. This value takes an object with different properties as explained below.
    • count is useful to adjust the number of IN-FIELDS shown to user
    • type either inline or separate. Shows IN-FIELDS in same or separate line.
    • fields is an object containing the name & count of values for fields uploaded to UNBXD. These fields will appear as in-suggestions in secondary level.
    • header will display the header above the results if any IN FIELDS are present.
    • tpl - Handlebars template that can be used to customize the HTML displaying the list of IN FIELDS.
	count: 2
	, type: "separate"
		'brand':3 //shows 3 values from brand
		,'category':3 //shows 3 from category
		,'color':3 //shows 3 from color
	,header: ''
	,tpl: ''
  • topQueries : configures the TOP-QUERIES feature. This value takes an object with different properties as explained below.
    • count is useful to adjust the number of TOP QUERIES shown to user
    • header will display the header above the results if any TOP QUERIES are present.
    • tpl - Handlebars template that can be used to customize the HTML displaying the list of TOP QUERIES.
	count: 2
	,header: ''
	,tpl: ''
  • keywordSuggestions : configures the KEYWORD-SUGGESTION feature. This value takes an object with different properties as explained below.
    • count is useful to adjust the number of KEYWORD SUGGESTIONS shown to user
    • header will display the header above the results if any KEYWORD SUGGESTIONS are present.
    • tpl - Handlebars template that can be used to customize the HTML displaying the list of KEYWORD SUGGESTIONS.
	count: 2
	,header: ''
	,tpl: ''
  • popularProducts : configures the POPULAR-PRODUCTS feature. This value takes an object with different properties as explained below.
    • count is useful to adjust the number of POPULAR PRODUCTS shown to user.
    • currency has to be a string containing the symbol of the currency.
    • image based on whether it is true or false, it can either be shown or hidden.
    • imageUrlOrFunction can be either a fieldname(string) uploaded to UNBXD or a function which takes an object as argument and returns an image url.
    • price based on whether it is true or false, it can either be shown or hidden.
    • priceFunctionOrKey can be either a fieldname(string) uploaded to UNBXD or a function which takes an object as argument and returns string or a number.
    • header will display the header above the results if any POPULAR PRODUCTS are present. Also, handlebar template is supported.
    ,header: 'Popular products in {{hoverSuggestion}}'
    • tpl - Handlebars template that can be used to customize the HTML displaying the list of POPULAR PRODUCTS.
    • view - either grid or list.
    • rowCount - Number of products per row.
	count: 2 //number of products to be shown
	,price: true //to show price in case of carts
	,priceFunctionOrKey : "price" //it can also be a function which takes an object as argument and returns a string or number
	,image: true //to show image
	,imageUrlOrFunction: "imageUrl" //it can also be a function which takes an object as argument and returns a image url
	,currency : "$"
	//update title or header value here
	,header: ''
	//give HBS template here.
	,tpl: ''
  • filtered : either true or false. If true filtered PopularProducts will be displayed.
  • onSimpleEnter : This function will be called if user presses enter key without selecting any result.
  • onItemSelect : This function will be called when a user selects one of the suggestions. It will be passed 2 arguments. The first argument is an object shown below and second value will be the original value from Unbxd.
//the first argument
	value : ""//user selected value
	,filtername : ""//available only incase of IN_FIELD
	,filtervalue : ""//available only incase of IN_FIELD
  • onCartClick : this function will be called when a user clicks on Add-to-cart button. The arguments will be same as onItemSelect but it includes quantity and uniqueId of the product.
  • hbsHelpers: needs to be a function. You can register your handlebars helpers here.
  • processResultsStyles : This option, if set, should be a function, with a single argument which takes an object with top, left and right properties in it. The function should return the object with all the css properties that can be applied to suggestions container. Note: this object is generally used for positioning the suggestions.
  • resultsContainerSelector : This option, if set, should be jQuery selector string for DOM element where suggestions should be appended in Document. If not set, then suggestions will be appended to body.
PS - if you want more css changes than given in config file, please override classes in unbxdAutosuggest.css