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Issue 639 Check diffs between TUP and IUP (#640)
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* Issue 639 Check diffs between TUP and IUP

* Start adding shimmed properties

* Remaining properties are not standard UCD properties.

* Working on toNFC, etc. In progress, but saving current state

* Update with changes handling normalization

* Changes as per Robin's review
  • Loading branch information
macchiati authored Jan 16, 2024
1 parent bac16cf commit 354fb80
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Showing 7 changed files with 1,120 additions and 9 deletions.
366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions unicodetools/src/main/java/org/unicode/props/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
package org.unicode.props;

import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.unicode.props.UcdPropertyValues.Binary;
import org.unicode.props.UcdPropertyValues.Decomposition_Type_Values;
import org.unicode.props.UcdPropertyValues.General_Category_Values;
import org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData;
import org.unicode.text.UCD.UCD;
import org.unicode.text.utility.ChainException;
import org.unicode.text.utility.Utility;

* This is a modified version of NormalizationDataStandard, making the minimal changes to ensure
* that the logic is identical for IndexUnicodeProperties as it was for
public class NormalizationDataIUP implements NormalizationData {
private final HashMap<Long, Integer> compTable = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
private final BitSet isSecond = new BitSet();
private final BitSet isFirst = new BitSet();
private final BitSet canonicalRecompose = new BitSet();
private final BitSet compatibilityRecompose = new BitSet();

private final VersionInfo versionInfo;
private final String version;
private final UnicodeMap<Decomposition_Type_Values> decompType;
private final UnicodeMap<String> decompMap;
private final UnicodeMap<Integer> ccc;
private final UnicodeMap<General_Category_Values> gc;

public NormalizationDataIUP(IndexUnicodeProperties factory) {
versionInfo = factory.getUcdVersion();
version = versionInfo.getVersionString(2, 2);

gc = factory.loadEnum(UcdProperty.General_Category, General_Category_Values.class);
UnicodeSet compExclude = factory.loadEnumSet(UcdProperty.Composition_Exclusion, Binary.Yes);
decompType =
factory.loadEnum(UcdProperty.Decomposition_Type, Decomposition_Type_Values.class);
decompMap = factory.load(UcdProperty.Decomposition_Mapping);
ccc = factory.loadInt(UcdProperty.Canonical_Combining_Class);

for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) {
if (i == 0xA0) {
int debug = 0;
// if (!ucd.isAssigned(i)) {
final General_Category_Values gcValue = gc.getValue(i);
if (gcValue == UcdPropertyValues.General_Category_Values.Unassigned) {
// if (ucd.isPUA(i)) {
if (gcValue == UcdPropertyValues.General_Category_Values.Private_Use) {

// if (UCD.isNonLeadJamo(i)) {
if (isNonLeadJamo(i)) {
// if (UCD.isLeadingJamoComposition(i)) {
if (isLeadingJamoComposition(i)) {
// final byte dt = ucd.getDecompositionType(i);
// if (dt != UCD_Types.CANONICAL) {
if (decompType.get(i) != Decomposition_Type_Values.Canonical) {
// if (!ucd.getBinaryProperty(i, UCD_Types.CompositionExclusion)) {
if (compExclude.contains(i)) {
try {
// final String s = ucd.getDecompositionMapping(i);
final String s = decompMap.get(i);
if (s.equals("<code point>")) { // could optimize
final int len = UTF16.countCodePoint(s);
if (len != 2) {
// if (len > 2) {
// if
// (versionInfo.compareTo(VersionInfo.getInstance(3))
// >= 0) { // version >= 3.0.0
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("BAD
// LENGTH: " + len + " for " + Utility.hex(s));
// }
// }
final int a = UTF16.charAt(s, 0);
// if (ucd.getCombiningClass(a) != 0) {
if (ccc.get(a) != 0) {

final int b = UTF16.charAt(s, UTF16.getCharCount(a));

// have a recomposition, so set the bit

// set the compatibility recomposition bit
// ONLY if the component characters
// don't compatibility decompose

// if (ucd.getDecompositionType(a) <= UCD_Types.CANONICAL
// && ucd.getDecompositionType(b) <=
Decomposition_Type_Values decompA = decompType.get(a);
if (decompA == Decomposition_Type_Values.None
|| decompA == Decomposition_Type_Values.Canonical) {
Decomposition_Type_Values decompB = decompType.get(b);
if (decompB == Decomposition_Type_Values.None
|| decompB == Decomposition_Type_Values.Canonical) {

final long key = (((long) a) << 32) | b;

/*if (i == '\u1E0A' || key == 0x004400000307) {
compTable.put(new Long(key), new Integer(i));
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new ChainException("Error: {0}", new Object[] {Utility.hex(i)}, e);
// process compatibilityRecompose
// have to do this afterwards, since we don't know whether the pieces
// are allowable until we have processed all the characters

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#getUCDVersion()
public String getUCDVersion() {
return version;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#getCanonicalClass(int)
public short getCanonicalClass(int cp) {
// return ucd.getCombiningClass(cp);
return (short) (int) ccc.get(cp);

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#isTrailing(int)
public boolean isTrailing(int cp) {
return isSecond.get(cp);

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#isLeading(int)
public boolean isLeading(int cp) {
return isFirst.get(cp);

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#normalizationDiffers(int, boolean, boolean)
public boolean normalizationDiffers(int cp, boolean composition, boolean compat) {
// final byte dt = ucd.getDecompositionType(cp);
final Decomposition_Type_Values dt = decompType.get(cp);
if (!composition) {
if (compat) {
// return dt >= UCD_Types.CANONICAL;
return isCanonicalOrCompat(dt);
} else {
// return dt == UCD_Types.CANONICAL;
return dt == Decomposition_Type_Values.Canonical;
} else {
// almost the same, except that we add back in the characters
if (compat) {
// return dt >= UCD_Types.CANONICAL && !compatibilityRecompose.get(cp);
return isCanonicalOrCompat(dt) && !compatibilityRecompose.get(cp);
} else {
// return dt == UCD_Types.CANONICAL && !canonicalRecompose.get(cp);
return dt == Decomposition_Type_Values.Canonical && !canonicalRecompose.get(cp);

public static boolean isCanonicalOrCompat(final Decomposition_Type_Values dt) {
return dt != Decomposition_Type_Values.None;

public static boolean isCompat(final Decomposition_Type_Values dt) {
return dt != Decomposition_Type_Values.None && dt != Decomposition_Type_Values.Canonical;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#getRecursiveDecomposition(int, java.lang.StringBuffer, boolean)
public void getRecursiveDecomposition(int cp, StringBuffer buffer, boolean compat) {
// final byte dt = ucd.getDecompositionType(cp);
final Decomposition_Type_Values dt = decompType.get(cp);

// we know we decompose all CANONICAL, plus > CANONICAL if compat is TRUE.
// if (dt == UCD_Types.CANONICAL || dt > UCD_Types.CANONICAL && compat) {
if (dt == Decomposition_Type_Values.Canonical || isCompat(dt) && compat) {
final String s = decompMap.get(cp);
if (s.equals("<code point>") || s.equals(UTF16.valueOf(cp))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("decomp, but no map, " + Utility.hex(cp));
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) {
cp = UTF16.charAt(s, i);
getRecursiveDecomposition(cp, buffer, compat);
} else {
UTF16.append(buffer, cp);

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#getPairwiseComposition(int, int)
public int getPairwiseComposition(int starterCh, int ch) {
final int hangulPoss = composeHangul(starterCh, ch);
if (hangulPoss != 0xFFFF) {
return hangulPoss;
final Integer obj = compTable.get(new Long((((long) starterCh) << 32) | ch));
if (obj == null) {
return 0xFFFF;
return obj.intValue();

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#hasCompatDecomposition(int)
public boolean hasCompatDecomposition(int i) {
return isCanonicalOrCompat(decompType.get(i));

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#isNonSpacing(int)
public boolean isNonSpacing(int cp) {
// final int cat = ucd.getCategory(cp);
// final boolean nonSpacing = cat != UCD_Types.Mn && cat != UCD_Types.Me;
final General_Category_Values cat = gc.get(cp);
final boolean nonSpacing =
cat != General_Category_Values.Nonspacing_Mark
&& cat != General_Category_Values.Enclosing_Mark;
return nonSpacing;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.unicode.text.UCD.NormalizationData#getCompositionStatus(java.util.BitSet, java.util.BitSet, java.util.BitSet)
public void getCompositionStatus(BitSet leading, BitSet trailing, BitSet resulting) {
for (final Entry<Long, Integer> entry : compTable.entrySet()) {
final Long key = entry.getKey();
final Integer result = entry.getValue();
final long keyLong = key.longValue();
if (leading != null) {
leading.set((int) (keyLong >>> 32));
if (trailing != null) {
trailing.set((int) keyLong);
if (resulting != null) {
for (int i = UCD.LBase; i < UCD.TLimit; ++i) {
if (leading != null && isLeadingJamo(i)) {
leading.set(i); // set all initial Jamo (that form syllables)
if (trailing != null && isNonLeadJamo(i)) {
trailing.set(i); // set all final Jamo (that form syllables)
if (leading != null) {
for (int i = UCD.SBase; i < UCD.SLimit; ++i) {
if (isDoubleHangul(i)) {
leading.set(i); // set all two-Jamo syllables

* We can't just get these from the Hangul Property Values, L, V, T, because some Old values are
* also included.
*\p{Block=Hangul%20Jamo} So we copy
* some of the code.
private static final int SBase = 0xAC00,
LBase = 0x1100,
VBase = 0x1161,
TBase = 0x11A7,
TBase2 = 0x11A8,
LCount = 19,
VCount = 21,
TCount = 28,
NCount = VCount * TCount, // 588
SCount = LCount * NCount, // 11172
LLimit = LBase + LCount, // 1113
VLimit = VBase + VCount, // 1176
TLimit = TBase + TCount, // 11C3
TLimitFull = 0x1200,
SLimit = SBase + SCount; // D7A4

static int composeHangul(int char1, int char2) {
if (LBase <= char1 && char1 < LLimit && VBase <= char2 && char2 < VLimit) {
return (SBase + ((char1 - LBase) * VCount + (char2 - VBase)) * TCount);
if (SBase <= char1
&& char1 < SLimit
&& TBase2 <= char2
&& char2 < TLimit
&& ((char1 - SBase) % TCount) == 0) {
return char1 + (char2 - TBase);
return 0xFFFF; // no composition

private static boolean isNonLeadJamo(int cp) {
return (VBase <= cp && cp < VLimit) || (TBase2 <= cp && cp < TLimit);

private static boolean isLeadingJamoComposition(int char1) {
return (LBase <= char1 && char1 < LLimit)
|| (SBase <= char1 && char1 < SLimit && ((char1 - SBase) % TCount) == 0);

static boolean isLeadingJamo(int cp) {
return (LBase <= cp && cp < LLimit);

static boolean isDoubleHangul(int s) {
final int SIndex = s - SBase;
if (0 > SIndex || SIndex >= SCount) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a Hangul Syllable: " + s);
return (SIndex % TCount) == 0;

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