eXeXeXeX is a 4X genre of strategy-based video game in which player "eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate" the world
- OS2D is cross platform engine for 2d mobile games (examples included) made with ObjectScript and Oxygine
- OS2D binaries is OS2D binaries and executables examples for Windows
- CastleMonster is opensource old school battle mobile game made with OS2D
- CastleMonster binaries is CastleMonster binaries and executables files for Windows
- eXeXeXeX is opensource is a 4X genre of strategy-based video game made with OS2D
- eXeXeXeX binaries is eXeXeXeX binaries and executables files for Windows
- ObjectScript is ObjectScript language repository of full opensource code
- ObjectScript binaries is ObjectScript binaries and executables files for Windows (os.exe & os-fcgi.exe included)
- objectscript.org is ObjectScript site
- objectscript.org repo is ObjectScript site opensource code repository
- Programming in ObjectScript
- ObjectScript Reference
- ObjectScript C++ binder generator
Please feel free to contact me at anytime, my email is [email protected], skype: egolovin