A Node.js module/CLI app for checking web accessibility using achecker.ca.
In order to use this module you must supply a Web Service ID from achecker. You can register for free at http://achecker.ca/
This module implements the Accessibility validation review from Achecker Web Service API.
$ npm install wcag-validator
or globally for CLI app
$ npm install wcag-validator -g
Create an options object.
uri URI to page you want to validate (required)
id Your web service ID from Achecker (required)
output Output format of report. Defaults to 'html' can be set to 'rest'
guide Guidelines to validate against. Defaults to 'WCAG2-AA'. Alternatives: 'BITV1', '508', 'STANCA', 'WCAG1-A', 'WCAG1-AA', 'WCAG1-AAA', 'WCAG2-A', 'WCAG2-AA', 'WCAG2-AAA'. For multiple guidelines separate with comma.
offset The line offset to begin validation on the html output from URI.. Defaults to 0.
const validator = require('wcag-validator')
const options = {
uri : 'http://uri-to-validate.com',
id : 'your-webservice-id-from-achecker'
validator(options, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
throw err
$ wcag-validator <uri to validate> --id=<achecker id>
$ wcag-validator <uri to validate> --id=<achecker id> --output=<output> --guide=<guide> --offset=<offset>