M_time - Fortran module for manipulating and presenting time and date values
M_time(3f) displays Civilian Calendar dates in many formats.
In addition to high-level date formatting, it can manipulate or read many other date representations ...
- Julian and Modified Julian Dates
- Baseday and Seconds Dates
- Unix Epoch Dates
- High-level date formatting
- Ordinal days of the year
- days of the week
- ISO-8601 week numbers
- month and weekday names
- (limited) internationalization
Julian and Unix Epoch Dates are particularly useful for manipulating dates in simple numeric expressions. They are numbers with units of days and seconds respectively from a fixed date that you can easily convert to and from. So you can convert any date to a Julian Date, subtract one and you have the date for the day before, for example.
The M_time Fortran
module complements the DATE_AND_TIME(3f)
( it is the standard Fortran intrinsic subroutine that returns the
current date and time in the Gregorian calendar). That is, the primary
way this module represents dates is as an integer array with the same
meaning for elements as defined by the DATE_AND_TIME(3f)
The extensive formatting options include showing SYSTEM_CLOCK(3f)
and CPU_USAGE(3f)
information along with Gregorian date information,
allowing for the easy incorporation of timing information into program
In addition to conventional Civilian Calendar dates, the module supports the ISO-8601 standard.
Procedural, Functional, and OOP (Object Oriented Programming) interfaces are provided.
Each routine is accompanied by a man(1) page which includes a sample program for that procedure. An HTML manual, the source, and example programs for each procedure are included in the package.
- date_to_unix (dat,UNIXTIME,IERR) ! Convert date array to Unix Time
- unix_to_date(unixtime,DAT,IERR) ! Convert Unix Time to date array
- d2u(dat) result (UNIXTIME) ! Convert date array to Unix Time
- u2d(unixtime) result (DAT) ! Convert Unix Time to date array
- julian_to_date(julian,DAT,IERR) ! Convert Julian Date to date array
- date_to_julian(dat,JULIAN,IERR) ! Convert date array to Julian Date
- d2j(dat) result (JULIAN) ! Convert date array to Julian Date
- j2d(julian) result (DAT) ! Convert Julian Date to date array
- modified_julian_to_date(modified_julian,DAT,IERR) ! Convert Modified Julian Date to date array
- date_to_modified_julian(dat,MODIFIED_JULIAN,IERR) ! Convert date array to Modified Julian Date
- d2m(dat) result (MODIFIED_JULIAN) ! Convert date array to Modified Julian Date
- m2d(modified_julian) result (DAT) ! Convert Modified Julian Date to date array
- bas_to_date(bas,DAT,IERR) ! Convert Baseday and Seconds to date array
- date_to_bas(dat,bas,IERR) ! Convert date array to Baseday and Seconds type
- d2b(dat) result (bas) ! Convert date array to Baseday and Seconds
- b2d(bas) result (DAT) ! Convert Baseday and Seconds to date array
- dow(dat,[WEEKDAY],[DAY],IERR) ! Convert date array to day of the week as number and name
- d2w(dat,ISO_YEAR,ISO_WEEK,ISO_WEEKDAY,ISO_NAME) ! Calculate iso-8601 Week-numbering year date yyyy-Www-d
- w2d([iso8601_week]|[iso_year,iso_week,iso_weekday],DAT) ! given iso-8601 Week as numeric year, week and day_of_week, or string "yyyy-Www-d" calculate date as a DAT array
- d2o(dat) result(ORDINAL) ! given date array return ordinal day of year, Jan 1st=1
- o2d(ordinal) result(DAT) ! given ordinal day of year return date array, Jan 1st=1
- ordinal_to_date (year,ordinal_day,DAT) ! given ordinal day of year return date array, Jan 1st=1
- ordinal_seconds() ! seconds since the beginning of current year
- fmtdate(dat,format) result (TIMESTR) ! Convert date array to string using format
- fmtdate_usage(indent) ! display macros recognized by fmtdate
- locale(name,mths,wks,mths,short,wks_short,ierr) ! allow substituting other strings for month and weekday names, including predefined sets for languages representable in extended ASCII.
- now(format) result (NOW) ! return string representing current time given format
- box_month(dat,CALEN) ! print specified month into character array
- sec2days(seconds) result (DHMS) ! converts seconds to string D-HH:MM:SS
- days2sec(str) result (SECONDS) ! converts strings like "D-HH:MM:SS" or "4 days 2 hrs" to seconds
- mo2v(month_name) result (MONTH_NUMBER) ! given month name return month number
- v2mo(month_number) result (MONTH_NAME) ! given month number return month name
- mo2d(month_name) result (DAT) ! given month name and year return date array for 1st day of month
- easter(year,dat) ! calculate month and day Easter falls on for given year
- moon_fullness(datin) result(FULLNESS) ! percentage of moon phase from new to full
- phase_of_moon(datin) result(PHASE) ! return name for phase of moon for given date
- guessdate(anot,dat) ! Converts a date string to a date array, in various formats
integer,parameter,public :: realtime=kind(0.0d0) ! type for unix epoch time and julian days
real(kind=realtime),public,parameter :: dt_minute=60.0_dp ! one minute in seconds
real(kind=realtime),public,parameter :: dt_hour=3600.0_dp ! one hour in seconds
real(kind=realtime),public,parameter :: dt_day=86400.0_dp ! 24:00:00 hours in seconds
real(kind=realtime),public,parameter :: dt_week=dt_day*7.0_dp ! one week in seconds
A simple program that formats the current time as desired, and displays the built-in help text for the formatting options is as simple as
program demo_now
use M_time, only : now
implicit none
write(*,*)now("The current date is %w, %l %d, %Y %H:%m:%s %N") ! % macros
write(*,*)now("year-month-day") ! or, if macros not found then keywords
write(*,*)now("Y-M-D h:m:s") ! and if that is not found, abbreviations
call locale('french')
write(*,*)now("%W, %L %D, %Y %h:%m:%s ")
call locale('slovak')
write(*,*)now("%W, %L %D, %Y %h:%m:%s ")
call locale('spanish')
write(*,*)now("%W, %L %D, %Y %h:%m:%s ")
end program demo_now
The current date is Wed, Feb 5th, 2025 8:57:07 AM
2025-02-05 08:57:07
mercredi, février 05, 2025 08:57:07
streda, február 05, 2025 08:57:07
miércoles, febrero 05, 2025 08:57:07
A built-in description of the macro and keyword substitution rules can be called to easily add the information to program help messages and documentation.
program builtin_macrohelp
use M_time, only : fmtdate_usage
implicit none
! built-in usage descriptions can be displayed as well
call fmtdate_usage() ! see all formatting options
end program builtin_macrohelp
Description Example
Base time array:
1) %Y | year, yyyy 2025
2) %M | month of year, 01 to 12 02
3) %D | day of month, 01 to 31 19
%d | day of month with suffix (1st,2nd,...) 19th
%K | day of month in English (eg. first) 757554556
4) %Z | minutes from UTC -0300m
%z | -+hh:mm from UTC -05:00
%T | -+hhmm from UTC -0500
5) %h | hours, 00 to 23 16
%H | hour (1 to 12, or twelve-hour clock) 4
%N | midnight<AM<=noon; noon<=PM<midnight PM
6) %m | minutes, 00 to 59 41
7) %s | sec, 00 to 59 53
8) %x | milliseconds 000 to 999 150
%E | Unix Epoch time 1740001313.1499977
%e | integer value of Unix Epoch time 1740001313
%F | Modified Julian date 60725.904087384231
%f | integer value of Modified Julian Date 60725
%G | Baseday and Seconds (60725,78113.151003420353)
%g | Baseday seconds 78113.151003420353
%J | Julian date 2460726.4040873959
%j | integer Julian Date(Julian Day) 2460726
%O | Ordinal day (day of year) 050
%o | Whole days since Unix Epoch date 20138
%U | day of week, 1..7 Sunday=1 4
%u | day of week, 1..7 Monday=1 3
%i | ISO week of year 1..53 8
%I | iso-8601 week with weekday: yyyy-Www-d 2025-W08-3
%l | abbreviated month name Feb
%L | full month name February
%w | first three characters of weekday Wed
%W | weekday name Wednesday
%p | phase of moon Last quarter
%P | percent of way from new to full moon -54%
%X | day of the month in English nineteenth
%% | a literal % %
%t | tab character
%b | blank character
%B | exclamation(bang) character !
%n | new line (system dependent)
%q | single quote (apostrophe) '
%Q | double quote "
%a | Time since now as d-hh:mm:ss 0-00:00:00
%A | Time since now as seconds 0.0000000000000000
Program timing:
%c | CPU_TIME(3f) output 0.45703999999999995E-1
%C | number of times this routine is used 1
%S | seconds since last use of this format 0.0000000000000000
%k | time in seconds from SYSTEM_CLOCK(3f) 757554.562
%K | time in clicks from SYSTEM_CLOCK(3f) 757554565
%? | call fmtdate_usage()
If no percent (%) is found in the format one of several
alternate substitutions occurs.
If the format is composed entirely of one of the following
keywords the following substitutions occur:
iso ==> %Y-%M-%DT%h:%m:%s%z ==> 2025-02-19T16:41:53-05:00
isoweek ==> %I ==> 2025-W08-3
sql ==> %Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s.%x ==> 2025-02-19 16:41:53.158
sqlday ==> %Y-%M-%D ==> 2025-02-19
sqltime ==> %h:%m:%s.%x ==> 16:41:53.159
dash ==> %Y-%M-%D ==> 2025-02-19
rfc-2822 ==> %w, %D %l %Y %h:%m:%s %T
Wed, 19 Feb 2025 16:41:53 -0500
rfc-3339 ==> %Y-%M-%DT%h:%m:%s%z ==> 2025-02-19T16:41:53-05:00
date ==> %w %l %D %h:%m:%s UTC%z %Y
Wed Feb 19 16:41:53 UTC-05:00 2025
short ==> %w, %l %d, %Y %H:%m:%s %N UTC%z
Wed, Feb 19th, 2025 4:41:53 PM UTC-05:00
long," " ==> %W, %L %d, %Y %H:%m:%s %N UTC%z
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 4:41:53 PM UTC-05:00
suffix ==> %Y%D%M%h%m%s ==> 20251902164153
formal ==> The %d of %L %Y ==> The 19th of February 2025
lord ==> the %d day of %L in the year of our Lord %Y
the 19th day of February in the year of our Lord 2025
Easter day: the %d day of %L in the year of our Lord %Y
usage|help|? ==> call fmtdate_usage
otherwise the following words are replaced with the most
common macros:
year %Y 2025
month %M 02
day %D 19
timezone %z -05:00
hour %h 16
minute %m 41
second %s 53
millisecond %x 164
epoch %e 1740001313
julian %j 2460726
ordinal %O 050
weekday %u 3
longmonth|MONTH %L February
shortmonth|Month|Mth %l Feb
shortday|DAY %d 19th
longday %X nineteenth
goodhour|HOUR %H 4
shortweekday|Weekday|wkday %w Wed
longweekday|WEEKDAY %W Wednesday
Timezone %Z -0300m
TIMEZONE %z -05:00
age %a 0-00:00:00
AGE %A 0.0000000000000000
If none of these keywords are found then every letter that is a macro is assumed to have an implied percent in front of it. For example:
YMDhms ==> %Y%M%D%h%m%s ==> 20250219164153
BOOK_M_time is a consolidated single-page version of the man-pages for ease in printing and searching(
requires javascript
) -
Furthermore there are actual man-pages that can be installed on ULS (Unix-Like Systems):
- archive files containing released versions in tar(1) and zip(1) format.
To build the modules download the github repository, enter the src/ directory and run make(1):
git clone https://github.com/urbanjost/M_time.git
cd M_time/src
make clean
# change Makefile if not using one of the listed compilers
# COMPILER_NAME={ifort, nvfortran, or gfortran}
# optionally
make help # see other developer options
make run # run all the demo programs from the man-pages
This will compile the M_time module and optionally build all the example programs from the document pages (in the example/ sub-directory) and run the unit tests.
To download the github repository and build and test it with fpm :
git clone https://github.com/urbanjost/M_time.git
cd M_time
# on MSWindows:
fpm test -flag "-D _WIN32"
# on other platforms
fpm test
or just list it as a dependency in your fpm.toml project file.
M_time = { git = "https://github.com/urbanjost/M_time.git" }
Each man-page contains a small sample program that has been extracted and placed in the example/ directory. The small example programs demonstrate how easily you can generate a variety of output formats:
Sun, Jan 5th, 2020 10:48:33 AM UTC-05:00
Sunday, January 5th, 2020 10:48:53 AM UTC-05:00
January 2020
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Julian Date is 2458854.1545532290
Unix Epoch time is 1578238955.5700049
ISO-8601 Week: 2020-W01-7
Day of year is: 5
for year 2020 days in year is: 366
weekday=7 day=Sunday
Easter day: the 12th day of April in the year of our Lord 2020
In particular, the example program "now" easily lets you try out various options. With no options it displays allowed formats. For example:
./now year month day
./now 'julian epoch ordinal'
./now 'The year is %Y and the month is %M (%L) %h:%m:%s'
./now formal
2458854 1578240100 005
The year is 2020 and the month is 01 (January) 11:01:39
The 5th of January 2020
A "date_and_time" array "DAT" has the same format as the array of values generated by the Fortran intrinsic DATE_AND_TIME(3f). That is, it is an 8-element integer array containing year, month, day, Time zone difference from UTC in minutes, hour, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds of the second. This array represents a date on the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar.
The Proleptic Gregorian Calendar assumes the Gregorian Calendar existed back to the beginning of the Julian Day calendar (4713 BC). This means historic dates will often be confused, as the Julian Calendar was used in the USA until 1752-09-03, for example. The Gregorian Calendar was formally decreed on 1582-10-15 but was not adapted in many countries. The Julian Calendar was first used around 45 BC. Note that the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar includes a year zero (0). It is frequently used in computer software to simplify the handling of older dates. For example, it is the calendar used by MySQL, SQLite, PHP, CIM, Delphi, Python and COBOL. The Proleptic Gregorian Calendar is explicitly required for all dates before 1582 by ISO 8601:2004 (clause The Gregorian calendar) if the partners to information exchange agree.
Unix Epoch Time (UET) is defined as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 on January 1st. 1970, UTC.
A JD is defined as a Julian Date. JD days start at noon (not at midnight). 4713-01-01 BC at noon is defined as JD 0.0.
If you are not familiar with them, in this context Julian Dates and Unix Epoch Times are scalar numbers that allow for easy computations using dates (to go back one day just subtract one from a Julian Date, for example). Since these values are generally not considered intelligible, routines are included to convert between these scalar values and the date array so human-readable results can be obtained.
Modified Julian Date (MJD) measures days (and fractional days) since the start of 17 Nov 1858 CE in Universal Time (UTC). Julian Date (JD) measures days (and fractional days) since noon on 1 January, 4713 BCE in Universal Time (UTC).
Modified Julian Date (MJD) = Julian Date (JD) - 2400000.5
Baseday and Seconds (BAS) dates are an alternate form of the MJD (Modified Julian Date) where the date is stored as a structure named "BAStime", containing the number of days since the beginning of the MJD Epoch and a double representing the seconds offset from the start of this day.
type BAStime
integer :: base_day ! number of days since the MJD Epoch date
real(kind=real64) :: secs ! seconds from start of base_day
end type BAStime
This allows for storing a date at a higher precision that the other formats used by the library, although sometimes that lower precision is limited primarily by the definition (ie. the milliseconds in a DAT could be smaller units).
BAS (and MJD) starts at midnight (00:00:00) so truncating the fractional component of BAS always gives the same Civil Calendar day whatever the time of day (unlike JD).
The seconds offset may take any double-precision value, so that any date/time may be expressed in terms of an offset from the same MJD day. The seconds field thus may exceed a single day, and may also be negative. Note that in floating-point math larger numbers will have a wider spacing between representable values, possibly decreasing the precision of results.
Coordinated Universal Time (French: Temps universel coordonn'�e), abbreviated as UTC, is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time at 0o longitude;[1] it does not observe daylight saving time. It is one of several closely related successors to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For most purposes, UTC is considered interchangeable with GMT, but GMT is no longer precisely defined by the scientific community.
Like most collections of date and time procedures M_time is not a high- precision library that accounts internally for leap seconds and relativistic effects.
M_time(3f) is intended for use in the recent era and is not appropriate for use with historical dates that used some other calendar scheme such as the Julian Calendar. That is, you have to remember to account for conversions to other calendar systems when using historical dates.
When Daylight Savings is in effect calculations will generally be correct, as the date model includes a timezone value; but you are responsible for ensuring dates you create use the correct timezone value or otherwise account for Daylight Savings Time as needed.
Currently, dates are manipulated using the current system timezone, which can typically be set using the environment variable TZ. So if you desire to set the default timezone you generally set the environment variable before executing your program. This is compatible with current observed behavior for the intrinsic procedure DATE_AND_TIME(3f) with compilers I have tested with, but does not seem to be a specified behavior as far as the standard is concerned. That is, DATE_AND_TIME(3f) returns a vector that contains a current time zone, but does not specify how a current time zone can be explicitly set. Since this library is intentionally designed to complement DATE_AND_TIME(3f) it adopts the same behavior.
The ISO-8601 standard is often used for business-related transactions.
There are (of course) the C/C++ intrinsics which provide much of the same functionality that should be bindable to Fortran via the ISO_C_BINDING module.
If you are looking for a high-precision Fortran library that is well tested for manipulating dates I would suggest looking at the NASA SPICElib library. If you care about Leap Seconds, Orbital Mechanics, GPS/Satellite communications, and Astronomy it is worth a look.
The Fortran Wiki fortranwiki.org contains information on other libraries and modules that provide date-time procedures.