Cinema Booking App using Flutter
Cinema booking app is a flutter/firebase system that enables the customers to navigate through movies and book their favorite seats. It also enables the vendors to add the available movies in the application and track the booked seats.
this project is built by @usef, @ahmedAshrefsw and @ku
- Vendor Can see the All Movies recorded in the system once he opens the App
- Vendor can navigate to Movie Detail for any of the recorded movies from All Movies Screen
- Vendor can see Movie Image and Movie Name in the All Movies Screen.
- Vendor can see Movie Name, Image, Time, Description, date, and booked seats in Movie Detail Screen
- Vendor can Add New movies to the system from All Movies Screen.
- Vendor Should Add all the Movie details data into the Add Movie form
- Vendor can delete any movie in the system from movie details Screen
- User should Register the first time using the app to access it.
- User Can register with valid email and password
- User gets redirected to the main all movies screen after successfully registered.
- Validation and error messages are required on the register/login phase
- User can Navigate into Movie Details Screen and see Movie Details with the available seats.
- User can select the favorite wished seats and book it
- the booked seats from the logged user should appear in a different color than the existing booked seats.
Welcome Screen v0.1 login Screen v0.1 allMovies Screen v0.1 lmovedetail-pt1 Screen v0.1 lmovedetail-pt2 Screen v0.1 -
Vendor add Movie Screen v0.1 Vendor AddMocie Screen v0.1