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update build lists

update build lists #4

Workflow file for this run

name: Lagoon Image Build
- 'testing-docker_buildx'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
- image_name: commons
context: images/commons
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- image_name: nginx
context: images/nginx
dockerfile: Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: nginx-drupal
context: images/nginx-drupal
dockerfile: Dockerfile
requires: nginx
- image_name: mariadb-10.4
context: images/mariadb
dockerfile: 10.4.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: mariadb-10.4-drupal
context: images/mariadb-drupal
dockerfile: 10.4.Dockerfile
requires: mariadb-10.4
- image_name: mariadb-10.5
context: images/mariadb
dockerfile: 10.5.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: mariadb-10.5-drupal
context: images/mariadb-drupal
dockerfile: 10.5.Dockerfile
requires: mariadb-10.5
- image_name: mariadb-10.6
context: images/mariadb
dockerfile: 10.6.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: mariadb-10.6-drupal
context: images/mariadb-drupal
dockerfile: 10.6.Dockerfile
requires: mariadb-10.11
- image_name: mariadb-10.11
context: images/mariadb
dockerfile: 10.11.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: mariadb-10.11-drupal
context: images/mariadb-drupal
dockerfile: 10.11.Dockerfile
requires: mariadb-10.11
- image_name: mongo-4
context: images/mongo
dockerfile: 4.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: node-18
context: images/node
dockerfile: 18.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: node-18-builder
context: images/node-builder
dockerfile: 18.Dockerfile
requires: node-18
- image_name: node-18-cli
context: images/node-cli
dockerfile: 18.Dockerfile
requires: node-18
- image_name: node-20
context: images/node
dockerfile: 20.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: node-20-builder
context: images/node-builder
dockerfile: 20.Dockerfile
requires: node-20
- image_name: node-20-cli
context: images/node-cli
dockerfile: 20.Dockerfile
requires: node-20
- image_name: opensearch-2
context: images/opensearch
dockerfile: 2.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: php-8.0-fpm
context: images/php-fpm
dockerfile: 8.0.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: php-8.0-cli
context: images/php-cli
dockerfile: 8.0.Dockerfile
requires: php-8.0-fpm
- image_name: php-8.0-cli-drupal
context: images/php-cli-drupal
dockerfile: 8.0.Dockerfile
requires: php-8.0-cli
- image_name: php-8.1-fpm
context: images/php-fpm
dockerfile: 8.1.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: php-8.1-cli
context: images/php-cli
dockerfile: 8.1.Dockerfile
requires: php-8.1-fpm
- image_name: php-8.1-cli-drupal
context: images/php-cli-drupal
dockerfile: 8.1.Dockerfile
requires: php-8.1-cli
- image_name: php-8.2-fpm
context: images/php-fpm
dockerfile: 8.2.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: php-8.2-cli
context: images/php-cli
dockerfile: 8.2.Dockerfile
requires: php-8.2-fpm
- image_name: php-8.2-cli-drupal
context: images/php-cli-drupal
dockerfile: 8.2.Dockerfile
requires: php-8.2-cli
- image_name: postgres-11
context: images/postgres
dockerfile: 11.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: postgres-11-drupal
context: images/postgres-drupal
dockerfile: 11.Dockerfile
requires: postgres-11
- image_name: postgres-11-ckan
context: images/postgres-ckan
dockerfile: 11.Dockerfile
requires: postgres-11
- image_name: postgres-12
context: images/postgres
dockerfile: 12.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: postgres-12-drupal
context: images/postgres-drupal
dockerfile: 12.Dockerfile
requires: postgres-12
- image_name: postgres-13
context: images/postgres
dockerfile: 13.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: postgres-13-drupal
context: images/postgres-drupal
dockerfile: 13.Dockerfile
requires: postgres-13
- image_name: postgres-14
context: images/postgres
dockerfile: 14.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: postgres-14-drupal
context: images/postgres-drupal
dockerfile: 14.Dockerfile
requires: postgres-14
- image_name: postgres-15
context: images/postgres
dockerfile: 15.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: postgres-15-drupal
context: images/postgres-drupal
dockerfile: 15.Dockerfile
requires: postgres-15
- image_name: postgres-16
context: images/postgres
dockerfile: 16.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: postgres-16-drupal
context: images/postgres-drupal
dockerfile: 16.Dockerfile
requires: postgres-16
- image_name: python-3.8
context: images/python
dockerfile: 3.8.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: python-3.9
context: images/python
dockerfile: 3.9.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: python-3.10
context: images/python
dockerfile: 3.10.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: python-3.11
context: images/python
dockerfile: 3.11.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: python-3.12
context: images/python
dockerfile: 3.12.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: rabbitmq
context: images/rabbitmq
dockerfile: Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: rabbitmq-cluster
context: images/rabbitmq-cluster
dockerfile: Dockerfile
requires: rabbitmq
- image_name: redis-6
context: images/redis
dockerfile: 6.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: redis-6-persistent
context: images/redis-persistent
dockerfile: 6.Dockerfile
requires: redis-6
- image_name: redis-7
context: images/redis
dockerfile: 7.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: redis-7-persistent
context: images/redis-persistent
dockerfile: 7.Dockerfile
requires: redis-7
- image_name: ruby-3.0
context: images/ruby
dockerfile: 3.0.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: ruby-3.1
context: images/ruby
dockerfile: 3.1.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: ruby-3.2
context: images/ruby
dockerfile: 3.2.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: solr-7
context: images/solr
dockerfile: 7.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: solr-7-drupal
context: images/solr-drupal
dockerfile: 7.Dockerfile
requires: solr-7
- image_name: solr-8
context: images/solr
dockerfile: 8.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: solr-8-drupal
context: images/solr-drupal
dockerfile: 8.Dockerfile
requires: solr-8
- image_name: varnish-6
context: images/varnish
dockerfile: 6.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: varnish-6-drupal
context: images/varnish-drupal
dockerfile: 6.Dockerfile
requires: varnish-6
- image_name: varnish-6-persistent
context: images/varnish-persistent
dockerfile: 6.Dockerfile
requires: varnish-6
- image_name: varnish-6-persistent-drupal
context: images/varnish-persistent-drupal
dockerfile: 6.Dockerfile
requires: varnish-6-drupal
- image_name: varnish-7
context: images/varnish
dockerfile: 7.Dockerfile
requires: commons
- image_name: varnish-7-drupal
context: images/varnish-drupal
dockerfile: 7.Dockerfile
requires: varnish-7
- image_name: varnish-7-persistent
context: images/varnish-persistent
dockerfile: 7.Dockerfile
requires: varnish-7
- image_name: varnish-7-persistent-drupal
context: images/varnish-persistent-drupal
dockerfile: 7.Dockerfile
requires: varnish-7-drupal
name: Wait for commons upstream
if: ${{ matrix.requires == 'commons' }}
run: sleep 60s
shell: bash
name: Wait for non-commons upstream
if: ${{ matrix.image_name != 'commons' && matrix.requires != 'commons' }}
run: sleep 180s
shell: bash
name: Wait for dependent builds to succeed
if: ${{ matrix.requires }}
uses: lewagon/[email protected]
ref: ${{ github.ref }}
check-regexp: 'build \(${{ matrix.requires }},.?'
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
wait-interval: 60
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
name: Docker meta
id: meta
uses: docker/metadata-action@v3
# list of Docker images to use as base name for tags
images: |${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ matrix.image_name }}
labels: |
org.opencontainers.image.authors=The Lagoon Authors
org.opencontainers.image.description=${{ matrix.image_name }} image built for Lagoon
org.opencontainers.image.source=${{ github.repository_owner }}/lagoon-images/tree/${{ github.ref_name }}/${{ matrix.context }}/${{ matrix.dockerfile }}
org.opencontainers.image.title=${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ matrix.image_name }}
tags: |
name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3
name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
# -
# name: Login to DockerHub
# uses: docker/login-action@v3
# with:
# username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
# password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
name: Login to GHCR
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: ${{ matrix.context }}
file: ${{ matrix.context }}/${{ matrix.dockerfile }}
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
push: true
tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
cache-from: |
type=registry,${{ matrix.image_name }}:main
type=registry,${{ matrix.image_name }}:${{ github.ref_name }}
build-args: |${{ github.repository_owner }}
IMAGE_TAG=${{ github.ref_name }}
# -
# uses: anchore/sbom-action@v0
# with:
# image:${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ matrix.image_name }}:${{ github.ref_name }}
# artifact-name: ${{ matrix.image_name }}.cyclonedx
# format: cyclonedx
# -
# name: view SBOM
# run: |
# cat /tmp/sbom-action-*/${{ matrix.image_name }}.cyclonedx
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
working-directory: ./tests
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: uselagoon/lagoon-examples
path: tests
name: Add additional tests
run: |
git submodule add -b php74 drupal9-postgres-php74
git submodule add -b php81 drupal9-base-php81
name: Update git submodules
run: |
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init
name: Use built images to test
run: |
grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/^FROM/ s#latest#${{ github.ref_name }}#'
grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/^FROM/${{ github.repository_owner }}#'
grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/image:/ s#latest#${{ github.ref_name }}#'
grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/image:/${{ github.repository_owner }}#'
find . -maxdepth 2 -name docker-compose.yml | xargs sed -i -e '/###/d'
name: check replacements
run: |
find . -maxdepth 2 -name docker-compose.yml | xargs grep image:
find . -maxdepth 3 -name *.dockerfile | xargs grep ^FROM
name: Install test harness
run: |
yarn install
name: Generate test files
run: |
yarn generate-tests
name: Run docker-compose tests
run: |
yarn test:dockercompose
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
working-directory: ./tests
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: uselagoon/lagoon-examples
path: tests
name: Add additional tests
run: |
mkdir -p ./all-images && cp ../helpers/docker-compose.yml ./all-images/ && cp ../helpers/ ./all-images/
name: Use built images to test
run: |
grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/image:/ s#latest#${{ github.ref_name }}#'
grep -rl uselagoon . | xargs sed -i '/image:/${{ github.repository_owner }}#'
find . -maxdepth 2 -name docker-compose.yml | xargs sed -i -e '/###/d'
name: check replacements
run: |
find . -maxdepth 2 -name docker-compose.yml | xargs cat
name: check dc builds
run: |
cd ./all-images
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs
name: Install test harness
run: |
yarn install
name: Generate test files
run: |
yarn generate-tests
name: Run docker-compose tests
run: |
yarn test:dockercompose