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Universal Web Editor

Repositories must be siblings, for example:

├── app
├── blueprints
├── community
├── documentation
├── editor
├── integrations
├── library
├── plugins
├── registry
├── releases
├── sites
├── syntax
└── syntax-compiler


Assuming SSL certificates for localhost are enabled, first start the editor web server in debug mode:

UWE_WEBSOCKET_URL=wss://localhost:8843 cargo run -- dev --headless --exec ../editor

Then open the editor window:

cargo run -- editor

Name Servers

To transfer a domain to our managed hosting service customers should update the name servers for the domain name with their registrar to these values:

Some registrars may require a fully qualified name using a trailing period, eg: others prefer it without the trailing period - it depends on the registrar.

Until the customer-facing service is deployed we can create all the resources necessary for hosting using the private web-host executable.

The credentials (<credentials>) used in the web-host command examples should have full access to ACM, S3, Cloudfront and Route53.

To verify the name servers for a domain name have been configured and propagated run:

web-host ensure domain <domain-name>

An example using an IDNA internationalized domain name:

web-host ensure domain exä

After the name servers for the domain have propagated follow the instructions in Web Host to create all the resources to host the domain name.

Web Host

Web hosts follow best practices for performance and security:

  • Use a global CDN for edge locations near to clients
  • Automatic compression for better response times
  • Always use HTTPS for more secure file transfers

To setup all the resources for a host create a configuration file like this one (

domain-name = ""
bucket-name = ""
region = ["ap-southeast-1"]
redirect-bucket-name = ""
subject-alternative-names = ["*"]

Then run the command:

web-host ensure website --credentials=<credentials>

Creating a web host will:

  • Verify name servers have propagated
  • Create a hosted zone for the domain name
  • Create an SSL certificate for the domain name and all sub-domains
  • Create a bucket for the website files
  • Create a bucket for the www redirect
  • Create a CDN using the SSL certificate
  • Configure the DNS records for the CDN
  • Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS
  • Configure the DNS for the www redirect

For fine-grained control of resources see the next section.


It is recommended to use the ensure command whenever possible but sometimes it may be necessary to manage resources individually.

Replace <credentials> with the identifier of the AWS credentials and <region> with the target region, eg: ap-southeast-1. Replace all instances of with the domain name that is being hosted.

The output of these commands will include identifiers for the created resources that you can take note of or find them later in the AWS console.

Create or update a Hosted Zone

Create a hosted zone so that we can manage the DNS for the domain name:

web-host dns zone \
  --credentials=<credentials> \
  upsert \

Take note of the hosted zone identifier which will be used later to update the DNS records.

Create an SSL certificate

Create an SSL certificate for the domain name and all sub-domains; certificates are created in the US East (N Virginia) region which is required for usage with Cloudfront.

  • <zone-id> The identifier for the Route53 hosted zone (eg: Z0401662281B83ZUV01IN).

After a certificate is created poll for the DNS records which can be used to authenticate domain ownership and automatically add them to the hosted zone created in the previous step (<zone-id>).

Once the DNS records for proving domain ownership have been added monitor the certificate status waiting for a SUCCESS status to indicate that the SSL certificate has been issued and can be used. The timeout for monitoring certificate status is 5 minutes by default use the --timeout option if necessary.

web-host cert issue \
  --credentials=<credentials> \
  --zone-id=<zone-id> \
  --alternative-name="*" \
  --monitor \

Note the wildcard sub-domain * is quoted so the shell does not treat it as a glob pattern.

Create a Bucket

Create a bucket called

web-host bucket up \
  --credentials=<credentials> \
  --region=<region> \

Create a Redirect Bucket

This redirects all requests from bucket to the domain name:

web-host bucket up \
  --credentials=<credentials> \
  --region=<region> \ \

Take a note of the domain name for the endpoint so we can configure a CNAME record later, eg: - the actual value for the endpoint will vary by region.

Create a CDN

Create a content distribution network:

  • <acm-certificate-arn> The SSL certificate ARN created in ACM (eg: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:077333142038:certificate/0e3e9184-ca15-42b7-9b3d-4591487d3b30). The certificate must include the domain name
  • <s3-bucket-endpoint> The S3 bucket endpoint returned when the bucket was created, should include a leading http:// scheme (eg:
web-host cdn upsert \
  <s3-bucket-endpoint> \
  --credentials=<credentials> \
  --origin-id=example-com \ \
  --protocol-policy=redirect-to-https \

Create the DNS Record(s)

Create the DNS alias record for the hosted zone pointing to the cloudfront distribution domain name:

  • <zone-id> The identifier for the Route53 hosted zone (eg: Z0401662281B83ZUV01IN).
  • <distribution-domain-name> The domain name for the cloudfront CDN distribution (eg:
web-host dns record \
  --zone-id=<zone-id> \
  --credentials=<credentials> \
  upsert \
  --cdn \
  --type=A \ \

The CDN was created with IPv6 enabled so we should also create an AAAA record for IPv6 support:

web-host dns record \
  --zone-id=<zone-id> \
  --credentials=<credentials> \
  upsert \
  --cdn \
  --type=AAAA \ \

Create the Redirect CNAME Record

So that all requests to are redirected to

  • <zone-id> The identifier for the Route53 hosted zone (eg: Z0401662281B83ZUV01IN).
  • <s3-website-domain-name> The domain name for the redirect bucket endpoint created earlier (eg:
web-host dns record \
  --zone-id=<zone-id> \
  --credentials=<credentials> \
  upsert \
  --type=CNAME \ \


You may need to wait a while depending upon the propagation status of the name servers and the status of the CDN, afterwards the hosting can be verified using dig and curl:

curl -L

Be sure to check the www redirects too.


A private executable release-manager performs all the steps for a release.

  1. Publish a new release: cargo run --bin=release-manager.
  2. Bump the version in Cargo.toml to prepare for the next release.

If you need them release-manager supports --force to force overwrite an existing version and --skip-build if you know that the release artifacts are up to date. If uploads succeed but the release fails afterwards --skip-upload can also be used. These flags are primarily used for testing and development purposes; for example if you encounter a network error after a build has succeeded you could use:

cargo run --bin=release-manager-- --force --skip-build

Be aware force overwriting can cause a checksum mismatch when Cloudfront serves a stale executable version so you should invalidate the Cloudfront distribution.


Multiple versions installed by uvm are accessed via the shim executable uwe-shim and upm-shim which are installed into the installation bin directory and determine the version to execute.

They search the current directory and parents for a .uwe-version files containing a valid semver which if present is used otherwise they defer to the default version (selected using uvm use).

Because uwe can also accept paths to projects other than the current working directory and the shim executables have no knowledge of these project path arguments; it must also check whether a switch is needed once it has received a project path. This incurs additional overhead so the search for local versions in this situation should only happen when the project path is not equal to the current working directory as we know that if the project path is the current working directory the shim should already have resolved any local version file.

Running uvm ls should also mark an installation as comming from a version file; it can call release::find_local_version() to try to find a local file.


To remove an installation run cargo run --bin=uvm -- uninstall.


To test an installation using the quick install script:

curl | sh


Plugin publishing is restricted to those that have access to the s3 bucket and the registry repository; to publish plugins during the alpha and beta phases certain environment variables need to be set:

export UPM_PUBLISH="$HOME/path/to/registry/folder"
export UPM_PUBLISH_REPO="$HOME/path/to/repo"
export UPM_PUBLISH_REGION="ap-southeast-1"

It is required to set the pushurl and push refspec:

[remote "origin"]
  url = [email protected]:uwe-app/registry.git
  fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
  pushurl = [email protected]:uwe-app/registry.git
  push = refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main


For webview support install libwebkit2gtk:

sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev

Cross Compiling

MacOs minimum supported version: 10.10 (Yosemite). MacOs SDK version: 11.1

To cross-compile from Linux for MacOs the osxcross library is required and you must add the target/bin directory to your PATH; see .cargo/config and Makefile for more details on the required executables.

To setup osxcross for Linux follow these steps:

  1. Clone the osxcross repo
  2. Install all the system dependencies described in packaging on linux plus libbx2-dev which is required for xar to work
  3. Download the Xcode xip file, eg: Xcode_12.4.xip
  4. Generate the SDK according to the osxcross instructions (./tools/ Xcode_12.4.xip) - you will need a lot of free disc space!
  5. Move the generated tarball MacOSX11.1.sdk.tar.xz into the tarballs folder
  6. Build the SDK target UNATTENDED=yes ./
  7. Add the target/bin directory to PATH so the cross-compiler executables are available

Dynamic Libraries

Use objdump on Linux to view the linked .so files:

objdump -p target/debug/uwe

Use otool to show dynamically linked libraries for MacOs, eg:

x86_64-apple-darwin20.2-otool -L target/x86_64-apple-darwin/release/uwe

Install on Debian/Ubuntu from .deb file

sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0
sudo dpkg -i uwe_0.48.8_amd64.deb


This component is currently in limbo but may be restored in the future.

Name Server Details

  • Hosted Zone:
  • Hosted Zone ID: Z04911223AOWXLH2LXWQ8
  • Delegation Set ID: N02886841KKW7QD2MZLTC

To get the IP addresses for a name server run:

dig A +short
dig AAAA +short

  • 2600:9000:5302:2000::1

  • 2600:9000:5307:e000::1

  • 2600:9000:5301:fb00::1

  • 2600:9000:5305:ee00::1


Additional information some of which may be obsolete in NOTES.