- dual joystick tank drive with a exponential drive curve
- autonomous mode selection via lvgl gui
- intake control system
- pneumatic systems for mobile goal clamp and intake positioning
- temperature monitoring for drivetrain and intake motors
- reverse drive functionality
- match timer with controller rumble alert
- and many more driver convenience features
- drivetrain: 6 motors per side (66w)
- intake: 1 motor (11w)
- sensors:
- imu
- horizontal tracking wheel
- pneumatics:
- mobile goal clamp (large)
- intake piston (large)
- flash the program to your VEX V5 brain
- run the program
- use the lvgl gui on the brain screen to select autonomous mode
- in driver control:
- left/right joysticks control drivetrain
- r1/r2 buttons control intake
- l1 toggles mobile goal clamp
- l2 toggles intake position
- b button toggles reverse drive
- close side (default)
- far side
- skills
- off
This snippet showcases:
- Real-time match timer with controller feedback
- Advanced use of C++ chrono library for precise timing
- Motor temperature monitoring and averaging
- Dynamic LCD updates with formatted temperature data