A plugin for the Merb framework providing Localization (L10n) and Internationalization (i18n) support.
merb_global will have the following feature set:
support for model (content) localization
- by default, localization stored in the database
- with DataMapper (targeted 0.1)
- with ActiveRecord (targeted 0.2)
- with Sequel ORM
- and, with a choice of strategies in each case:
single-table (c.f. globalize RoR plugin)
|title |varchar(100)| |title_de|varchar(100)| |title_fr|varchar(100)|
joined-table for unlimited localizations (c.f. Symfony PHP)
- or, alternatively localizations can be stored outside of the domain model, UI Strings.
- by default, localization stored in the database
support for view (UI String) localization
choice of providers (po, yaml, database)
Merb::Plugins.config[:merb_global] = { #:message_provider => "po", # default :message_provider => 'yaml' #:message_provider => active_record #:message_provider => data_mapper #:message_provider => sequel }
for JRuby, wrapper allowing use of .properties files.
Extract, update for PO/POT files
Currency, Date and Language Helpers - stored either in the database, or for JRuby, wrappers around built-in functionality provided by java.util.Currency, java.util.Locale
support for localization of Merb generated code
support for non-English Inflectors.
REQUEST : Your development support is very much appreciated. Please contact us below if you're interested in lending a hand with the development of this project.
Performing a git clone on either of the following repositories will get you the latest source:
git clone git://github.com/myabc/merb_global.git
git clone git://gitorious.org/merb_global/mainline.git (on gitorious)
The following additional mirrors are available:
sudo gem install gettext
Installing MerbGlobal
rake gem
sudo gem install pkg/merb_global-0.0.1.gem
MerbGlobal is possible to configure with:
Merb::Plugins.config[:merb_global] = {
:message_provider => 'gettext'
in init.rb or using plugins.yml file:
:message_provider: gettext
Configuration options:
What message provider we want to use.
Values: gettext, yaml, sequel, active_record, data_mapper Default: gettext
What date provider we want to use.
Values: fork Default: fork
What numeric provider we want to use.
Values: fork Default: fork
Are we running merb-flat or normal merb?
Values: true/false Default: false
Define directory where translations are stored.
If :flat is set to true than MerbGlobal will search in #{Merb.root}+'locale'. If :flat is false than in #{Merb.root}+:localedir. When :flat is false and :localedir configuration is not defined the default will be #{Merb.root}+'app/locale'.
:gettext => :domain
Name of the text domain. Which is basically name of the GetText MO file without .mo extension.
Default: merbapp
##Configuration examples
Follwing configuraiton in plugins.yml:
:provider: gettext
:flat: false
:localedir: locale
:domain: messages
will make MerbGlobal to search translations in following places:
Where #{language} is string which defines language such as cs_CZ, en_GB or just cs, en.
No configuration will look at:
MerbGlobal is released under an MIT License. Copyright information, as well as a copy of the License may be found in the LICENSE file.
WARNING REPEATED : MerbGlobal at an early stage of its development. You should not use this code unless you're reasonably secure with both Ruby and Merb. That said, please do get involved!
Your best sources for support are currently the wiki, IRC or our mailing list:
- MerbGlobal Wiki: http://trac.ikonoklastik.com/merb_global/
- MerbGlobal mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/merb_global
- MerbGlobal homepage: coming soon
- Contact the developers directly:
- [email protected] | myabc on #datamapper, #merb IRC
- [email protected] | xmpp:[email protected]